I Am Not!!!

This Is Just The Beginning...



Here I was sitting patiently on Eunhyuk's bed waiting for him to come back from 'hanging out' with SNSD. Its already been about 2 hours since he left and I was getting kinda irritated. What could they be doing for this long? Wait, don't tell me they went to the Amusement Park. A place known for couples to go to. Then that would mean...Oh, no. “He Promised!!!” I unintentionally yelled that out loud and sat up on his bed. And because of the commotion that just elapsed I looked up to see someone standing at my doorway. I squinted to get a better look and once I did.....Not Him. He smirked while leaning on the doorway.


“You promised what?” I could never hide anything from Heechul but this one thing was just between me and Eunhyuk. Hyukjae and me. I gulped and tried to put on a brave face to try to make the lie I'm about to tell look real. I held my breath unconsciously because I was so scared. With air still in my cheeks I opened my mouth to speak and all the air came out. Heechul then out of nowhere appeared on the bed next to me and started laughing and pointing at me. WTH! Where did he come from? I look around hoping and thinking about when he came.


“You do look like a fish. A fish out of water that is!!!”




“Hey nothing.” He suddenly turned dead serious in a matter of seconds. I looked around to see if I was imagining things and then felt stupid. He is sitting right in front of me but less than 5 seconds ago wasn't he just cracking up? He snapped his finger in front of my face to get my attention. I guess you could say he Literally snapped me out of it. (A/N: corny much?)


“What did he promise? I need an answer and I need it now!”


“You don't need anything.” He glared at me and I saw him twitching his right eye with a little to almost invisible smirk on his face. I covered my mouth right after those words came out of it. No one talks to Heechul that way. Not even his own mom. He then starts to look around to make sure no one else was in the room. To make sure that it wasn't him I was talking to. I heard him mumble: “Nope, its only me in this room.” He slowly turned his neck and looked at my direction. All of his smart facial expressions were gone except well one little thing was on his lip and I couldn't quite describe it but as it became more clearer I realized that 'thing' on his lips was...a smile? Heechul smiling? I was actually kinda scared. He tries to say with his most calm voice ever.


“I guess you didn't hear me last night. That is not how you address your hyung!!”


“Sorry.” I still didn't take my hand from my mouth. He glared at me and ripped my hand away from my mouth.


“If you were really sorry you wouldn't of done it. But...you did.”




“Are you questioning your own apology?”




“Well,for me to forgive you I want to just know one thing.”


“And what would that be? Heechul Hyung.”


“Ahhh~~~ Thats more like it.” He leaned closer to my ear and whispered. “I want you to tell me...what happened between you and Eunhyuk last night.” OK. First of all this was getting way too creepy. I didn't want to tell him what happened between me and Eunhyuk because, well, nothing happened. And second, his eerie breathing is really getting to me. So, I decided to gulp up my courage and lie to Heechul. Before doing so I subtly made a cross across my chest looked up to the ceiling and made a quick prayer. I knew I was going to die if I lie to Heechul. At least Siwon would be proud of me. Not because of the lying-of course not-but because I prayed to God when I was in trouble. Emphasis on the word trouble. I took another deep breath and started my lying.


“We talked about him hanging out with SNSD and wanting a girlfriend.” I said while rolling my eyes OK. So I didn't technically lie. I admit defeat. I'm actually really scared of Heechul. He must have noticed my underlying irritated tone while I said that because then he said.


“And does that bother you?” I almost had to double take at Heechul. His voice was actually full of concern. And they call Kibum the ever changing personality boy. He went from funny,serious,scary,and caring all in a matter of 90 seconds.. I was having trouble grasping that but I was having even more trouble grasping what he just asked me. I looked back at Heechul and saw him with waiting facial expression.




“Does that bother you?” This time when he said it he sounded like a mother caring for an ailing child. He also put one hand onto my shoulder. His voice was really calm. Now this is just beyond bizarre and creepy. My spine literally shivered once he put his arm on my shoulder and started to speak with a soft soothing voice. I knew that this 'thing' -whatever you want to call it- was all new to him and it might wear off pretty soon but being the idiot I am I decided to ask him another question. (A/N: Donghae you are just asking to get punched. *shakes head*)


“Does what bother me?”


“The fact that Eunhyuk is talking about wanting a girlfriend when he has one that was right in front of him.” BWOH!!! Is he talking about me? I point to myself and Heechul just closes his eyes and nods really slowly.




“Yes, Donghae. You. I can tell that you like him. I see the way you look when your around him. The way your eyes sparkle. The way you constantly always have to find a way to talk to him or to get his attention so that he can talk to you. But, also when he talks about girls. You get this shocked,confused,and hurt look on your face. I could only imagine last night when you guys were talking. You probably didn't want him to hang out because in your mind you were thinking that he should only hang out with you and that if he just hangs out with them he might end up getting serious. You guys are 'Eunhae' couple.”


Its like he read me like a book. How did he know all this about me? I don't like Hyukjae in that way. At least I think I don't.


“But don't worry. He would never leave your side. He said so after your dad died.”


“Yeah,I know that.” Actually I didn't know the part about my dad but thats for a later discussion.


“Then why do you always get mad when he talks about girls?”


“I do not.” He tilts his head and raises in eyebrow in suspicion. I finally come to the same conclusion that I've always had when it came to my feelings for him or the way I act when I'm around him. I say in almost a whisper.


“I don't know. I have no idea.”


