Moving On

The List

  Yongguk stood beside Himchan, his best suit on. Both men held tears in their eyes as they walked into the building. Zelo, Daehyun, and Youngjae trailed behind the two of them, also wearing all black. The mourning procession was a simple one. The only people there were Jongup's doctors and the five boys who had never really called him friend.

Yongguk watched Himchan's eyes slip around the room before a frown settled on his face. “His parents aren't even here...He had no one on the outside because his parents abandoned him. His words fell quietly into Yongguk's ear. “That's why he never wanted to get better...and even after he's gone the bastards still don't care.”

“We do.” Yongguk told him, wrapping his arm around Himchan's body. He pulled his friend close, holding onto him carefully.

Himchan smiled, turning to look behind him at the other three. Zelo sniffled, looking anywhere but at the display before them. Youngjae wrapped his arm around Daehyun, though he watched Zelo closely as well.

“It's gonna be alright.” Yongguk spoke softly to the group. “We'll make it through this funeral and we'll all be alright.” He wasn't sure if anyone believed him.

The funeral happened in a haze for the boys. Dr. Choi came over and put his hand on Himchan's shoulder, speaking soft and comfortingly to him. Yongguk wrapped his arms around a crying Zelo. By the time everything was said and done, all the boys had been in tears.

The few others who had appeared, the doctors and the funeral procession staff, had long sense gone. Four of the boys sat in the room in which Jongup's memorial was still displayed. His smiling picture surrounded by a large wreath and flowers. Daehyun and Youngjae leaned against each other, talking softly. Himchan sat with his knees up against his chest and his back against the wall, staring at the picture of Jongup with tears in his eyes. Zelo sat beside him, head resting on Himchan's shoulder.

Yongguk found them all this way when he walked back in from visiting the nearest convenience store. He held some bags in his hands and sat them down. The boys all gathered around. Yongguk sat between Zelo and Himchan. Daehyun reached into one of the bags and pulled out some snacks.

He opened a bag of chips and started snacking. Yongguk handed sodas to Zelo and Daehyun, but passed a beer to Himchan and opened one himself.

“I think Jongup would have liked this.” Himchan spoke, popping the top of his beer. “He liked hanging out with all of us. Made him feel like he had friends.”

“He didn't have friends?” Zelo pouted, drinking his soda with both hands wrapped around the can.

Himchan shrugged. “He had me...and Doctor Choi.”

Zelo pouted. “I'd have spent more time with him if I'd known.”

Yongguk brushed his fingers gently over Zelo's bald head, his bandage still in place. “Me too, Zelo..Me too.”

Himchan sipped some of his drink. “Jongup liked you, Zelo. Even though you didn't spend tons of time together, he liked you.”

Zelo bit his lip, smiling a bit. “He was nice.”

“Most of the time.” Daehyun chucled, causing Youngjae to speak up.

“Do you guys remember when we all first met him?” He asked, looking around the group.

Yongguk laughed and the group started talking, recalling memories of Jongup and telling stores. Himchan spoke the most, smiling and laughing and crying. Yongguk learned more about Himchan's relationship with Jongup with every sentence he listened to.

Eventually, the group turned from memories to games. Himchan had mentioned a game Jongup liked to play and then Youngjae suggested they play it. Then Zelo wanted to play truth or dare. Then Daehyun suggested playing some of the games like they played when the group first met.

The five of them ate all the snacks and finished their drinks before one of the workers finally came to tell them that they needed to leave. Yongguk pulled Zelo to his feet and wrapped an arm around the tired boy as they walked out of the building. Everyone piled into Yongguk's car and he took them all back to the hospital.

Himchan waited in the car while Yongguk took Zelo up to his room and said goodbye. Yongguk found him nearly asleep when he walked back down and opened the door. He jumped, looking around with wide, tired eyes. He smiled when he saw Yongguk.

They drove to the convenience store and once again Himchan waited in the car while Yongguk went in and bought some more alcohol for them to take to the apartment and drink some more. Neither of them had work the next day and Yongguk wasn't planning on going to visit Zelo until the afternoon, so they could stay up and drink as late as they wanted.

Himchan carried one of the bags with him up to their apartment, Yongguk having the other in hand. He unlocked the apartment door and let the younger boy walk in before him, shutting the door and kicking his shoes off. He put some of the bottle in the fridge to keep them cool and sat two bottles on the living room table.

Himchan had disappeared into his room. Yongguk could hear the sounds of his friend shuffling through drawers to try and find something more comfortable to wear. He decided to do the same and walked into his room, loosening the black tie around his neck.

He changed out of his suit and into a pair of grey sweats and a black tank top, his socks mismatched. When he shuffled back out into the living room, Himchan already sat on the couch, beer in hand, flipping through the channels on the television.

Yongguk sat next to him and stole the remote out of his hand, putting the television onto one of the various movie stations they picked up. Some kind of a horror movie was playing, probably something he'd already seen.

“Today wasn't that bad.” He told Himchan, smiling softly.

Himchan glared, trying first to take the remote back from Yongguk, each of his attempts unsuccessful. He finally just snuggled back into the couch. He picked up one of the throw pillows and hugged it to him, sipping at his beer.

“It could have been worse.” He told Yongguk. “I'm just so pissed that his parents didn't even show up...”

