Things You Didn't Do (Hakyeon/Yeonsoo)

As the World falls Down

Remember the day, I borrowed your brand new camera and broke it? I thought you'd kill me... but you didn't.


“Uhm... is that my camera?”


Yeonsoo jumps, the broken lens falling from his hands and landing on the carpet just at Hakyeon's feet. The elder blinks, silent as he bends down to retrieve the shattered plastic and glass before his gaze returns to Yeonsoo's reddening cheeks. What ensues is the longest moment of awkward silence in the three years they've been together, and then Yeonsoo ducks his head.




When no response comes, the blond lifts his head, blinking curiously at Hakyeon's somewhat amused smile.


“I didn't catch that. Can you try adding gaps between your words love?”


“I was taking pictures and then some guy bumped into me and I--”


Before he can finish, Hakyeon leans in and kisses him softly, fingers threading through his hair. “I know. It's okay. I forgive you.”


Yeonsoo splutters a little in confusion, flapping his hands wildly. “But. But it was your new camera and it was expensive--”


“No, it wasn't, actually. Someone gave it to me as part of a package deal with the new phones I bought us...”


The younger blinks as he takes this information in, before his cheeks flush and he presses closer to the elder. “Youcould'vetoldmebefore.”


Hakyeon only laughs, kissing Yeonsoo's forehead as he rubs his back. He could have told him, sure... but sometimes it's more fun to see just how flustered the boy can get.


Remember that day I spilled red wine all over your new carpet? I thought you'd hate me... but you didn't.


Hakyeon hates karaoke. He hates drunk people singing karaoke.


But for some reason, he can't hate the way Yeonsoo wiggles his backside, hands flailing in the air as he jumps around the apartment. He's singing some SHINee song at the top of his lungs, and every so often his hips sway and his hands jerk out, and then the chorus comes. He reaches for the glass of red wine sitting on the bench, sipping at it before he goes to step. Hakyeon wants to shout at him to stop because he sees the magazine lying in his path...


But then it's too late.


There's a red splosh of wine on his carpet now.


The new carpet.


The new...white carpet.


He sighs , rubbing at his face. “Yeonsoo. Stop drinking and dancing. You're such a klutz,” he murmurs, moving to retrieve the carpet cleaner and a cloth before going to work on the stain. All he hears is the slurred apology from behind him before Yeonsoo crashes on the couch. Shaking his head, Hakyeon cleans up the carpet as best he can before helping Yeonsoo into bed, making sure he drinks plenty of water and has panadol before he does.


Later that night, curled around the younger, he smiles at the way Yeonsoo turns towards him and kisses his jaw. “I love you.”


“I love you too, Yeonsoo.”


Remember the day I dragged you to the beach and it really was raining as you said it would? I thought you'd say, “I told you so.” But you didn't.


“I'm sorry.”


Hakyeon remains silent as he drags Yeonsoo through the rain. It's been raining now for nearly ten minutes, and knowing Korean weather it's not going to let up any time soon. They're both soaked through, and wet hair falls into Yeonsoo's eyes as he struggles to keep up with the elder's speed. He knows Hakyeon's grumpy – the older male doesn't like the rain very much, and he gets sick really easily so he avoids it as much as possible – but when the elder doesn't reply, he pouts and clutches at his arm a little.


Hakyeon only stops when they find a small pagoda, and he nudges Yeonsoo under it before tugging off his wet jacket. Underneath, his jumper is damp but not soaked through, and he takes it off before turning to the younger. Yeonsoo has only a moment to respond before Hakyeon is doing the same to him, pulling off his wet jacket and jumper before the elder is covering him with the dry one.


“But... You'll get sick!”


“It's fine. You're wetter than I am. Just enjoy it,” he replies quietly, leaning in to kiss Yeonsoo's forehead. “It's the last time I'm running out in the rain with you.”


Remember that day I flirted with the guys at the cafe to make you jealous, and you really did get jealous? I thought you'd leave me... but you didn't.


“I just love that color. It really brings out your eyes.”


Yeonsoo giggles a little as he slides the iced Americano over to one of his customers. The male gives him a wide grin in response, and then leans in to whisper something in his ear. Well aware that Hakyeon is watching, he swats at the guy's arm and pretends to look shocked.


