Chapter 5 The red thread of fate

The Mist of Time

A/N: Don't be thrown by the way the red thread of fate deals with them in this chapter because this is the start of the time period Min Ho has a girlfriend that isn't Shin Hye so our couple has to let fate and destiny play out no matter how sad it seems -- have faith though in the red thread of fate for these two in this fiction and in real life!

“The ancient myths of China and Japan mention the red thread of fate.  In China, the red thread of fate is tied by the God’s to the ankles, while in Japan, the red thread of fate is tied to the pinkies of those that are meant to meet one another by Yuè Xià Lǎorén, the God of love and marriage.  The two people connected by the red thread are soul mates, regardless of time, place or circumstances.  The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break.”

I read the words under the picture on the poster.  It was a wall poster from post YAB days with Sukkie and me.  A cute little heart was under the original myth with more cute words inside the heart, “but in Korea the red thread of fate is tied to the wrist” and the thread was tied in neat little bows from Sukkie’s wrist to my wrist.  How cute can a poster get?  But I don’t like that they have these out there, because really, come on; Sukkie is not my soul mate.  I have a soul mate – I have had one since my soul was created but I am leery of destiny’s choice in this life line.  Fate’s selection for me is one of Asia’s – perhaps the world’s – iest men alive.  I don’t think I can hold his interest, he seems so preoccupied lately.  But then we only see each other at the parapsychologist office.  We don’t meet outside her office so we are casual friends.  Sigh – how awkward can it get if someone is supposed to be your destiny and they ignore you?  Sigh…

I casually flipped through the other posters and wham! Front and center is another one – only this time it is a poster from Heartstring’s and has Yong Hwa and me standing back to back with my left hand and his right hand meeting beside us forming a heart.  Then there is the red thread of fate tied in a big bow around our wrists.  Crap….this sort of poster will bring out the anti groups besides starting rumors all over again.  Sigh, sigh, sigh…….

While I am here I might as well check out other posters….I mean it isn’t like I am looking for anyone star’s posters in particular so what is the big deal?  Ohhhh, look who has a poster that I swear I wasn’t looking for!  Min Ho’s drama Personal Taste posters are cute.  I didn’t think Min Ho would be able to do justice to the part of portraying a gay man but Oppa is a good actor and oh my, he pulled it off – I guess because of the dream I see him differently.  What is this?  Oppa’s got a new drama?  And posters are out?  Wow, they work fast.  But this new drama – wow he is some sort of secret agent man but he sort of looks like the Dragon of my dreams.  Lord save me!!!  Oh for goodness sake, Shin Hye, stop talking to yourself and get a grip.  You have 10 minutes before our next appointment with Dr. Yong.  Deep breaths, deeper…….forget it, I am going to wing it as always.

I knocked on Dr. Yong’s door and heard come in.  Before I can open the door someone puts his hand over my hand on the door knob and presses his body much too close to my back – much too close.  I don’t have to think who is it?  Because I know that body and the feel of it even though I have not …… well not in this life anyway.

“Yah, Min Ho what are you doing? Get off me!”  I yelled at him.  I am blushing because I am afraid fans might just catch him being too familiar with me.  Or paparazzi – please Lord no paparazzi!  This man is trying my patience.

“Lighten up Shin Hye.  I checked and there aren’t any reporters, fans or paparazzi anywhere near us.  Just relax and enjoy this weird exciting journey we are part of – I mean you know the regression therapy.”  Min Ho was trying to make her feel easy about the dream stuff but seemed to be having the opposite effect.  He thought this girl is difficult to get close to – at least in this life time.

“Shin Hye, why don’t you call me Oppa?  Didn’t we agree during Etude House that you would call me Oppa?  I agree to call you Shin Hye ah, so what is the problem?  Or perhaps you have other Oppas or maybe just one particular one that would be upset with you calling me Oppa?”  Min Ho’s eyes narrowed as he stood towering over her with an indescribable expression on his face. 

“Aiisshh, no that’s not it, I just don’t want your fans to be upset with me for being too familiar – you know if I call you Oppa.” 

