Princes and Princesses (part 3) (Jackson/Mark AU)

As the World falls Down

 “I want to go to the next tournament with Jaebum and Youngjae.”


The court goes quiet as Yi-en steps in from a small side door – one more commonly used by servants than the crown prince or the other royal children. He's slightly damp, having just bathed, but he's still grinning because really it's been a wonderful day even if the princess he'd rescued hadn't actually been a princess, but more like a bad mouthed prince with gorgeous eyes and an adorable smile.


Looking from his father to the other knights – Youngjae and Jaebum among them – he ducks his head in greeting and then sidles up between his two friends so he can look in on the meeting.


“Highness, you haven't been to a tournament in years... why the sudden interest? Oh, that's right. You just returned from rescuing a princess, did you not? How did it go? Can we expect a wedding in the future? A crown princess to help you rule the kingdoms?”


Yi-en groans a little, his smile fading as he sighs. “No. Definitely not. It turned out it wasn't a princess... just a prince whose sisters had used him to showcase their newest design.”


On either side of him, the two young knights chuckle to themselves because they know exactly who he's talking about. Those sisters are famous across all the kingdoms. As is the crown prince they constantly use as their clothing model. Of course, this is the first time it's actually resulted in him getting captured by a dragon... but at least Yi-en was there to save him. Scowling a little, he nudges both knights before returning his attention to his father and the other court officials.


“I still desire to go to the tournament. It's in a week, is it not? And you have yet to decide on your third competitor. I'll go, with my knights. Besides, I have a sudden desire to see a certain young prince...”


Youngjae snorts at that, doubling over to hide the sound as Yi-en all but glares at him.


“As you wish, son. I'm not going to stop you from going with your friends. Do the kingdom proud... and don't let me hear about any scandals.”


Yi-en rolls his eyes with a slight sigh. Ah, yes, the scandals. Most of those were falsified. Just like most of the rumors about his 'escapades' in the kingdom. Sure, he'd been with a couple of young men... but no where near the amount people said he did. But still, he's allowed to go to the tournament! Lifting an arm, he slings it around Jaebum's shoulder with a chuckle and nudges at Youngjae's side because they haven't been to a tournament together in nearly three nears. Not since Yi-en got injured in the swords event. That stupid scar still hasn't healed properly.


With the conclusion of the meeting, the two knights and the crown prince turn to leave, laughing and talking amongst themselves as they make their way out of the hall and back towards the prince's chambers. When the door shuts behind them, Yi-en groans and falls back onto his bed, arms spread wide and eyes closed.


“So... tell us about this princess, hm?”


“I told you. It wasn't a princess. It was the crown prince. I think. You know the one I mean... we saw him at the last tournament. Surrounded by like... five sisters. He won the jousting.”


Youngjae blinks as he turns one of the chairs around and sits, leaning forward against the back of it. “Oh, you mean Ka-yee? Or Jackson. Whatever name he prefers to go by. Yeah. I know him. They say he's pretty popular with the girls, and he's been trying to orchestrate a peace treaty between his kingdom and the north.”


Yi-en rolls onto his side, looking from Youngjae to Jaebum before red hair falls into his eyes. He's tired. Between finding a way into the dragon's immense cave system, to rescuing Jackson and flying all the way back home... the scar on his chest has been aching almost all day. He rubs at his torso, frowning a little before he sits up and looks at his two friends.


“He was cute, okay? Nothing more. I mean... it's not like I found his smile breathtaking or that I rather enjoyed the feel of him clinging to me when I scared the holy crap out of him on the flight back...”


Sudden laughter from the two knights interrupts Yi-en's comments, and he scowls before throwing a cushion at one boy, then the other.


“Shut up. I just want to kick his at the tournament, okay?”  

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Chapter 4: You're hurting me. You're hurting me with the angst and the cute and the freaking MARKSON GOSH DARN IT.
Chapter 3: I can't even right now. I just.... I can't. This is so beautiful in so many ways that I can't even explain. It's been a long time since I've read something that's completely taken away my ability to put together a decent, comprehensive sentence of how I feel-- and yet, here is this comment. But seriously. I'm sobbing and making awkward noises and just really hating you because I actually love you and I love this and--LSDKJFLSKDJFLKSDJFLKJSDFLKJD
Chapter 1: ... oh? No...nooooo AAAAARRGGHH~ *CRIES* so many feels.. just so many feels :"(
Beautiful story ♥