“Naughty. I couldn't possibly do that.”


This conversation continues on until he sees Hakyeon push his way out of the cafe some fifteen minutes later. Shocked, Yeonsoo calls to his coworker to take over before he runs after the elder. He catches up at the end of the street -or at least he thought he had; in actual fact, Hakyeon's been waiting for him. Before he can say anything, he's pulled into the nearest dark corner and Hakyeon presses him against the glass.


“I don't like the idea of others touching you, Yeonsoo.”


“Ha-Hakyeon... it was just a joke. I just... w-wanted to see if you'd get jealous.”


Hakyeon's features darken, and he kisses Yeonsoo hard, hands cupping his cheeks and then they're in his hair, tugging and forcing his head back so he can deepen the kiss. “Well, as you can see it worked, Yeonsoo. You're such a brat.”


The younger whimpers softly against Hakyeon's mouth, fingers clutching at his jacket as he pulls him closer. “I'm sorry.”


“I love you, Yeonsoo. I'm not going to leave you, so you have to forget all these stupid notions that I am...”


Remember that day I forgot to tell you the dinner was formal wear, and you ended up wearing jeans? I thought you'd abandon me... but you didn't.




The blond ducks his head, avoiding the way Hakyeon is staring at him because he's the only one wearing his slightly faded denim jeans. Fingers curl around his tie, and he's forced to look up into dark eyes and a scowl. He tries to smile, but all he can do is this sort of half twitchy grimace that makes Hakyeon glare just a little before the elder turns to walk to the other side of the dining hall. Why had he forgotten all about the dress code? How hard was it to tell his boyfriend that his parents always did formal dinners?


The actual meal is painful to sit through.


Hakyeon ignores him.


His mother gives him dirty looks. She wants to know how much self respect Hakyeon has if he shows up to a parental dinner in jeans of all things. His father wants to know if they're actually together. Or just roommates.


Finally, dessert comes and goes and Yeonsoo asks to be excused. He's uncomfortable, Hakyeon hasn't said a word to them since they first arrived, and all he wants to do is curl up in bed and cry. He makes it across the room without being interrupted, but when a hand touches his wrist just before he can make it to the bathroom, he flinches. He doesn't expect to see Hakyeon's features when he looks up. Doesn't expect the apologetic smile that lifts his lips. Doesn't expect to be kissed right there – right in front of his very religious parents – and then pulled onto the dance floor.


His hands curl into Hakyeon's, and he presses his head against the elder's chest.


“I'm sorry.”


“I know.”


“You do?” His voice is muffled, but he hears Hakyeon's chuckle .


“You were moping all evening. I knew you forgot. I forgave you the moment we got here, love.”


Yeonsoo whines a little, but doesn't respond otherwise as he presses closer and just enjoys the dance with his boyfriend.


Yes, there were lots of things you didn't do.


Hakyeon stumbles as he runs towards the apartment. He's late. He can't believe after everything, after all the little alarms and reminders he's set all day... he's late for their anniversary. He had everything planned out too. Dinner in the blanket fort he'd transformed his study into. Dessert in bed. A bubble bath with oils and soaps and candles. The presents stashed under their bed.


He skids to a halt in the entrance hall after managing to slide both shoes off. Yeonsoo is sitting on the step just inside, waiting for him.


“You're late, Cha Hakyeon.”


He winces. He doesn't expect the tone the boy uses.


“I know. The train was late. And then I had to run four blocks...”


“You're four hours later. How do you explain that?”


Hakyeon sighs, rubbing at his face as he drops his bag and coat down on the small table, before he steps forward to Yeonsoo. “I had an emergency surgery. A little girl had been in an accident. Broken ribs, punctured lungs... they didn't think she'd survive.”


Yeonsoo's features fall a little, and then he sniffles, reaching out for the elder. His fingers curl into the warmth of Hakyeon's shirt, and he lets the elder gather him up into a hug. “I'm sorry. I should've... realised. Did you sa-save her? The girl...?”


The elder nods. “Mm. Her name's Yeori. And she's going to live a full and healthy life.”


Smiling, Yeonsoo presses his face against Hakyeon's chest, quite content to let the elder half carry him down into the bedroom. They forget about dinner – it can always be reheated – and dessert – because why bother if its all in the freezer anyway? - and even the bath... because all Hakyeon wants to do is spend the night showing Yeonsoo just how much he loves him, how much he'll continue to love them.


