The Kiss

That Little Moment Again

Kringggg... *Alarm

Ah, shoot!!! It's 8 in the morning already? gosh, I'm sleepy.

I get up from my bed and as I almost step into the bathroom, last night incident poped up in my mind. 

"I'm not gonna hurt you.... just yet."

Eventhough it's only a sentence but it totally broke my heart into tiny little pieces. What have I done to him? He's changing so much, is it because of me?

After he said that, he left my house just like that. How am I going to face him? 

After I dress up, I get my coat and left for my class. As I enter the main gate, I can see Byunghun with a lot of girls surrounding him. He is smiling happily towards them. He seems calm and happy but there's something missing. What is it? oh yeah, the innocent looking face of him is gone. I don't see it anymore in him. I couldn't help but stare at him until his eyes suddenly met mine. I was shock with his gaze so I walk away to my class rushly.

"good morning chanhee" Niel said happily as usual as I sit next to him. "morning" I answered lazily. "what's wrong chanhee? since yesterday, you doesn't seem to be.... you. Is there something wrong? are you sick?" Niel ask and he put the back of his palm on my forehead to feel the heat. I push his hand gently and answered "no, I'm fine.... I'm just tired that's all."  Niel just nod as I said it. "you shouldn't think about the assignments to much. You're good in making music so I'm sure you're gonna be just fine." Niel comforted me. I feel thankful for his words but unfortunately, that's not what troubling me right now.

after the class ends, I walk to the cafeteria with niel and suddenly, I feel like someone is watching me. I wonder who. I turn around to look but there's no one. I suddenly feel goosebump. Maybe it just a feeling, I calm myself.

Neet...neet... *message

have you finish your class? come to the music room on the 2nd floor.


"who's that from?" niel ask as he try to look at my phone but I put in quickly in my pocket. "nothing, it just L.joe. He wanna pactice right now so I'm going to the music room upstairs. You'll be fine eating alone right?" I said as I quickly walk towards the stairs. As I walk, I can hear niel screaming at me "what? come on... eat with me..." but I don't turn one bit. I'm sure he'll be fine eating alone. As in right now, I want to face Byunghun and settling everything.

I open the door and I see him with someone sitting beside him by the window. Byunghun is playing the guitar calmly till he realize my presence. "come in, don't just stand there." he said as he pointed to the chair in front of him giving a sign for me to sit. As I walk towards the chair, the other guy just look at me blankly but then he purse a little smile on his lips. "hello, nice to meet you, senior. I'm Ricky." he introduced himself. I just smile and say "nice to meet you too, I'm Chanhee." "I know. who wouldn't recognize the angel's voice Lee Chanhee. You've set quite a records in the college music awards. You're amazing." He said as he gives me a thumbs up and I said thanks in reply.

"okay then, since you've met him,why don't you give us some space now?" Byunghun ask as he look at Ricky. "alright, I'm going..." Ricky said lazily and he left after giving us a wave.

"who is he?" I ask. I don't know why I ask that out of blue. I just want to know if he is someone special to Byunghun. Am I jelous?

" someone special to me. I don't know how to describe our relationship...." Byunghun said calmly as he tuning his guitar. Then, he switch his gaze towards me. "why? are you jelous?" He ask. "hell no... why would I?" I said and I can feel a little anger in me. oh shoot!! why am I angry? Byunghun just stare at me without blinking. I wonder what is in his mind right now.

He then put his guitar at the side and came towards me. He then put both of his hand on the chair holders and I am now trap between him and the chair. He slowly leaning his face towards me and I can feel his breathing near my cheek as I turn my head to the side, can't face him. "Look at me Chanhee." He instruct. "no, why should I?" I said. "why shouldn't you?" He ask. okay, this is getting weirder. I push him and I stand up from the chair. "whatever you're doing, just stop! I know you are hurting because of me. I know I have broke your heart. I'm really sorry for everything. I... I.... I wish that I can turn back the time and...... stop everything... if only I am able to do that..." I speak up and I can hear my voice is shaking.

"so... you wanted to stopped what happen between us at that time?" He ask and then he pursed a smirk on his lips. "do you realize that you have just broke my heart for the second time?" He said and and I can clearly see his expression now. It's full of anger and hatred. I'm speechless. I don't know what to say.

"I'm.... sorry...." I guess that's all I can say for now. There's no words that can describe how apologetic I am right now towards him. I turn around to walk away from the class until he pulls me. He pulled me towards him and in the speed of light, he pursed his lips on mine. I was shock and for a while, I'm getting drunk with his kiss until I realize, this is wrong. I tried to push him but he hold me tighter and our kiss became deeper till I feel suffocated. At last, I try my hardest to push him and he let me go.

"what the hell are you doing?" I ask angrily.

"you like it, don't you?" He ask me back.

"No, I don't and for your information, I'm belong to someone else."

"during our first date, you belong to someone else as well... so what is wrong with that?" He said angrily and I can the flame around me. Byunghun, this not right. No matter how I feel about you, this is still wrong.

I couldn't face him any longer so I run away. I run outside of the room and as I turn to my right...








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Byungchan_angel #1
Chapter 6: OMG! Love it!
Chapter 5: Lol xD update ssoon
G_Na19 #3
Chapter 5: What is Byunghun already plan? cannot wait to know what's next! :D
Chapter 4: really wanna know what is Ljoe thinking...or maybe even planning. can't wait for the next chappie! please update soon~
azah_lejah #5
Chapter 4: $_$ ... i want to know what will happen next .
G_Na19 #6
Chapter 3: OMG! Byunghun already appear. Update soon!!
Chapter 3: O.O update sooner please^^
Chapter 2: omg aww.. i kinda feel bad for changjo
G_Na19 #9
Chapter 2: when will Byunghun appear? cannot wait to read more!!
Chapter 1: omo.... this is intereintg!