This Is Just The Beginning...

SO, I'm gonna do some self advertising and other that even a phrase? So Yeah. I decided to do it on this story because this has the most sub's because my other stories aren't getting any love..I thought I told you to...Never mind..LOL...Without Further ado, here is Self advertising...

this story is..well, um...IDK, its hard to explain and actually really hard to write...Its gonna be really good and I already put the first chapter up..So read and SUB to that because I actually want more Subs on this on than on my other eunhae one....So don't Forget to sub, But comment also!!And no I'm not saying that I want my other subs to dissapear because well, I don't. Its a really fun story but also angsty. It includes some of ur favorite couples....That should give you perogative to go check it out. If u know what I'm sayin'? (OMG! Like rite when I was righting the part about you know what I'm sayin? some guy said it while I was typing and he was like 25 ft away. Creepy..)

Sooooooooooooooo? Who is going to the SMTown concert?! For Super Junior?! I won't tell u if I am or not but put on my wall or in the comments if u r and what tickets you got and if you plan on driving or flying and also where ur coming from..thanks...Look, I'm starting to sound like a YTuber. Except I don't get paid...Whatever..So just sub..OK...thanks...

th_HeechulalmostkissTaetae-1.gifwhat is um...Heechul doing here? Molesting Taemin. Well, I'll be..! Apparently this was at an SMTown Live Concert. IDK which one though...


th_tumblr_lbhc0nRbuH1qb0e6so1_250.gifWhy is he so cute? He's my bias I love him. If this happens at the SMtown concert; fine Asians running aroudn topless flaunting themeselves. then I am so there..BTW...doesn't sungmin look so cute with that pink head band ribbon thing on his head...?


th_4jib1.jpgNow this is what I'm talking about!! * Lips* I mean um, all those years of working off have finally paid off...*someon holding me back before I jump on him* I was actually scared when I saw this picture..he is so fit in this..he gained weight now though..This is the 5th most viewed Sungmin photo on photobucket...Fun Fact..


The SunSun CoupleWhen I saw the name of this I was like: "the SunSun what? That better be a nickname 4 MY Minnie!" Who is this girl? So, yeah. This was on the 1st page 4 most viewed Sungmin photo..Wonder why...Also, can someon please tell me what Sungmin is holding in his hand in the 3rd picture? Its kinda creeping me out. *Hides in the corner and covers my eyes* It looks like...well, you know.

Well, since I gave you mainly Sungmin stuff I will give you eunhae and Siwon and maybe Kyuhyun too I guess...*Begrudginly opening photobucket and scanning through pictures..*


th_ydjk8.jpgThis isn't Eunhae but Donghae looks so fine in this. Is it a sin to be this fine? I say to myself while putting my index finger on my chin. Hmmmm.*My other self goes on the internet(google) turns around, fixes her glasses and shakes her head no)

th_eunhae.jpgThis is from either Sm in Paris or a concert in like Singapore or thailand..they always seem to go their don't here is the YT link if you can quite find it...


th_Eunhae18.jpgI've always wanted to know like where this is from. I know its not photoshopped so IDK..If its from a concert or tv show someone please give me a link?!!!


th_Eunhae38.jpgOh, this. Classic. I have the gif on my computer. In the gif it kinda looked like literally no joking that eunhyuk was trying to unbuckle hae's jeans. NO LIE!! I think its either from when they were in LA or Vietnam..honestly I have no idea how I got this gif. I'm creepy.


 eunhae38.jpg image by bong_tron304honestly I don't know about this clip. They were reancting Snow white and he had to kiss him..?I forget why though...If you guys watch it tell me if u think they actually kissed...its from Super Junior Adonis Camp. I didn't watch the show, I just saw this clip; to watch this type in Sper junior snow white. I didn mine on google though. And look @ how conviently Hae's leg is propped up..too funny..Sorry, but this sis the last Eunhae pic. So, tell me this. In reality do you actually think donghae is gay and likes Eunhyuk and if he does like Eunhyuk why doesn't he say anything. Well, like I always say to my sis, "We don't know what goes on inside SUJU dorm and frankly I don't think half of us want to. What stays in the Dorm stays there." It stays behind closed doors....I think personally trying to be funny that some of them may do naughty things...Leave it in the comment...Okay, now Siwon.




th_2-2.pngMy sis is gonna kill me but I actually really like this pic. Its my favorite pic of his. Actually I'm the one that showed it to her...


th_31193945.jpgwhat?! You didn't watch 'Oh! My Lady!' Get off this computer rite now and go watch it...wait, u have to be on the computer to watch it..then get off this website.....!! After u sub...TEE HEE~~!!

th_utf-8Bd29uMi5qcGc-1.jpgThe ledgendary Siwon photo..who doesn't like this. He actually had the nerve to put this on his twitter. Does he want girls(and maybe guys...)to die...Sometimes...That boy..


th_20110919-SJ-Twitter-Siwon-5.jpgNo Lie, but this is srsly what he has on his twitter like every other day and some saying abt god. Not a bad thing but it gets irritating..I can't wait 4 da day someone says that to him...Bt no one will because their scared of him...Go check his twitter rite now if u don't believe me...!/siwon407


So Don't Forget to Sub comment and Read!!! Buy...Also do u think anyone in SUJU is gay..Even though Sungmin is my bias my suspicions came back up after that stunt he pulled on strong heart. Go to 110830 Strong heart I think its like part 4 or something but he says some stuff....creepy stuff...





th_brianSungminpoledance.gifNo, not this Strong heart. This si from last year. I can give you this clip if u want because I KNOW that most of u want 2 see MY Sungmin act you know and be y. Well, thats what the video is labeled as....


Also Super Junior did idol world and I was gonna watch it but then I found out it was only Super Junior T so I didn't watch it. But now after seeing THIS clip I want to so badly and the sad part is I have this gif on my computer...Love Sungmin...

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Oh dear lol I was searching sooooo hard in my subscriptions list xD and i found it :D I miss this :O I'm off to reread it now lol <3
brattygurl #2
It's been a while and the teasers seem pretty interesting so I hope you'll give us a real update soon.
new reader... <br />
mh dunno why.. but i think hyuk started to understand his feelings.. and he probably "hang out" with hyo to understand if he is gay or not... kkkk and about chul call... i think it was refering to hyuk kkkkkk XD
Wow, the situation gets more complicated and like well, going around in circles, i guess!!XD Since he's ashamed, then I am guessing he was "Attacked"??!XD<br />
Now, Hoodies and Shoes, so jogging in order talk with no one listening!!XD<br />
Ahh, update soon!!!XF