He looked at the huge eyes pleading with him to understand her meaning.  He sighed.  “Don’t worry about fans – I understand what you are saying.  You have no idea what I have gone through since my BOF days.  There is a group of mostly girls that follow me sometimes to different venues and yell a co-star’s name at me.  As if that will peak my interest or make me want a relationship with her.  Overzealous fans thinking they know what is in my heart and then trying to force me by the written word or by yelling at me to pick their choice of a girl for me just really sends me over the edge.  I don’t like it, no; I don’t like it at all.  And it makes me ignore that person completely.  So I understand.  But Shin Hye ah, can’t you practice saying Oppa every once in a while?”

I looked up and saw this huge lopsided grin.  Dimples flashing and the hair – I could write a volume on that long, black, silky hair.  I suppose he saw me staring at his hair. 

“Ah the hair; I let it grow for the new City Hunter drama.  I thought they might want it short but it was decided to have it this length.  I’m not sure but we have been in talks for another drama after this one and my hair will be much longer for that part.  So that will be interesting.  I have an idea how to play the character already thanks to our dream therapy.  Uh, Shin Hye, let’s go in.”

We went in and took seats after greeting Dr. Yong.  She was going to try something new today.  Min Ho and I had cut our therapy sessions down to one a month because of our filming schedules.  We were almost too busy to continue these sessions.  No one but Dr. Yong, Dr. Yeh and Professor Ki knew about these sessions.  In Dr. Yong’s clinical notes, Shin Hye was labeled Female – 22 AZRT while Min Ho was labeled Male -25 AXRT.  It was a code so that we could remain anonymous.  It was a slow moving research because Dr. Yong had so many safety conditions that she required us to follow – but for our own safety.  So far, she had given me a way to open up the memories that were giving me night mares.  I appreciated the dreamless sleep now.  But the story behind the dreams, real from the past or not, was an amazing story.  Min Ho’s was just as compelling – well our two stories were almost identical except for the perspectives.  And Min Ho had been able to recall another past life that was connected to me. 

During our first session I had given a brief description of one of my marriages - it was the year 1864 and my husband’s name was Yi Min Hye.  I had blurted out that he was the best kisser in the world.  Aiisshh, how could I have blurted those words out with Min Ho sitting there listening?  Does this mean my sub whatever conscious mind has no controls on it?  So not good – really not good.  Course no one really knew at that point if it was Min Ho in his past life as Yi Min Hye.  But in Min Ho’s last session he had talked about his wife during the year 1864.  He described me to a tee but again that doesn’t mean anything except he used his name which – yep – it was Yi Min Hye.  It could be coincidence of course, but Dr. Yong was thrilled.  I’m glad someone is thrilled while I am embarrassed, shocked, mortified – get the picture? 

Min Ho talked about his life during 1860s Korea.  He talked about an iron-bibbed, wooden-hulled sail-and-steam gunboat called the Un'yō.  He was one of the principle designers of the Un'yō.   The Un'yō was ordered by Britain under the Joseon Domain in 1868 to be built in Aberdeen, Scotland and then turned over to the Domain as the Un'yō Maru. In 1871 she was transferred to the Meiji government and assigned to the newly formed Imperial Japanese Navy as the Un'yō. 

He talked of the successful opening of Japan to trade and diplomacy with the Western world in 1854 through the “gunboat diplomacy” of Commodore Perry of the US Navy; the British, the French and the Americans all attempted to open Korea in a similar fashion.  Korea refused to comply with Western demands and engaged in naval skirmishes with the French and the Americans in the 1860s and early 1870s. 

In 1875 Yi Min Hye was on the Un'yō as one of the Korean envoys as she carried diplomats to Busan in Korea in an attempt by the Japanese government to open diplomatic relations with the Joseon Dynasty Government.  They were rebuked and Yi Min Hye was dismissed from his duties as an envoy with the Japanese Navy.  He was overjoyed to be free of the Japanese.  He could go back to his beautiful wife, Kim Seoung Min.  He had not seen her for a year at the time he was released from service. 