Yongguk sighed. “I doubt my dad would show up at my funeral either.”

Himchan chuckled. “My dad would show up at your funeral.”

“That's because he likes me more than you.” Yongguk teased, making Himchan laugh.

There was a long moment of silence while the two seemed to focus on the horror movie, or at least they both stared at the television without saying anything.

Yongguk spoke after a while, curious voice breaking the silence. “So...what are you going to do now?”

Himchan shrugged, placing his empty bottle on the table. He got up and grabbed another bottle before resuming his exact same position on the couch. “I don't know, really.” He spoke softly. “Spend a few weeks getting used to him not being here anymore. Drink a lot and sleep on the couch. Get over it and find someone new.” Himchan smiled softly at Yongguk.

“Just...get over it?” Yongguk frowned, tilting his head a bit at Himchan's response. “That easy?”

“It's not easy.” Himchan responded. “But that's life. And the best part of life is that you get to live it. Don't take it for granted. It's too short to spend your time crying over something that you can't control. Yeah, it's sad and it hurts, but it helps no one to dwell on it.”

Yongguk nodded, taking a long drink from his bottle. The alcohol had warmed up considerably since he'd opened the bottle and it tasted bitter.

Himchan continued to speak. “I don't cry and whine and sob over the fact that you don't love me.”

“I slept with you.” Yongguk pouted childishly at Himchan, causing his friend to chuckle and slap him on the arm.

“ and love aren't the same thing.” Himchan said, Shaking his head. “We both know more than anybody.”

Yongguk chuckled. “I don't know what you're talking about. You're the one who sleeps with everything that moves.”

“Not everything.” Himchan whined, pouting and crossing his arms over his chest. Yongguk laughed again, conceeding.

“Yeah, yeah, I know. You're not that bad.” he chuckled, sarcasm thick in his voice.

Himchan glared, slapping Yongguk's arm once more. Yongguk laughed while Himchan kept attempting to beat him up. Finally, when Himchan had tackled him to the floor and sat atop him, poking him over and over again while he laughed and squealed, he finally gave up and apologized.

They pulled themselves back up onto the couch. Yongguk went to grab some more beers for them. Himchan turned around to look at him over the back of the couch.

“So what are you planning on doing tomorrow?” Himchan asked, tilting his head to the side.

Yongguk glanced back at Himchan as he opened the fridge door. “I was planning on going to the hospital after work.”

Himchan nodded. “I was thinking about going out..”

“Are you sure that's a good idea?” Yongguk turned around and brought two beers back to the couch.

Himchan shrugged. “Why not? It's either go out and dance and drink all night or sit here alone while you're out with your little love-bug and cry about....” His voice trailed off at that point.

Yongguk handed him the beer, dropping back down on the couch beside him. “Just...don't do anything you'd regret later, alright?”

“Awe, how you care.” Himchan teased, popping open the top on his bottle. Yongguk followed suit, pressing the bottle to his lips.

“Of course I do.” he the bitterweet alcohol from his lips.

Himchan glanced at Yongguk out of the corner of his eye. Yongguk smiled. Himchan fell over, leaning against Yongguk's shoulder. He rested his head against his friend and sighed deeply. “Life is gonna for a while.”

Yongguk nodded, “But we'll get you through it. We always do.” He took a long drink from his beer.



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Chapter 32: This is so sad! TT </3
I'm just going through all my old subscriptions to find the stories, that really meant something to me. This was one of them. Not sure what I'm trying to say, but good job, author-nim.
Joycielein #3
Chapter 32: Btw: that" 10. LIVE " killed me
Joycielein #4
Chapter 32: You know what? Fck you!!! Why did you have to write this story? Why did you have to kill my Gukkie...? Why did this story have to be so beautifull? Why did I have to cry? Why did you make me and probably everyone who read this story cry? Huh? You moobster... you meanie... My heart hurts but i cant cry alot because im sitting next to my parents and how tf am i supposed to explain why i suddenly started crying? Huh? You... you... I hate u... no I dont but you are so evil.... i love the fact that you made Gukk and Himchan buddies.... why did he have to die that way? And Jongup? Poor guy .... Hung himself? You big fat meanie..... you are a great author.... I am so upvoting this and reading all your other ffs but i still hate you!
my favourite ff ever... im gonna read it again <3
zelosmile #6
Chapter 32: im bawling my eyes out. i rarely ever cry while reading fanfics but this one, this one was like a sword constantly stabbing my heart ;-; and when i read the list in the last chapter i cried even harder.
author-nim, this was wonderfully written. good job.
Chapter 32: So beautiful and so sad... i saw this end coming >_<
Chapter 32: One of the best stories I read. I cried so hard
notes_of_hell #9
Chapter 32: omg... i had to cry so hard
Chapter 32: I've been crying non stop since chapter 6, this is such a wonderful story. I can't even describe all the emotion it's made me feel. The ending ... wow, I really really did not see that coming. I was preparing myself for something totally different. During the last chapter I was sobbing so hard and trying not to throw up hahaha. Please continue to write, your work is beautiful.
During the banghim parts I found myself enjoying it even though that ship is my notp, your the first author to ever make me like them together!
Just I could go on forever about how amazing this story is.
Thank you so much for writing it.