It's their six year anniversary.


But you put up with me.


“I seriously can't believe you dyed your hair that color.”


“What's wrong with it?”


“....Yeonsoo... it's bright blue.”


The barista gives Hakyeon an impish smile before he drapes his arms over the taller boy's shoulders. Neon blue bangs fall into bright eyes, and he tosses his head back a little so he can meet the elder's gaze. Perhaps getting the blue was the wrong idea, but it had looked like such a pretty color in the magazine and the stylist had told him he'd looked so good with it afterwards. He pouts, because why can't Hakyeon see that?


“...Are you pouting? Seriously? It's hair, Soo. Just go dye it again.”


Loved me.


“Hakyeon, she's beautiful.”


Yeonsoo's voice is a reverent whisper against his ear, and Hakyeon can't stop the smile that tugs at his lips as he lifts the infant girl up against his chest. Her name is Cha Yeori, and she is the most beautiful baby they have ever seen in their lives... and she's all theirs. Pushing aside the approved adoption papers, the young couple settle on the couch, fingers curling together as the infant girl nuzzles into Hakyeon's chest. Tears slip down Yeonsoo's cheeks and he ducks his head so the elder doesn't see because this isn't a sad occasion and they aren't sad tears but he hates to let Hakyeon see him get upset. The elder only smiles, brushing the tip of his nose along Yeonsoo's forehead before he kisses him.


“Marry me, Yeonsoo.”


Protected me.


The dog inched closer, barking ferociously and spraying globs of drool in every direction with every shake of its massive head. Yeonsoo cowers, arms wrapping around Yeori, the toddler clinging to her appa because 'scawy doggie, appa. Scawed,” and Yeonsoo doesn't know what to do. If he tries to run, the dog could quite easily get his ankles... or could even go for Yeori. He ducks his head, covering the girl with his body just as the dog starts into a run.


And then a shadow covers their forms. He hears a yelp, the scuffle of boots against dirt, and then the scurrying sound of pawed feet running away.


“Soo, it's okay. You're okay. It's me.”


Hakyeon's voice relaxes him almost immediately and he sits up a little, Yeori still clinging to his shirt even as she calls out to her daddy, even as she reaches for him. But Hakyeon drops down to meet their arms, pulling both husband and daughter into his arms as if he'd almost lost them both.


“I love you. I love you so much Soo. You're safe. I've got you. And I'm never letting you go.”


There were lots and lots of things I wanted to make up to you.


“Yeoooori, let's make cookies for daddy before he leaves on his plane trip, yeah?”


The toddler nods, clapping her hands excitedly as Yeonsoo finishes stirring the bowl of cookie batter before holding the spoon out to the girl. She squeals in delight, taking it only to shove the entire spoon in , happily. Yeonsoo laughs, dusting the flour off his hands before he starts spooning little balls of the mixture onto the baking sheets. Hakyeon emerges from the hallway just as Yeonsoo is pulling the first batch from the oven, looking very smart in his business suit and laptop bag.


“...why are you dressed like you're-- I thought your flight wasn't leaving until tonight!”


Hakyeon's smile falters at Yeonsoo's voice, and he sighs as he steps into the room properly, kissing the younger's forehead. “The evening flight has issues with the plane so they're sending priority passengers -like me- on the earlier one. So I have to leave in the next fifteen minutes to make it on time.”


“But... we didn't get a chance-- we made cookies.”


Yeonsoo's grasping for reasons to keep Hakyeon. He knows how important this business trip is, how many lives he'll save if the Americans adopt the technique's he's developed, but he feels uneasy. He doesn't like the thought of being without Hakyeon for two weeks. They've never been apart more than three days. Hakyeon kisses him again, drawing him from his thoughts, but before he can say anything more the elder is turning and lifting Yeori up against his hip. He doesn't even seem to care about the floury handprints on his jacket.


“Yeori-ah, daddy's going on his strip now. Will you be a good girl and watch out for appa? He'll need lots of cuddles and kisses.”


