One Down, Eight to Go

The List

    "Are you just getting in?" Yongguk shoved on his shoes in the entranceway of their shared apartment, looking up at the boy who had just walked in the door.
    Himchan stumbled through the door, leaning against the wall. His clothes hung, disheveled from his form, and he reeked of alcohol. He'd gone out with Yongguk last night and it seemed that now, at four in the morning, he was just returning.
    "Are you just leaving?" Himchan responded in kind, finding that Yongguk was fully dressed, again, at four in the morning, and knelt by the door putting on his shoes. 
    Yongguk just looked at the slightly drunken man. "I already told you I had things to do today."
    "What if you get caught?" Himchan asked, sitting down and attempting to pull off his own shoes. He messed with the knot, only succeeding in getting them even more tangled.
    Yongguk sighed, pushing Himchan's hands away. He started to untie his friend's shoes as they talked.
    "It's so early, we'll be able to sneak out just fine and when we get back, I'll take full it'll be fine." Yongguk told the other.
    "Maybe for him." Himchan responded, looking at Yongguk with a clear-headed and concerned expression. The younger boy reached up, brushing his fingers against Yongguk's cheek. "But what about you? You're breaking a lot of rules right now. What happens if they decide to throw you in jail?"
    "They won't." The words held a resolve that Yongguk didn't feel in the least. There was a big chance that doing this would probably land him in jail, but he didn't care. This was something that he could do, for Zelo. Obviously.
    Himchan sighed, smiling softly at his friend. "I like this, Yonggukie." He spoke after a while, the dazed and drunken expression returning to his face. Yongguk hoisted him up off the floor and pulled the younger back to his bedroom.
    "Like what?" He asked, sitting Himchan on the bed and tugging off his pants and shirt.
    "The way you are now." Himchan muttered. "You're all kind and caring. I haven't seen you like this since...well, since a long time. Remind me to thank Zelo for...for whatever he did to knock some sense into you."
    Yongguk chuckled, tugging the blankets up over Himchan. "Stop your crazy talk and get sober, Channie. I'll be back by nightfall."
    "Nighty, Gukkie Hyung." Himchan muttered, already halfway to sleep. Yongguk smiled, leaving the older man there and leaving the house.
    He went out to his car and gave it a once over, sighing deeply. The entire machine was a giant trash can. If Zelo was going to get into it, Yongguk would definitely have to clean it out. 
    He stopped by the dumpster on the way out of the lot, parking and opening the passenger side door. Most of the trash he threw out was old take out containers, the stray wrapper, and a few unpaid parking tickets. He even took an old rag and wiped down the seat, trying to remove as much of the grime as he could. 
    In the end, he grabbed a towel from the trunk and spread it over the seat, hoping that it would be good enough. Checking the time, he cursed at how late it was getting and drove as fast as he could to the hospital.
    He parked, sprayed some air freshener in the car, and dashed up the steps into the hospital. He took the stairs, not wanting  the noise of the elevator to alert anyone's attention. 
    Several nurses were wandering around, doing their rounds, and a few doctors, but none of them paid Yongguk any mind. He made his way up towards Zelo's room, making sure that the nurses on duty were all in the break room and no one was paying attention.
    Zelo's room was dark, completely silent. He walked in, using the light from his phone to find his way to Zelo's bed and flick on the lamp.
    Zelo scrunched his face, pulling the covers up to hide from the light, still asleep. Yongguk paused for a moment to watch him, a soft smile appearing on his face. 
    "Come on, cutie." He muttered after a while, shaking Zelo's shoulder gently. "Wake up."
    "Mmmphh..." Zelo grunted, rolling over.
    Yongguk tried again. "Zelo-ah...wake up, kiddo."
    "Hyung?" Zelo's tired, sleep-gravelled voice muttered as the lump on the bed started to move.
    He sat up, rubbing his eyes, and looking around the room. A confused expression filled his eyes when they landed on Yongguk, dressed in a light hoodie and some jeans.
    "Zelo, hurry and get dressed."  Yongguk told him. "I've got a surprise for you."
    "'s five in the morning." Zelo whined.
