The confusion

That Little Moment Again

"Byu.... Byunghun?"

I was stunned and speechless at the sight of him. Is it really you, byunghun? I look at him without a blink and he look at me as well, silently. His facial showed no emotion at all.


"How long are you two going to stand here? because I want to lock the door now. If you don't feel like coming in, I'll close." A voice from the inside wake me. It was prof. taehwan.I hurriedly enter the class leaving byunghun at the back. I wouldn't dare to look at him again. I don't know what to do. The guiltiness in me arise again. Is this my punishment? for playing with him at that time? 

I'm going to the seat at the second row to sit before niel waving his hand towards me giving a sign to sit next to him. I then go towards him rushly and sit quietly. I then look to my right to search for him and there he is sitting at the front row on my right. 


I can only see the back of his head as he face the front focussing on the lectures. Is it really you, Byunghun? Why did you look so different? The innocent and cute looking guy back then..... can no longer be seen in you. What changes you?


"okay, so everyone present today? I'm going to give you all the next assignment for this month which I've already told last week that you'll work in pair. Have you decide on your partner yet?" Prof taehwan ask and a loud yes can be heard from the students.

"good then. when I call your name, tell me your partner's name......Joohwan?"

"I'm with hyeri,sir!"







"L.Joe?" Prof taehwan ask for the second time and I can see that byunghun is sitting in his seat without moving an inch.

"Lee chanhee!" A reply from him is enough to make everyone in the class as shock as I am.


lee chanhee? wait a minute, that's my name... why....


"L.joe and lee chanhee... okay.... ahn daniel?" prof taehwan proceed.

"eh?.... but... I'm with chanhee....." niel said cluelessly.

"chanhee is taken. choose someone else... hurry..." prof taehwan said firmly.


oh my god! wait... why did byunghun chose me? no! this can never happen. How am I suppose to face him later? Oh God.... help me...


after briefing about our project, prof taehwan dismissed us earlier than usual.


"chanhee-ah.... we are supposed to be together...." niel said sadly. "why did l.joe chose you? do you know him?" he ask and I don't know how to answer him. Niel knew about Byunghun. I told him about how I cheat on changjo and fall for byunghun. He was so angry at me at that time for disloyal to changjo so I wouldn't dare to tell him that l.joe is byunghun. As I look to my right, looking for byunghun, he was gone. he already left. Damn! How can I face him? what should I do?

"I know! maybe because l.joe knew that you are one of the best student in this class so he chose you to get a good grade, am I right?" niel assumed. I, myself couldn't figure out why but... did byunghun remembered me? he must be right?

I broke his heart....


"hey, I'm going to meet someone for a while.... wait for me at the cafeteria will you?" niel said and he left soon after I give him a nod. 


I don't know what to think now. How will I face him? If I apologize, will he forgive me? it's not that easy... what if he hold a grudge against me? what to do?what to do? I need to get a good grade for this assignment to make up for the one I missed before. Help me....

I then stuffed my books into my bag and walk out from the class. As soon as I step out, on my left..... there he is.... leaning on the wall. His face is full of blank and emotionless. He then look at me in the eyes.

I'm speechless.... I don't know what to say. Is he angry at me? I can't seem to understand his facial. it was full of blank.


"why.....why did you chose me as your partner?" the first question came out from my mouth. I don't know how to start the conversation to be honest so I decide to ask him about the assignment.

"why? do you feel uncomfortable with me?" he ask and his tone was calm yet intriguing.

"to be honest...... yes......" i told him the truth but he must be way more uncomfortable with me I think, so I don't get why must he chose me to be his partner.

"good then... just what I want it to be...." he said as he smirk.


what's that supposed to mean?is he..... wait...... is he going to get back at me?


suddenly, he grab the phone from my hand and dial a number. I can hear something vibrate from inside of his pocket and I assume it must be his phone.


"this is my number...." he said as he give back my phone.

"call me whenever you want and I'll be there for you...." he smirk as he walk away from me.


what was that? what is that suppose to mean? what the hell just happen? As I look at my phone, his number is already saved in my contact as.......... HONEY????!!!!!!!.......





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Byungchan_angel #1
Chapter 6: OMG! Love it!
Chapter 5: Lol xD update ssoon
G_Na19 #3
Chapter 5: What is Byunghun already plan? cannot wait to know what's next! :D
Chapter 4: really wanna know what is Ljoe thinking...or maybe even planning. can't wait for the next chappie! please update soon~
azah_lejah #5
Chapter 4: $_$ ... i want to know what will happen next .
G_Na19 #6
Chapter 3: OMG! Byunghun already appear. Update soon!!
Chapter 3: O.O update sooner please^^
Chapter 2: omg aww.. i kinda feel bad for changjo
G_Na19 #9
Chapter 2: when will Byunghun appear? cannot wait to read more!!
Chapter 1: omo.... this is intereintg!