The toddler nods, giggling as she kisses his cheek before turning to reach for Yeonsoo. He reaches out for her, holding her against his chest so she can kiss him too, taking Hakyeon's request quite literally. Hakyeon smiles a little, leaning in to kiss Yeonsoo once more before he takes a warm cookie and bites into it.


“Mm. When I get back, you can make me all the cookies you want, okay? But I really have to go love. I'll call you when I land.”


When you returned from America.


Yeori giggles, reaching for another spoonful of porridge as Yeonsoo smiles and turns towards the television. It's only been a day. Maybe Hakyeon's phone died. Maybe he was tired and forgot to call. He doesn't often watch the news, but with Hakyeon in America, he's feeling a little edgy. When the current news report shifts to the wreckage of an airplane that's been torn to pieces in an explosion, his body goes cold. He barely registers the name and number of the plane,before he hears something that makes him cry out, knees buckling underneath him.


“The South Korean government released a statement some time ago. The entire nation is shocked with the death of one of the world's most prominent young surgeons, a young man who is said to have developed a new style of surgery for paediatrics. Cha Hakyeon, only 25 years old, is one of the confirmed dead in an explosion that took out one of South Korean Airline's newest passenger planes. The airlines have claimed that the explosion was caused by a mechanical malfunction, and all models have been reclaimed for checking. He will be remembered through years to come.”


Yeonsoo chokes out a sob, watching as the face of his husband remains on screen only until his tears blur out the picture... and then he's gone. He doesn't even realize Yeori is crawling into his lap until he feels her hands against his face, wiping at his tears.


“Appa? Don't be sad appa. Daddy won't like it if you're sad.”


Little Yeori. So much like Hakyeon. So much it hurts. Yeonsoo holds her to his chest and doesn't let go until his tears finally run out.


But you didn't...


“Appa! What are you doing? I'm not ready yet!”


Yeori clutches at her veil, holding it up in front of her dress as she watches Yeonsoo enter the room. The older male smiles, though there's a sadness in his eyes and tired lines around his mouth. He closes the door behind him and moves into the room, dark hair falling into his eyes. His daughter only sighs, reaching out to fix up his hair before she moves to straighten his tie.


“Appa, you're a mess. Why didn't you wait? I'm coming out soon. I can't be late for my own wedding.”


“...He wanted so bad... to walk you down the aisle.”


It leaves Yeonsoo before he can stop himself, and he ducks his head a little to wipe at the tears that are forming. “Some nights he'd go on about it. He wanted to help with the planning, and the flowers. And he wanted to walk his baby girl down the aisle and shake the hand of the man who would take the place as the most important male in her life. He wanted to see grandchildren, wanted to see you live a happy life...”


Yeori sniffs. She wants to cry, really she does, but she can't ruin her make up, and so she wipes quickly at her eyes and leans up to kiss her father's cheek. “Daddy is here with us, appa. He has my hand just as you do. And he'll get to see me be happy, because he's with us... because he's here...” She puts her hand over Yeonsoo's heart, but even her resolve can't stop the tears, and she hugs him, burying her face into his shoulder.


“I miss him, appa. I can't remember much but I miss him. I miss how happy you used to be...”


Yeonsoo closes his eyes, holding his little girl close before he pulls back. “I am happy, sweetheart. I just... This isn't the path I would have chosen for myself.”


His daughter nods, wiping at her tears before she holds her veil up for him. “Clip it up for me, daddy? I'm ready.”


Chest tightening at the term of endearment, he nods and takes the hair clip from her, carefully sliding it into place at the top of her bun before he takes her hand.


“Hakyeon would be so proud of you, dearest.”


“I know, daddy. He'd be proud of you too.”

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Chapter 4: You're hurting me. You're hurting me with the angst and the cute and the freaking MARKSON GOSH DARN IT.
Chapter 3: I can't even right now. I just.... I can't. This is so beautiful in so many ways that I can't even explain. It's been a long time since I've read something that's completely taken away my ability to put together a decent, comprehensive sentence of how I feel-- and yet, here is this comment. But seriously. I'm sobbing and making awkward noises and just really hating you because I actually love you and I love this and--LSDKJFLSKDJFLKSDJFLKJSDFLKJD
Chapter 1: ... oh? No...nooooo AAAAARRGGHH~ *CRIES* so many feels.. just so many feels :"(
Beautiful story ♥