    Yongguk nodded, already tugging the blanket down, exposing Zelo's tank and boxers that he slept in. Zelo's face turned bright red, pulling the covers back up.
    "Arra, arra, hyung. I'll get dressed just..just go over there!" He whined, pointing to the corner of the room.
    Yongguk chuckled, ruffling Zelo's hair. "It's not like I haven't seen it anyway." Yongguk muttered, though he obeyed Zelo and went to stand on the other side of the room, facing the wall. "I've got the same stuff as you...only bigger."
    "Hyung!" Zelo hissed, and Yongguk couldn't see him, but he could picture the way Zelo's face would scrunch into an offended expression, turning red all the way to his ears.
    When Zelo finally told Yongguk he could turn around again, the younger boy was fully dressed. Jeans of the same brand Yongguk wore and a baggy baby blue tshirt, a white hoodie and a matching blue cap over his blonde curls. 
    Yongguk smiled. Seeing Zelo in normal clothes, though a very rare occurrence, always caused him to smile. He could almost forget that Zelo was sick when he looked so much like an ordinary kid. Though even without being sick, Yongguk thought to himself, Zelo would never be just an ordinary kid.
    "Come on." He whispered through his gummy smile, taking Zelo's hand and leading him out of the room.
    He looked both ways when he opened the door, shutting it quietly behind him and putting a finger to his mouth, motioning to Zelo to remain quiet.
    Zelo's eyes widened when he realized they were sneaking out, but he followed Yongguk wordlessly, obedient. They ducked down past the nurse's desk and around to the stair well.
    Once the door shut, Yongguk gripped Zelo's hand again and tugged him. "Quickly!" He urged and the two began to run down the stairs, taking two at a time.
    They were both laughing by the time the rushed out into the cool morning air, hand in hand.
    "That was awesome, Hyung!" Zelo laughed, allowing Yongguk to continue to pull him into the parking lot. "That was so much fun! But hyung...where are we going?"
    Yongguk just smiled at Zelo, opening the car door for him. "Get in and I'll show you."
    Zelo smiled, even as he got into the dirty car and turned his nose up at the slightly bitter smell. Yongguk slid into the driver's seat and started the engine.
    "I know it's a bit crappy, but it gets me where I need to go." He told Zelo about the car, patting the dash before driving out of the parking lot.
    "I think it's amazing." Zelo told him, smile on his face. Yongguk returned the smile.
    They sat in silence for a while like that, comfortably. Zelo rolled down the window and rested his head against it, feeling the air rush by his face. His hat sat in his lap and his hair danced wildly in the wind. Yongguk had to remind himself a few times to watch  the road instead of the boy. 
    Zelo played with the radio for a while, as they passed through the city, heading out towards the country. Zelo hadn't asked again where they were going since Yongguk told him to let it be a surprise.
    With the radio playing an unfamiliar song in the background, Yongguk finally spoke. "Tell me about your family."
    Zelo glanced at him, rolling up the window. He pulled his knees up to his chest, feet resting on the dashboard. "My family?"
    "Yeah." Yongguk smiled a bit. "I want to knnow. I only know Daehyun, but what about your mom? Your dad?"
    Zelo gave a soft sigh. "Daehyun Hyung and I have different dads, actually. His dad left our mom when they found out she was pregnant with me...and my dad died shortly after she ended up alone."
    "Wow..." Yongguk muttered, surprised that a situation like that existed. 
    "What about your parents?" Zelo asked, watching Yongguk.
    Yongguk shrugged. "My dad and I don't really get along very well and my mom died about six years ago.."
    "Why not?" Zelo asked. "Your dad...I mean."
    Yongguk stopped at a red light and turned to look at Zelo. He his lip and watched the way Zelo just sat there, looking at him. He smiled.
    "My sister dances Broadway in America and my brother is about to graduate Law school. I've been in prison four times in two years..and  rehab twice."
    "Rehab?" Zelo's eyes widened at the confession, but then his face softened. "I'm glad, Hyung."
    "Huh?" Yongguk raised his eyebrow at Zelo, but couldn't look at him since the light had changed and he needed to drive again.
    Zelo laughed softly. "If you weren't in trouble all the time then I would have never met you."