“Apparently you didn't take into account what I told you last night. I think you should do that.” That was the last thing I heard him say before He moved off my bed and into the hallway. Last Night? What did he mean by that? I started moving my hands in a weird motion trying to figure out what he meant by that. I looked like I was doing the part in Sunset Glow where GD is singing 'geuraedo eotteokhae ajik nae sarang yuhyohande'. (A/N: U weren't as cute though..) Yeah,I wasn't so I guess I looked pretty stupid. While talking to myself and trying to get my thoughts together, I hear a knock at the door. I look up and see Eunhyuk smiling. Finally he gets here. It looks like he stifles a chuckle probably at how stupid I look. (Ya think?) Before I could get mad at him for making me wait for a long time and having my brain racking because of him. I burst out laughing at how stupid I probably did look like. He then imitated me and looked pretty stupid. He fell onto my bed and gradually the laughing died down,and he looked up smiling. I knew I couldn't get mad at him when he was smiling like that when he walked in and now we're both sitting on his bed smiling like goofs at each other. I held my stomach as he started to talk.


“Sorry I took so long.”


“Its OK. But why did it take you so long?”


“See, there was a long line for the ferris wheel so we decided not to go on that and instead on the love boat ride....before that we also got something to eat and.....” I totally got drained out after he said “Long Line”. So they did go to an amusement park! My assumptions are usually right but I didn't want to believe this one. Then I think he mentioned something about a love boat ride? I thought he wasn't serious!!! OK, Donghae calm down. He was just hanging out, no bad intentions. There is probably a really good reason to it. I shouldn't even be getting mad about this. Well,maybe I should because he decided to get on a love boat ride with some girl from SNSD instead of coming back to pick me up,so we can hang out. Wait a second. I kinda sound like a jealous girlfriend..... No No No. Let me just talk to Hyukkie myself. Hyukkie? Where did that nickname come from? I sound completely like a girl. No, and I am no way jealous.


“.....But the main reason why we were late was because we waited for the other SNSD members but they were a no show, so it was just me and Sooyoung.” I smiled at that. See? A perfectly good explanation. Just Him and Sooyoung. My eyes widened.




“You seriously weren't listening to anything I was just saying Lee Donghae?”


Yes.” No.


“What am I ever going to do with you?” He chuckled softly. I asked to make sure I wasn't hearing things.


“So, what your saying is that basically you and Sooyoung were on a date and late because you waited for the other SNSD members but they were no shows?” He nodded slightly.


“Yep. I guess you were listening to me after all. I wonder what goes on in that little head of yours;you say one thing and then contradict yourself by saying another. Funny.” Ha Ha Ha. So funny. I think not. I just have to clarify one more time.


So you did go on a date with Sooyoung?”




“Well, you just said you did.”


“Lee Donghae, you are being really confusing.”


“Whatever, its not like I care anyway. But FYI, 'friends' that just 'hang out' don't go on love boat rides.” I said with a quote un quote expression while doing bunny ears.


“Oh,then you must not have heard that part when I explained it to you. We were gonna go on the ferris wheel but we got out of line because we were already there for about 30 minutes. While walking a guy pulled us towards a ride and told us that we look like a good couple. I tried to correct him and say that we are just friends but Sooyoung spoke up and told him thanks. I looked at her weird but stopped because maybe she has something planned. He smiled again and told us we could go on for free. Couples only.” while listening to this I was checking my fingers; dusting and blowing them off. What can I say? I was bored. “I was hesitant but she urged me on and grabbed my arm and pulled me onto the ride. I eventually got on the ride and got a little excitement from it because I had never been on it before.”


“Excitement? You float down a stream.”


“Well,yeah but if its something new that you try out you would think that it might be a little fun. Right?” I nodded slightly and went back to tending to my fingernails.


“I also came back here because I promised you that we could hang out today. I know you waited a long time and I want to make it up to you by treating you to some ice cream....” I perked up. Finally he remembered that today after his date-as I like to call it-we were supposed to hang out. I unknowingly sigh and look back up at him.


“Did You not remember?”


“No, I did remember. Its just that,did you remember that I don't like sweet things?”


“Good. And I did remember but there's not that many places open right now. We could always go tomorrow...”


“No!! Its OK. I mean, I can eat this for one night, right?” He his usual gummy smile and brightened me from my tense mood I just had.


“Yay!!! But we better leave soon; it closes at 10:00pm and its already 9:15.”


OK~~~” I got up willingly and went to go get changed. I tried not to show it-without looking like a creeper of course-but I was actually really excited to go hang out with Hyukjae today. I turned around to see him waiting by my door and smiling. Finally some alone time with Eunhyuk....



 A/N: Mianhae for the long or short chapter. IDK. Donghae is almost coming to terms with his feelings fro hyukjae. Almost...The next chapter is a 2nd part to this one and you will see what Donghae does or rather acknowledges about him and eunhyuk. Specially their relationship. The next chapter might be kinda short;not as long as this one. THNXS 4 Reading,Subbing,and Commenting. Hope to see more. Thanks for the views on my fan fic. It really means a lot to me. Even the littlest thing can make a difference in ones attitude, Donghae in my fan fic is living proof of that. He was all glompy once eunhyuk came bac bt once they were going to hang out he turned into some 8 yr old boy playing pokemon. Newayyyy~~~~~ See u in the next chapter....Bye Nex Chapter is Tippin..

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Oh dear lol I was searching sooooo hard in my subscriptions list xD and i found it :D I miss this :O I'm off to reread it now lol <3
brattygurl #2
It's been a while and the teasers seem pretty interesting so I hope you'll give us a real update soon.
new reader... <br />
mh dunno why.. but i think hyuk started to understand his feelings.. and he probably "hang out" with hyo to understand if he is gay or not... kkkk and about chul call... i think it was refering to hyuk kkkkkk XD
Wow, the situation gets more complicated and like well, going around in circles, i guess!!XD Since he's ashamed, then I am guessing he was "Attacked"??!XD<br />
Now, Hoodies and Shoes, so jogging in order talk with no one listening!!XD<br />
Ahh, update soon!!!XF