The Last List

The List

  Crimson tinted the world around Yongguk, shimmering off his skin as he leaned back, smiling at the boy beside him. Zelo spoke animatedly about something, throwing his arms up and laughing as he spoke. Yongguk laughed with him, feet propped up on his bag.

“And then, the plate spattered all over the lady.” Zelo threw his hands up in the air so enthusiastically that he fell out of his own chair and straight onto his .

Yongguk laughed hard, leaning forward and holding his stomach. Zelo whined, pulling himself up and looking at Yongguk over the seat of his chair.

“It's not funny, Hyung.” Zelo pouted. “Don't laugh at me.”

Yongguk reached over, grabbing Zelo's hat like he enjoyed doing and tugged it on his own head. Zelo grumbled, climbing back in his own seat. He grabbed his own back and dug into it, fishing out a second hat and covering his newly growing hair with it.

Yongguk pouted. “Why do you keep putting on hats. I like you better without hats.”

Zelo blushed, though he continued to pout, tugging the hat further down on his head. “Because my head gets cold without hair on it.”

Yongguk chuckled. “Well, I like the way your hair looks.”

“What hair.” Zelo narrowed his eyes at Yongguk, playfully glaring at him.

Yongguk rolled his eyes and leaned forwards towards the heater, sticking his hands out. As the sun went down, the air around the two boys began to chill. The warm colors of the sky did nothing to warm their hands, but the heater worked miracles.

“Look at that, Hyung.” Zelo spoke, voice in awe. He pointed up at the sky, painted scarlet with streaks of purple and blue. Yongguk looked up and smiled, leaning back comfortably in the chair.

“It's the sunset, Zelo.” He spoke, amused.

“It's beautiful!” Zelo shot a glare at Yongguk before looking back up at the sky, the sun dropping below the line of the city.

Yongguk's smile softened, looking at Zelo. The warm glow of the sun highlighted the boy's soft, plae cheeks. His eyes glistened with wonder and excitement. He chewed his lip, trying to take in and memorize every color in the sky.

“Yeah.” Yongguk mumbled, eyes on Zelo. “Beautiful.”

Zelo turned, after the sun sank below the horizon and the fire in the sky had turned into a deep ocean of blue and stars. “Hyung...” He hesitated to speak. “You and Himchan...have you...I really know...with Himchan?”

Yongguk tilted up an eyebrow at the boy, his stomach doing knotts. “Yeah...why?”

Zelo shrugged, looking away from Yongguk before he continued to speak. “Just...curious.”

Yongguk chuckled, the sound awkward in the air. He looked down at his hands. “It wasn't...You know..It didn't mean anything.”

Zelo peeked up at Yongguk. “You do know he's in love with you, right?”

Yongguk's eyes widened as he looked up at Zelo. “How do you know that?”

Zelo chuckled softly, bringing his knees up to his chest and resting his chin on top, arms wrapped around himself. “So you do know then.”

“It's something he and I have already dealt with.” Yongguk couldn't help but get a bit defensive. “But how do you know?”

Zelo looked up at Yongguk, smiling softly. “I've seen the way he looks at you, Hyung. The way he talks to you. The way he is around you. It's the same as Youngjae used to be for me.” Zelo chuckled. “When it comes to secretly loving someone, I can't be fooled.”

The statement sent a ball of worry into Yongguk's throat. He couldn't help but wonder if it was a hint, if Zelo knew that Yongguk loved him. He shook his head at himself, knowing that it couldn't be possible. He had never done anything that would make Zelo think his feelings were more than brotherly.

“We've had it worked out for a very long time, Zelo.” Yongguk started speaking, moving closer to the heater as the temperature began to drop without the sun for warmth. “It's been...nine years now?” He muttered to himself before beginning to speak again.

Zelo rested his head comfortably on his knees, listening to Yongguk's story.

“Himchan confessed to me, a long time ago. We'd both just gotten out of relationships. We'd gotten drunk at a party. It was the first time we'd know...” A light blush painted his cheeks as he talked about it. “It was the next morning and we were just...laying there and he...he confessed. But I mean...I love Himchan, I really do. But just...not like that, you know?”