    Yongguk chuckled as well. "That's true." He said, reaching over to ruffle Zelo's hair. "I'm glad I met you too."
    Zelo smiled, pulling Yongguk's hand from his hair and holding it out in front of him. He played with Yongguk's fingers for a while and the older man let him, smiling the whole while.
    Zelo finally released Yongguk's hand and the older placed it on the steering wheel, rubbing his fingers together where Zelo had been touching them, trying to replicate the warmth.
    The  tall buildings of the city faded behind them after a while and they rode with the windows down once more, music playing loudly. They both sang along with smiles on their faces, laughing at each other when they messed up the lines. Which, surprisingly, happened for Yongguk more than for Zelo.
    When they finally arrived at the place Yongguk had been taking him, the sun had risen in the sky enough to cast a blue and orange glow over everything. Yongguk took a deep breath.
    "Hyung!" Zelo squealed as the car pulled into a parking lot. "You brought me to the amusement park!"
    Yongguk chuckled, watching Zelo bounce around like an excited puppy until he parked the car and the two of them got out. Yongguk pocketed his keys and cell phone and pulled Zelo's hat off the seat.
    "I thought you would like to come to a place like this." Yongguk shoved the hat on Zelo's head with a smile. "Getting out of the hospital sometimes is good for you."
    Zelo's smile never faded and he leapt onto Yongguk,  wrapping his gangly arms around the older man. "Thank you so much, Hyung!"
    Yongguk laughed, pulling Zelo off him. He linked their hands together and lead Zelo towards the entrance. He paid for their tickets and they joined the line of people going into the park. It was still early and there weren't many people there yet. It was the perfect time to be there.
    Yongguk hadn't been to the amusement park since he was about twelve years old, but he was content to watch Zelo lead them around the entire park. They went on every single ride they walked past, whether they had to stand in line or not. 
    Yongguk bought them fried food on a stick for breakfast and laughed when Zelo dripped the sauce all down the front of his shirt. They went to the gift shop to buy him a new shirt.
    "Hyung! Let's get matching shirts!" Zelo's smile infected Yongguk as he saw the boy holding up a set of shirts, both blue, with the name of the amusement park and a picture of it's bunny mascot on the front.
    Yongguk finally agreed and they purchased the shirts, changing into them in the bathroom. Zelo grinned the entire time. Yongguk's face had even started to hurt from smiling so much. 
    As the day passed, and the lines got longer, and the sun got hotter, Zelo had become content to walk around and watch people play the booth games. 
    Yongguk was content to watch Zelo, noticing that Zelo seemed to be eyeing one of the stuffed toys. The younger boy chewed on his lip, watching the people play the game and looking at the toy. Yongguk sighed, patting Zelo's shoulder. 
    "Let's try playing?" He suggested.
    Zelo shook his head. "I'm not good at those types of games, Hyung."
    Yongguk shrugged. "Me either, but still. Let's try!"
    Zelo agreed and Yongguk paid the man. The point of the game was to use the little gun to shoot all of the moving bunnies, the more you shot, the bigger your prize. 
    Zelo went first, and shot down two of the six. His smile when he was given his prize melted Yongguk's heart. It was only a small keychain, but Zelo was so proud to have won it himself. Still, he continued to eye the large stuffed toy.
    Yongguk's turn came and he took a deep breath. He had always been a fairly good shot, but it had been a while since he'd actually done any target practice. With seven shots, the first missed. He re calibrated his aim and tried again. 
    "Wow, Hyung! You're so good!" Zelo cheered when he hit one, two in a row. 
    Three. Four. Five. 
    "We have a winner!" The game runner announced through his little P.A. system. Yongguk grinned and pointed at the prize he wanted, the giant stuffed bunny.
    "Zelo-ah!" Yongguk held out the bunny to the younger boy, gummy smile planted on his face. "I won this for you!"
    Zelo smiled for the millionth time that day, and for the millionth time, Yongguk's chest did flips at the sight. The younger took the bunny and examined it. A black bunny with a baby blue mask, one of the bunny mascots of the amusement park. He hugged it close to his chest for the rest of the day.