He talked of how his wife was a good cook; she could sing and play the guitar.  He was always amazed at her beauty and found himself to easily get jealous when any man looked at her.  He tried to control that masculine side of his personality but it was hard when his wife looked like Seoung Min.  He mentioned he particularly liked the way she played with his hair during intimate moments.  He said during his session, “I love Seoung Min more than my life.  I have told her that I will search for her in our next life and for her to never find another man to replace me – to just wait for me to find her.”

In his session, he mentioned the red thread of fate – he said that during one of his dreams, the thread connecting him with Shin Hye in the present day would be broken and it would cause them much trouble before things went back to normal.  He kept insisting he made a mistake and he needed to fix it.  But he could never tell Dr. Yong that part of his dream.  She was excited because she had determined that Min Ho not only was dreaming of past lives but he had just had an episode of precognition.  He had recounted an event that he said would happen in the days to come.  Dr. Yong wanted Min Ho to recount more but it wasn’t something that could be forced.  Dr. Yong would resume at this point when they continued next month.

Min Ho looked at Shin Hye and asked if they could walk together at least to the end of the hallway.  She nodded yes puzzled at the serious expression on his face. 

“Shin Hye?  Do you put any credence in all this past life jargon?  No, really, I mean real belief in it.  You have yet to say if you believe it to be real; mostly you just blush and look embarrassed.  So I want to know if you think you and me - did we really have a past together?  Do you believe in this red thread of fate that so many say is real?  Do you think you and I have a red thread of fate connection?  Do you think we are destined to be together in every century like Dr. Jang talked about or do you think it is all bogus?”

Shin Hye stood looking at Min Ho.  He could see the emotional arguments going on inside her mind, maybe her heart, by the fleeting flash of expressions on her face.  Shin Hye wasn’t really paying attention to the way she addressed Min Ho at that moment because his question was serious so it deserved a serious answer.

“Oppa, I think the universe holds more surprises than the human mind can ever encompass or understand.  Is our past real?  I believe it is but do I believe we are destined to be together in every world – in every life – forever after?  I don’t know because so little is known of reincarnation.  Sometimes when I dream and I see you and me then I believe but when I am awake I start analyzing everything and want scientific proof that I am not delusional,  I don’t know Oppa, I really don’t.  But Oppa, don’t feel like you have to be tied to me because really you don’t have to feel like you are just because of a dream – really Oppa, don’t even think that way…….”

I started blabbering about Min Ho not feeling like he should pay attention to all the red thread of fate stuff because I was embarrassed that he might think for one minute I expected him to like me and be with me! How could I let him think I thought that way?  Awkward situation - big time awkward!  Sigh

But Min Ho didn’t seem to pay too much attention to her words because he focused on the Oppa part.  “Shin Hye?  You just called me Oppa more than once.  Does this mean I am your Oppa or your oppa?”  He had his y, teasing smiling face way too close to mine.  I started to move away and he put his arm out so I could only move backward.  I took 3 steps back quickly and turned to the side to move away from him.  I did not want to – well I wasn’t sure but I knew I would be thrown into a mind boggling mess if he came closer.

His arms are on each side of me braced against the hall wall.  I am contemplating how to escape but I really don't know how to deal with Lee Min Ho.  Any other man alive and I would have no problem if they did this because it wouldn’t affect me.  But Min Ho is a whole new situation.  He makes me feel so many feels that I don’t know what to do.

“Shin Hye, we live in a crazy world you know.  It isn’t right or wrong to feel toward someone, we all have to decide if the person we feel about is the right one for us or not.  So how do you feel about me?  Be honest with me because it is important to me.  It will change how I interact with someone else so tell me the real truth.”

I have no idea what he is referring to but if he thinks I will just say how I really feel about him he is crazy.  Crazy.  “Huh, well, ummm, Oppa, I like you but not the way you are thinking.  We are friends, right?  Seriously, you don’t owe me anything because of these crazy dreams.  So we should just go about our normal lives and not let all this emotional stuff from the dreams affect us.  OK?”

I am intimidated by him.  It isn’t that he is scary or anything like that – it’s because he makes me feel so much.  All he has to do is nail me with those eyes and I go stupid – can’t think – Hell, I can barely breathe.  I walk a thin narrow line with this man.  I am so careful to not give an indication of my true feelings because I just can’t handle it.  What if he really liked me?  I would do what?  I don’t know.  I really don’t know.  Perhaps I am not grown-up enough to know what to do.  Auugghhh – I hate these mind games!!!

