
Never Change (A Sequel to 'Mistaken' )

  "I'm so sorry for being late." Nikki rushed inside the conference room and repeatedly apologized.

   Usually her alarm clock would be blaring beside her ear, yelling loudly at her to get up for work. But this morning, it was dead silent. When she realized the time, she flew out of bed and immediately got dressed. Nikki swore she set her alarm last night before she went to bed. From the corner of her eyes, she caught a glimpse of a faint smile on the corner of the monster carelessly lying in bed. Real smooth Jiyong...

  "So, Nikki, what do you think?"  Hwa Young asked, facing her.

  , what did she say...?!

  "Uh.. great?" Nikki uneasily replied, in hopes that was the correct answer.

  "Great!" Hwa Young exclaimed. "Norebang at Hongdae, my treat."

  Nikki let out a small groan, while her other co-workers cheered with excitement and joy.

  I blame this all on you Jiyong, you just had to be in my head.


  Like she had predicted the minute they walked inside, most of her co-workers were singing obnoxiously loud into the microphone due to the massive amount of alcohol they have consumed. Some others went home early, using some lame excuse in which Nikki would have done if it wasn't for Hwa Young insisting for her to stay. 

  And worst of all, DaeHyun was also invited. Who would've know, he wasn't even part of her company but Hwa Young was the one who had called and invited him along. Although they were considered as friends weeks ago, they had no spoken to each other since then. She thought that DaeHyun would be the one making the effort since he was the one who suggested the idea but he did not budge at all. Glancing up at him, she saw him downing various shots at once. She wasn't sure if he was flat out drunk or if he had a high tolerance for alcohol like Jiyong. 

  Oh my god, Jiyong! 

  Nikki pulled out her phone from her purse and immediately texted Jiyong that she is out celebrating with her work friends. Even though Jiyong would usually be working late at the YG Building, he stills wants to know her whereabouts. A girl would usually find that a bit clingy of her boyfriend but not Nikki. She finds it sweet and caring. She giggled, recalling the moment when Jiyong almost had a heart attack when she didn't return home until 3 AM, only to find out that she had fallen asleep outside the front door.

  'Don't be having too much fun while your hardworking boyfriend is busy at home producing some new hit songs. Hurry home since your boyfriend and Gaho is waiting for you ^^.'  - Jiyong

  Shaking her head and idiotically smiling at the newly received text from Jiyong, she wanted to go home now. Grabbing all of her stuff, she bid all of her friends goodbye before leaving. She walked outside to the curb of the sidewalk and waited for the next taxi. As she did so, a black Lexus pulled up against the sidewalk. The driver rolled the windows down and surprisingly, it was DaeHyun. 

  "Need a ride?" Nikki nodded her head, opened the passenger door and got inside.

  "To be honest, I didn't think you would get in." 

  "Well, it was cold and I didn't want to waste my money on a taxi."

  "You really know how to kill a guy's mood." 

  "I'm kidding!" Nikki let out a small laugh. "That's how I am to my friends. If you can't take it then you can forget ab--."

  "No, no! I was just kidding too!" DaeHyun immediately said, making Nikki laugh.

   After that, the tension began to ease and they felt more comfortable around each other, talking about anything to everything. But every good conversation has to come to an end. They have arrived in front of her house. Nikki unbuckled her seatbelt and grabbed her bag. 

  "Thanks for the ride DaeHyun. I had a great time talking to you." She smiled, getting out the car and walked to the door.

  "We should do this again." DaeHyun rolled down the window and sheepishly yelled out.

  "I think I may take you up on that offer." She looked back and smiled. "Good night DaeHyun." 


  Taking off her heels and carelessly throwing them aside, Nikki felt at ease. Her sore feet hitting against  the cold hard-wooden floor felt like paradise to her right now.  Walking into the bedroom, she took off her earrings and placed it on the dress. She grabbed her pajamas hanging on the chair and began to   her dress from behind her back.  The lamp from the nightstand suddenly , revealing an unhappy Jiyong sitting in an upright position leaving against the headboard of the bed. 

  "Ahhh!!" Nikki screamed, turning around and pulled her dress back up. "I thought you were sleeping!"

  "How can I sleep when my girlfriend is out late having fun without me?" 

  "It wasn't that much fun."

  "Oh, really? Who was that guy who brought you home then?" 

   Nikki swore she could hear the tone of his voice that he was sulking like a little kid, making it hard to stiff her laughter. 

  "You were spying on me?" She faced Jiyong, trying to act angry.

  "I wouldn't say so, I was simply checking up on you." Jiyong reasoned out, pulling her beside him into bed.

  "You know that no one is going to replace you." Wrapping her arms around his neck, she placed a kiss on lips, making all of his worries disappear.


  "Boss, it's slowly coming together."

   A caller on the phone said to the other line.


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i know this is super late but if any of my subscribers are still reading this, i have abandoned this story...sorry but rereading everything that i published on this site makes me cringe so hard, maybe someday i will come back to this story and rewrite it? who knows


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odesta_ #1
Chapter 34: Are you going to update this anytime soon? Please do! It's really nice and I wanna read more! :) Update soon please!
Omg, can't wait to read more!
sushmee #3
who the hell is that so called "BOSS" trying to spot out Nikki's weakness????
but im in love with this book, and please update soon!
you duhs good writer. continue, i say. JIYONG WOULD BE PROUDDDD.
My dragon! AWWW!
cliffhanger! Oh no! O_O
AbbyYoYo #7
I can see, minhee will be trouble maker =_=
Iheartlife #8
omo! one will interrupt them :D
Who's that?!