    "We should start heading back." Yongguk spoke sadly, swallowing a bite of the food on a stick he'd bought them for dinner. The sun had started to lower on the other side of the sky. They'd already spent nine or ten hours at the amusement park. "But first, there's one more ride I want to go on."
    Zelo nodded, a pout forming on his face that he hid with his bunny. Yongguk held out his hand to the younger boy. This made Zelo's smile return as he placed his hand into Yongguk's allowing the older to pull him into the line for their last ride.
    Zelo said nothing when he saw the ride, the giant Ferris wheel they stood in front of. His expression said it all, awe and happiness written on his face so brightly that Yongguk could feel it coming off him in waves.
    They were ushered into their cart alone. Yongguk slid in beside Zelo, wrapping his arm around the boy's shoulders.
    "Have you ever been on the Ferris Wheel before?" He asked Zelo, already knowing the answer.
    Zelo shook his head, squealing when the carriage started moving up. The entire thing swung back and forth and Zelo reached over to grab Yongguk by the arm.
    Yongguk chuckled softly, smiling the entire time. Zelo leaned over, looking out at the sunset from their position high up in the sky.
    "Hyung...It's so pretty." His voice lowered, in awe. "I can see everything from here. Isn't it beautiful?"
    Yongguk nodded, looking at Zelo. "It's absolutely beautiful." He responded.
    The ride back to the ground was spent in silence. The ride back to the hospital as well, no words were exchanged between the two. Zelo fell asleep in the car.
    Yongguk carried the sleeping boy into the hospital, taking him up the elevator. His smile didn't fade when he was finally seen by the nurses.
    She scrambled when she saw he was carrying Zelo, calling the doctor on the P.A.
    Yongguk got Zelo into his room and tucked him in by the time Doctor Kwon, flanked by Daehyun and Youngjae, finally arrived.
    "The were you thinking?!" Youngjae screamed at him, a fist flying towards Yongguk's face.
    He stumbled back against the door he'd just walked out of. Doctor Kwon looked at him, stern expression planted firmly on his face.
    "What were you thinking, Yongguk? What if something had happened to him?" The doctor asked, "He missed all of his tests today, we had no clue where he was until Himchan called Seunghyun! What do you have to say for yourself?!"
    Yongguk wiped the blood from his nose with the back of his hand. "He's fine. He's sleeping. He's safe. I took him to the amusement park, to ride the Ferris Wheel."
    At his words, Daehyun stepped back, his face flashing an expression of recognition. Yongguk noticed, meeting eyes with Daehyun. The younger boy nodded discreetly, then the doctor responded again.     
    "Do you know how irresponsible you were today?" He asked. "I could report you for this and have you thrown back in jail if I wanted to. I should do it, too." 
    "Ani." Daehyun spoke up, turning to look at the doctor. "Don't punish Yongguk Hyung." All three of the others looked at Daehyun with surprised expressions. "Zelo is fine. It wasn't right for Yongguk to take him away without warning anyone, but Zelo had a good time, right? And he's not hurt, and he can just do all his tests tomorrow. There's no need to send Yongguk to prison."
    The doctor sighed and shook his head. "Whatever," He threw his hands up. "You guys settle this between yourselves, but Yongguk, if you ever take him out of here without letting me know first, I will have to do something about it."
    Yongguk nodded. "I'll take full responsibility." He bowed his head ever so slightly. "I didn't think you'd let me take him, and Zelo really needed this."
    The doctor nodded. "See that it doesn't happen again."
    Youngjae watched, mouth agape, as the doctor walked off. He turned to look at Daehyun. "How are you okay with this?!"
    Daehyun looked at Youngjae, his expression fading. Yongguk recognized the expression, the hurt and the defeat. Daehyun blinked a few times and turned to look at Yongguk. 
    "We both know what you did." He told the other. "If you going to keep doing it, next time be more responsible."
    With those words, Daehyun walked off, giving Youngjae one more, defeated look.
    Youngjae stared at him until he was out of earshot, then Yongguk. "I don't get why they let you off so easily, but don't think I'll be that way."
    Yongguk shrugged. "I don't even care." 
    "You...what?" Youngjae's glare turned into a confused frown.
