I'm Your Man

Dear readers and subscribers,


             Hey Guys. I'm so sorry to tell you that I, the author, can't update for now because of heavy activities in school and in our home. Once again I'm so sorry. *bows 90 degrees*


                                                                                                                                    Your's truly,

                                                                                                                                         The author

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MrChris2Fur #1
I Wantv Junho And Tiffany <3
MrChris2Fur #2
I WantvJunho And Tiffany <3
Update soon please
great story <br />
update soon pls ~~~
@aiko103<br />
<br />
gomawo for commenting.....
missdyodobi #6
Right. I just read chap 1 n honestly, junho wasted no time no capture Fany's lips.! God, uee n minzy are in the way. If wooyoung join them, I'll be dissapointed with him, but it'll make the story great too.
missdyodobi #7
It's ok... will wait ^-^
missdyodobi #8
Is hoping that it'll be junfany. I dont mind, woofany or sufany, but junfany is rare.