Yongguk waited for Zelo to nod in agreement, in understanding that Yongguk's feelings for Himchan were not romantic. He sighed, feeling sad at the story. “He didn't speak to me for a month after that. But he's my best friend and he couldn't hate me forever. Eventually, we talked about it. It wasn't perfect, but we dealt with it. Sometimes we would still sleep together, but he always knew before it happened that it didn't mean anything. He still chose to do it, though.”

“It didn't break his heart?” Zelo asked, absorbed into the story.

Yongguk shrugged. “Probably, I don't know. But it's what he wanted, and I couldn't deny him that. Never when we were dating someone, though.” Yongguk paused to add that part in. “We never slept together while either one of us was dating someone.”

Zelo nodded. “I can't say that I understand it.”

Yongguk nodded. “Who can ever say they understand Himchan, though.”

When the boy's chuckles died out, Zelo glanced out at the stars once more. Yongguk looked up as well, finding the star that he'd bought for Zelo.

“Did you ever write in the name for your star?” Yongguk asked.

Zelo shook his head. “I want the name to be perfect. I want it to mean something, but I can't think of the right thing.”

Yongguk smiled, reaching over to pet Zelo's hat. “You'll think of something, just take your time with it.”

“Can I tell you something, Hyung?” Zelo spoke suddenly, looking up so that Yongguk's hand fell away from his head. He looked at Yongguk with wide, serious eyes.

Yongguk nodded silently. Zelo bit his lip, looking at Yongguk, looking away, looking at Yongguk again.

“My list.” He started slowly, eyes dropping to his hands before looking up at Yongguk. “I know that you've been helping me to fulfiill the things on that list.”

Yongguk didn't know what to say. He leaned back and his lips. “Um...yeah...I mean, um...I saw it that one time...” He spoke softly. “I didn't mean to peek into your private stuff, but I saw it and I thought...I thought....If there was nothing else that I could do for you, at least I could help you do the things you wanted to do.”

“Like this camping trip.” Zelo smiled shyly.

Yongguk returned the smile and nodded. “Like this camping trip.”

Another small silence drifted between the two of them. Zelo moved closer to Yongguk, throwing the blanket he had wrapped around him around the older boy's shoulders as well. Yongguk smiled, snuggling up against Zelo, turning his hands in front of the heater.

“Thank you.” Zelo spoke softly. “Thank you for everything you've done for me.”

“Zelo...” Yongguk started to speak, but Zelo interrupted him again.

“I'm not going to last much longer, Hyung.” He said, staring at the warm glow of the fake fire in the heater. “And I could have spent my last few months laying in that bed and letting myself waste away, but instead. But...because of you, hyung, I've gotten to spend my last days on earth making memories and being happy. Thanks to you.”

Yongguk didn't speak for a while, but when he did, he turned to Zelo and looked into his eyes. “When I first started taking care of you, Zelo.” He chose his words carefully. “We both knew that the only reason I was doing it was because I felt like I had to make something up to my mother.”

“It's not because of that?” Zelo asked, making Yongguk look at him confused.

“Of course it's not because of that!” He paused and sighed softly, his fingers trailing across the soft skin of Zelo's cheek. “Junhong, you are....very important to me. No one in this world means more to me than you do. The longer I know you and the more time that I spend with you, the more”

Zelo squeaked softly, eyes going wide. He pulled away from Yongguk and focused on the heater. Yongguk sighed, heart dropping. He nudged Zelo gently with his shoulder.

“Zelo. I know that I probably can't do everything on your list for you. But I've done what I can to do everything that I could.” He spoke softly.

“There's only one thing left of the list you haven't dont for me, Hyung.” Zelo spoke, chewing his lip.

Yongguk's head tilted curiously as he looked at Zelo. He hadn't looked at the list in a while, and he couldn't remember everything that was left, but he was sure two or three things still hadn't been marked off the list.

“What's that?” He asked.

Zelo looked up at Yongguk, letting his lip fall from between his teeth, “My first kiss.”

Yongguk's face lit up with recognition. Of course, that had been one of the things on the list was that Zelo wanted to have his first kiss. Yongguk's eyes darted to Zelo's lips, watching his tongue run across the lower, pouty lip. He moved back up to Zelo's eyes and bit his own lip.

“I could help you with that too, if you wanted...” He whispered, the desire to press his lips against Zelo stronger than his desire not to scare him away or screw him up.