    Yongguk sighed, running a hand through his hair. His nose was starting to throb and his eyes had finally stopped watering. "I don't actually care what you think, if you haven't noticed yet. Your jealousy and disapproval isn't going to stop me. I'd say the only person you're hurting by being this way is yourself but..." Yongguk paused, looking at Daehyun's retreating back. "I don't think that's exactly true.."
    "The hell...What are you talking about?" Youngjae's frown deepened.
    Yongguk responded only by shaking his head and sighing, walking away. Youngjae followed him, however, repeating the question over and over until Yongguk stopped and him. 
    "Stop being so blind, Youngjae." He told the younger. "Look at the people around you and think about how your actions are affecting them. Stop being so selfish. How do you think you make Daehyun feel?" He paused here, debating with himself for a moment before speaking again. "All he wants is for his brother to be happy. Do you think Zelo is happy?"
    Youngjae stepped back, mouth dropping again, though no words came out as he floundered for something to say.
    "We're both his friends." Yongguk started speaking again. "Whether you like it or not, Zelo and I are friends. Do you think he's happy when his friends are fighting?"
    Youngjae's mouth shut, tightening into a thin line. "I...never thought about it like that."
    Yongguk sighed, dropping his shoulders. "For Zelo's sake, if nothing else, would you please stop punching me? Because for Zelo to be happy, I'm going to have to not break every bone in your body, and when you do stupid like punching me, it makes it very hard for me not to kill you."
    Youngjae's eyes widened, a tremor shot through his body. Yongguk gave the younger his best stare, the one that he gave to the people who bothered him, the ones he wanted to fear him. And though he really didn't have anything against Youngjae, Yongguk had begun to think that the only way to get Youngjae to not be a was to scare him.
    Youngjae bit his lip, then finally spoke. "Alright. Fine. I'll do it, for Zelo..."
    Yongguk sighed, nodding. He walked away, shaking his head softly. Youngjae was still young, he reminded himself. One day, the boy would learn, and then he would regret. Yongguk, himself, was proof of that. But now, Yongguk had a second chance. A second chance to do things right, to be there for Zelo like he hadn't been for his own mother.
    Yongguk pulled his phone from his pocket and opened his pictures. He looked at one of them and smiled. One item done, only eight more to go. 

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Chapter 32: This is so sad! TT </3
I'm just going through all my old subscriptions to find the stories, that really meant something to me. This was one of them. Not sure what I'm trying to say, but good job, author-nim.
Joycielein #3
Chapter 32: Btw: that" 10. LIVE " killed me
Joycielein #4
Chapter 32: You know what? Fck you!!! Why did you have to write this story? Why did you have to kill my Gukkie...? Why did this story have to be so beautifull? Why did I have to cry? Why did you make me and probably everyone who read this story cry? Huh? You moobster... you meanie... My heart hurts but i cant cry alot because im sitting next to my parents and how tf am i supposed to explain why i suddenly started crying? Huh? You... you... I hate u... no I dont but you are so evil.... i love the fact that you made Gukk and Himchan buddies.... why did he have to die that way? And Jongup? Poor guy .... Hung himself? You big fat meanie..... you are a great author.... I am so upvoting this and reading all your other ffs but i still hate you!
my favourite ff ever... im gonna read it again <3
zelosmile #6
Chapter 32: im bawling my eyes out. i rarely ever cry while reading fanfics but this one, this one was like a sword constantly stabbing my heart ;-; and when i read the list in the last chapter i cried even harder.
author-nim, this was wonderfully written. good job.
Chapter 32: So beautiful and so sad... i saw this end coming >_<
Chapter 32: One of the best stories I read. I cried so hard
notes_of_hell #9
Chapter 32: omg... i had to cry so hard
Chapter 32: I've been crying non stop since chapter 6, this is such a wonderful story. I can't even describe all the emotion it's made me feel. The ending ... wow, I really really did not see that coming. I was preparing myself for something totally different. During the last chapter I was sobbing so hard and trying not to throw up hahaha. Please continue to write, your work is beautiful.
During the banghim parts I found myself enjoying it even though that ship is my notp, your the first author to ever make me like them together!
Just I could go on forever about how amazing this story is.
Thank you so much for writing it.