so the world can hear you

light up the darkness

>Leo's Talking using sign langage<

 -seven years ago-

I can't talk no knows why I have never spoken a word in my life. I couldn't tell you what my voice sounded like, how could I if I have never heard it. I am mute, the doctors can't explain it, they say that I will never be able to talk I can hear just fine though.

"Taekwoon time for dinner come down to eat." I heard mom yell from the kitchen. I went to the table and sat down.

"Taekwoon are you okay you look very pale?"

>I'm okay, just  thirsty.< I signed to my mom.

"okay I'll get you something to drink. I can't let you get sick the day before your birthday. My little boy is turning sixteen that only happens eat up." my mom said putting a plate of food infront of me.

"Tae, want to sit with your mom for a bit and watch tv with me?"

>sure what is on?<

"I don't know. lets see."


"good night Taekwoon.sleep tight okay. don't stay up to late."

>I won't mom.<

"okay. I have to work the desk tonight will you be fine alone? ok see you in the morning then." my mom left to go to work. I went to my room and got my bag out. my mom does not know but every time she works the desk I go out my window and go sit in the woods. mother fears the woods but they are the only place in town I like. I don't get along with most of the people in town so most of the time I stay at our house above mom's store.

"Hey kid it's not safe for you to go into the woods" I looked up at the man wishing that he would go away."oh your that kid who can't talk Miss Jung's kid." I walked up to him and punched him in the stomach"kid do you even know who I am?"

>yeah. your Eric leader of Shinwa the gang that claims to live in the forest when actually you cower in and abandoned school the moment you hear a strange noise.<

"what the hell do you say freak. I don't understand you." Eric bellowed

"He said leave."

"who said that?"

"I did" G-Dragon said from  behind me "leave or I'll wake the demons."

"He can't do that can he Eric?"

"I don't know Andy,he may just be human ,but I don't want to find out. lets go"

"Cowards" GD scoffed at them.

>hi GD. heading out ?<

"yeah want me to walk you back to your house in case those jerks try something?"

>nah I'm okay. drink well tonight friend. don't kill anyone..well mabe Eric< G-Dragon chuckled at my joke

"I still can't figure out what gave me away...Leo how did you know I am a vampire anyways?"

>I just knew the first time I saw you<

"alright then go home before the real monsters come out. I would hate to see you end up as someones meal."

>alright hyung ill go home, see you next time< I ran home and climbed into my room through my window glancing at my clock I saw that I was gone for almost an hour.

----next morning(leo's sixteenth birthday)

"wake up birthday boy."

"mom I'm thirsty" I said without opening my eyes

"Taekwoon you spoke..." My mom said in shock.

"I what?!" my eyes shot open

"oh god. your a monster like your father is."

"mom, what do you mean dad is dead?"

" I wish he was. Taekwoon your father is a monster who-"

"THATS ENOUGH! mom I will ask you one more question what is my father's name?" I had a feeling I already knew him.

"Kwon Jiyong he prefered to be called..."


"you've met him. he wanted to name you Leo."

"that is my name mom, I always wondered why I had two names..."

"I'm sorry I can't live with a son who is  a monster." I saw Mom pull a knife out of the drawer..

"mom what are you doing!"

"This." she said cutting her palm open. I suddenly was overwhelmed at the smell of blood and I lost control. when I came to I was covered in blood and my mother's neck was covered in blood.

" I'm to late." I turned around and saw G-Dragon through my tears.

"Dad" I cried out.

"It's okay son, I'm sorry but we need to destroy the evidence or we will have hunters after us. go outside and wait for me" Dad said as fire flared to life in his hand and his eyes flashed pink.


"seven years have passed since the devasating fire that claimed the life of Jung Soo Yun. survived by her son Taekwoon the cause of the fire remains a mystery along with the whereabouts of her son. this has been another episode of True Mysteries with your host Lee Kwang-soo"

"hey Leo. I've got your order right here. what's wrong you look upset today?"

"I'm okay it just seems like their trying to say Taekwoon set the fire that killed his mom."

"thats right. you grew up on Darly street, did you know him?"

"we were very close at one point, but then I went to live with my dad."

" here is your order that will be 30 dollars." I paid the clerk and left hopefully he didn't realize who I am. I went back to the house in the woods I share with my father although GD is not home as much anymore, dad decided he wanted to travel more. currently he is in the city of Nishka which is the furthest place from the town's borders. we live in Silver Hill, the forest near the town of Lunaris. It's kinda Ironic that a place founded by wolves after the rebellion fears the shadows.

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Chapter 2: oh my xD
GD is taekwoon's dad.. and i can'ty wait for hyuk's story :3
shikey #2
Chapter 2: it's cool !! ahahah GD is his dad aahaahah XD