
That Little Moment Again

The sounds at the airport was loud and noisy with people talking and screaming. I can see some of them are crying. Must be meeting their beloved person after some time. I walk through the crowd trying to get my way out until I heard someone scream my name.

"Lee Chanhee!!" A voice that I familiar with but I couldn't recognize who. I look around but I didn't see anyone that I familiar with. "Lee Chanhee!!" Another shout out from that person and as I turn to my right, he's already beside me.

"Ahn Daniel!!!" I scream happily and we hug each other tightly not letting go. "I can't believe you're welcoming me today. You said you're busy." I speak. " I'm lying of course. My bestfriend just got back from his honeymoon, how can I'm not be here for him?...haha... so, how was your honeymoon?" He ask and I just smile lazily without replying.

We took a taxi and went back to my house. It's almost been a month since I've come back to Korea. I've been in UK for the entire month and also Hawaii for my honeymoon.


"so, how's Hawaii?" Niel ask as he sit on the couch. "not bad. it's peaceful and refreshing." I said as I smile. I sit beside him after I done unpacking my stuff. "refreshing,huh?...omg... why am I bushing?" Niel said as he cover his cheek with his palm. I just chuckle at his reaction. Although the things are not as what niel imagined, but I decide to stay quiet. 

"wait... why is changjo still in UK?" he ask.

"his dad wants him there for a little while. About the company I guess." I answer calmly.

"owh... yeah! I've read in the article that the Choi corporation are going to be the largest finances company in Korea. Is it true?" 

"yeah, I guess."


I've read it as well. since changjo is their only son, so the company will definately goes to changjo. No wonder his dad are busy interfering him with his company activities. As soon as changjo's studies end, I'm sure he'll be nominated as the president of the company.


"woah!! You just married a millionaire!! oh, wait.... your father is a millionaire as well. what am I saying? That's why both of you married in the first place. Entighten the business relationship. I'll never understand this business world." Niel said as he shook his head and I just smile at his reaction.

"okay, let's put that at end. How's college? since I've take a leave for a month, the assignments must have been pile up like a mountain." I ask. I know. leaving for a month is not the same as leaving for a day. I need to work my off starting tomorrow if I want to get a good grade.

"assignments? don't ask! we had just finish the boulvard project now we are going for the second one which, prof taehwan will notices us in tomorrow class. Since the second project will be with partner so I guess it'll be easier than the first. hey, let's work together for this project since we need to be in pair?" niel ask as he look at me with excitement. A yes for me is enough to make him jumping happily.


"owh yeah, one more thing. Don't feel down,chanhee. Before this, you're the most popular in our college but now, there is one person that had surpass you." niel said bluntly. " who?" I ask curiously. not to brag but I am the most popular in my college before but to heard someone is surpassing me, I don't even care a bit. It's better I think to have less people following you everyday. I can concentrate in my studies and my pile up assignments.


"he just transfer to our college a month ago which right after you left. He also the same class as us and his popularity is no joke,man! even the lecturers look up to him. He's a rapper by the way and his name is L.Joe! I don't know his real name since everyone call him that. well actually, no one knows his real name. He is cold and mystery. He always alone but when he perform, it was daebak." niel explain it excitedly. I can see that niel look up to him as well. It makes me can't wait to meet him.

"well, I can hardly wait!" I said calmly.


After a few hours chatting and laughing, niel left since it's almost midnight. I too need to prepare myself for tomorrow class. As I arrange my books and papers, 'he' suddenly came in mind. Byunghun, where are you and what are you possibly be doing right now? After that day, I couldn't stop imagining his reaction when he knew that I already had a fiancee. I feel miserable and frustrated everytime I remembering that scene. I can only wish that he's going to find someone better than me. Every second, I've never get to throw out the guiltiness in me that playing with his heart but not once I've ever doubt my love for him. If only i knew him earlier, things would have been different. If only...


tiit~Tiit~ (message)

chanhee, I'll be back in another 2 or 3 weeks. I'm sorry but I'll be back as soon as my work done. -changjo-


He must be really busy. it's okay. Before our marriage, he always dissappeared as well so i'm already used to it. i just said okay in reply. Me and Changjo are friends since we were kid. He told me that he like me when we were in high school. We are close but I never had any feelings for him. Maybe because I only thought of him as a brother since we grew up together. Our fathers are a long and trusted friends since they were still in school so they are always meeting each other. That's how make me and changjo closer.


After shower, I couldn't remember when did I fell asleep. Maybe because I'm too tired yesterday. A noise from beside my bed awake me. It was my phone. I set alarm to it and it's already 8 o'clock. My class will start at 9.30 so I get up and wash up before I put up some plain t-shirt with a black jacket on the outside. It's kinda windy out there so I need to be careful not to catch a cold. After having myself for breakfast, I took my bag and step out.


Thankfully the college is not too far from my apartment so I just need to walk to get there.As I arrive, it feels kinda new to me. It's like I'm the new student that just entering a new school. Maybe because I've left for a month. suddenly, I heard noises from not too far from me. when I look back, there are a lot of girls and boys surrounded something or someone. I wonder is it the L.Joe guy? I try to see his face but since there are too many humans around him, I didn't get to see him at all.


At last, I give up and walk away. Since there are plenty of time left before my class, I went to the lecturers room to ask about my assignments. Thankfully they are giving me enough time to do my assignments. After that, I headed to my class and right in front of the door, the crowd of girls and boys that I see at the entrance just now are there, still crowding him. Wow, niel is right. His popularity is no joke. Mine was much calmer than his. i look at my watch and it's almost 9.30. Damn! For prof taehwan class, late for even a minute, you'll get demerit points. It'll affect my grade for sure so I sneak in around the crowd to get to the door but seriously? they are pushing me instead,harshly. But I won't give up. I try to get in whatever ways I can and then I bump into someone.


"ouchh..." I scream painfully. Gosh, this crowd is a nuissance! As i look to the one that I bump to, it was a guy. A handsome looking guy. Must be L.Joe, I thought but then........ I froze at the sight of him as he see me directly into my eyes. His look..... I've seen him before.... it's.... wait...... it can't be......



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Byungchan_angel #1
Chapter 6: OMG! Love it!
Chapter 5: Lol xD update ssoon
G_Na19 #3
Chapter 5: What is Byunghun already plan? cannot wait to know what's next! :D
Chapter 4: really wanna know what is Ljoe thinking...or maybe even planning. can't wait for the next chappie! please update soon~
azah_lejah #5
Chapter 4: $_$ ... i want to know what will happen next .
G_Na19 #6
Chapter 3: OMG! Byunghun already appear. Update soon!!
Chapter 3: O.O update sooner please^^
Chapter 2: omg aww.. i kinda feel bad for changjo
G_Na19 #9
Chapter 2: when will Byunghun appear? cannot wait to read more!!
Chapter 1: omo.... this is intereintg!