Zelo paused for a moment, lips hanging open and just begging Yongguk to move the six or seven inches forward and connect their lips together. He held himself back, staring deep into Zelo's eyes and just waiting, letting the tension build inside of him while he waited for Zelo to either push him away or grant him heaven.

It took a torturously long moment, but Zelo's head tilted slightly a few times, up and down, nodding, a gentle whisper falling from his lips. “Kiss me.”

Yongguk waited for no further order, sliding forward a few inches in mere seconds. Zelo's head tilted to the side, eyes closed before their lips even touched.

Zelo was unresponsive at first, just letting Yongguk's lips press against his own. Yongguk smiled, reaching up to carress Zelo's cheek. He pulled away just enough to whisper, hot breath against Zelo's damp lips. “Relax.”

Zelo nodded and Yongguk carefully pressed their lips together once more. This time, Zelo relaxed into the kiss, letting his lips move against Yongguk's. They kissed softly, slow and lazy, letting the entire world melt away from them.

What seemed like seconds turned into minutes as Zelo became more and more comfortable with the kiss. They pulled away, breathing heavily against each other's lips, staring into each other's eyes. Both of them giggled before pressing their lips together again and again.

Somehow, at some point, Zelo found himself in Yongguk's lap, the blanket forgotten and discarded as they warmed each other with soft touches and gentle, breathtaking kisses.

When they finally pulled away for the final time, Zelo dropped his head onto Yongguk's shoulder, giggling softly to himself as both boys attempted to catch their breath.

“Wow...” Yongguk whispered, a dazed chuckle leaving him.

Zelo peeked up at him innocently. “Was it good?”

Yongguk nodded, grinning down and pressing a kiss to Zelo's forehead. “You know...if you ever want to do that're welcome to it.”

Zelo's lips twitched up into a smile. “I want to do it again now.”

Yongguk's eyes twinkled and he nodded, dipping his head down again to kiss Zelo again.  






So, I know I said this wouldn't come out for a while because i can't write with a broken finger, but i spent several days working on it and typing dutifully with only one hand and I've finally brought you this. Do you think I deserve a reward? hehe IF you do, then why don't you check out THIS RP HERE and think about joining. Super Active, tons of characters open, very fun and very accepting and we want more people to play with! So if you RP, or even if you don't and think that you might want to try it out, then just click the link and check it out, then sign up and come join us. please. seriously. please. XD

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Chapter 32: This is so sad! TT </3
I'm just going through all my old subscriptions to find the stories, that really meant something to me. This was one of them. Not sure what I'm trying to say, but good job, author-nim.
Joycielein #3
Chapter 32: Btw: that" 10. LIVE " killed me
Joycielein #4
Chapter 32: You know what? Fck you!!! Why did you have to write this story? Why did you have to kill my Gukkie...? Why did this story have to be so beautifull? Why did I have to cry? Why did you make me and probably everyone who read this story cry? Huh? You moobster... you meanie... My heart hurts but i cant cry alot because im sitting next to my parents and how tf am i supposed to explain why i suddenly started crying? Huh? You... you... I hate u... no I dont but you are so evil.... i love the fact that you made Gukk and Himchan buddies.... why did he have to die that way? And Jongup? Poor guy .... Hung himself? You big fat meanie..... you are a great author.... I am so upvoting this and reading all your other ffs but i still hate you!
my favourite ff ever... im gonna read it again <3
zelosmile #6
Chapter 32: im bawling my eyes out. i rarely ever cry while reading fanfics but this one, this one was like a sword constantly stabbing my heart ;-; and when i read the list in the last chapter i cried even harder.
author-nim, this was wonderfully written. good job.
Chapter 32: So beautiful and so sad... i saw this end coming >_<
Chapter 32: One of the best stories I read. I cried so hard
notes_of_hell #9
Chapter 32: omg... i had to cry so hard
Chapter 32: I've been crying non stop since chapter 6, this is such a wonderful story. I can't even describe all the emotion it's made me feel. The ending ... wow, I really really did not see that coming. I was preparing myself for something totally different. During the last chapter I was sobbing so hard and trying not to throw up hahaha. Please continue to write, your work is beautiful.
During the banghim parts I found myself enjoying it even though that ship is my notp, your the first author to ever make me like them together!
Just I could go on forever about how amazing this story is.
Thank you so much for writing it.