Min Ho had lowered his face to her level.  “So you don’t like me?  What will you do if I start to date someone else?  Will you care?”  He sounded hurt but he also sounded angry. 

It is odd how his eyes can pull my soul right out of my body – well that is what it feels like it is doing.  But it is odd, damn odd that he acts like he is hurt and mad.  Why would he be upset over this?  I mean it isn’t like he is in love with me or even cares.  He is just caught up in this silly therapy and the talk of past romance and love.  I can tell you what is crazy and odd – the fact that after all this time – being around him – talking to him – working with him – it is odd that he can still make my heart jump and anticipate his next move?  I can’t think when he is near me so I always give stupid answers.  What I want to say is yes I like you and yes I want you to be interested in me.  But I won’t.  I am not brave enough yet. 

“I needed to know.  I didn’t want to misjudge a situation and make the wrong choice.  So I suppose you really don’t care if I choose a girlfriend that isn’t you?  For a while there Shin Hye, I was imagining that every moment spent with you was a moment to treasure.  And it left me wanting more.  Guess the joke is on me, huh?”

But he didn’t move away.  He kept his face an inch away from hers looking, no, searching her eyes for some sort of answer.  He sighed and stood up.  “I guess I have been fooled before but I never thought I was this off-base.”

Min Ho started down the hall, stopped and came back.  He looked down at her big eyes full of courage and grief.  She is standing in front of him such a little thing in tight jeans, t-shirt and canvas shoes.  Nothing glamorous about the way she dresses but the over-all effect is a knock-out.  He didn’t want to walk away, he didn’t want to give up but maybe she wasn’t the one he was supposed to be tied to, maybe he got it wrong.  He knew one thing, if he walked away now, things would never go back to the way they were right this minute.  He wanted a life with her but a life together has to be cared for and needs attention.  He didn’t see that in her eyes.  He didn’t see him at all in her eyes. 

He bent down and before she could move, before she could run, before she could say stop, he fixed his mouth firmly even urgently over hers.  She could taste his full lips and his clever tongue as it tasted her.  He deepened his kiss for a brief moment and used his hands to cup her face mouthing the words against her lips.  “Little one, we could have been so good together.  Pity it didn’t work out the way it should have – goodbye.  I won’t see you again.  I won’t be back.”

She could only watch him walk away.   She whispered to whatever deity that listens to lonely hearts, “the red thread of fate is such bull crap.  It didn’t work for us.  He isn’t for me.”

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avrylle #1
Chapter 7: Anneyeonghaseyo @musoukanomake! how are you dear? I told to myself that I will only read this once completed. But since it's been a long time I finished it now. This story is so nice, I hope you the find the time to update or complete your story. We will wait for that time authornim. Just like your first story, this is wonderful to read. Fighting! ^_^
gelai5 #2
Chapter 7: How are you? Seems like you have been busy for a long time. I hope you're fine and in good health. If you will find time and strength to update, please do not hesitate to do so. Your a good writer and do not let this story hanging. You have put a lot of effort as i can see. Do not put this to waste. I am sure you have a good reason for not updating. But above all it is not too late, we will be waiting for your update. Thanks....
anniebee44 #3
Chapter 7: Also, I have read your other story,Li Lou Min Eomma, at least 5-6 times. And it still makes me cry every time.
anniebee44 #4
Chapter 7: Knock. Knock. Hello. Anybody home? Where are you,dear author? Please continue with this story. Please,oh please?
thidarag4 #5
Chapter 7: Miss you & ur ff SO MUCH, plz update soon..if it's possible very soon..pretty please?!
We r so worry about u least drop a line -ok?
Chapter 7: How are u writer-nim?
Are you okay dear?
Chapter 7: Please update your story soon... Thank You
miss this fanfic so much Musoukanomake i hope you r alright u have been missed for along time please reassure us
gaeingoh #10
hi dear, how are u? we are all worried now. very unusual of u. Even if u are not updating drop a line that everything is ok. You are MIA for too long! Look forward to hear fm u.