Chapter 2

The Wallflower


hello~ to some people who have already read the first chapter the other night, I added a few details so you might want to re-reqad it again but it's up to you^^







Here I stand infront of the door. The door I should enter the place I should be calling 'home'. My eyes were locked on the ground, staring at the sewn Letters which spelled ' WELCOME '  on the doormat I am stepping on. Then I wondered, Does this greeting still has its purpose? Even I, who lives in this household never felt welcomed. For me, it is now just a simple rug to step on and remove the dirt that stuck on my shoes.


I reached for the rusty colored doorknob using my cold, bare hand, turning it to unlock and pushed it inside, causing the old wooden door to creak. What I see inside this household is nothing but darknes...I could not hear anything but the rain that continues to pour down outside...she did not come home.


like I would care.


Rarely do I see Mother. Usually she leaves early and comes home whenever she just wants to. I do not know the reason why but should I interfere? No, I should not.  

If you think I am upset that she is not here, Sadly, No. In fact, I am more please since I will not see her face, I will not hear her ear - defeaning shouts and complaints, I will not endure her insults on me.


I stepped inside, carefully leaving my shoes on the corner wall near the door and rushed myself upstairs.


Inside my room was nothing much, it is a bit dull, considering the walls are just plain white and the grayish - carpeted floors only added more paleness to the scenery. The only things that can be seen are my Bed, The desk with a pile of books and notes, My cabinet and the large window beside it.  

Dumping my bag to the side, I went near to the foot of my bed that I missed.. I laid myself in a fetal position, closing my eyes to sharpen my sense of hearing. All that can be heard was the rain from outside that kept pouring heavier and heavier , the moving vehicles, a dog barking from a distance and my slow, rythmical breathing.


Then, another roaring thunder invaded my sensitive ears. My eyes shot open and I instinctively sat upstraight. I have always feared the storm, eversince I was a child. Most likely, I would hide myself with a thick blanket and a teddy bear in my  arms.Back then I thought that it could protect me from everything I am scared of despite its uselesness, they had helped me drift off into a soothing, good night sleep...but it did not last longer.


My fears became stronger and my sleep now depends on the weather..


I walked over to the my window and look out on the streets, on the other houses but everything seems to be gray.  A flying bird had suddenly caught my attention, I could not distinguish it clearly but it was not important. The bird sat on the branch of the tree and I could see that it is almost breaking but the small creature did not move on its position. Would it be silly of me to think that I am jealous?


To my perspective, A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid when the branch is almost breaking, because its trust is not on the branch but on its own believes in itself.


While I don't.



7:30 p.m.,  I am sitting on my desk, finishing a pile of home works and essays. The sun has settled earlier and yet, the rain continues to pour down. Mother Is still not here and I suspect that she will not come home tonight. My eyes are beginningto fall, I did not mind my grumbling stomach since I have forgotten to buy food for myself.

Yes, I earn money. I have a part -time job as a seller in a small flower shop. The salary I recieve is not too much but is just right to feed me and pay the necessary things. I do not need a mother, I can take care of myself and be an independent woman, I have been like this ever since I was young and I can completely handle the things so that I could survive. I do not need her.


My phone suddenly buzzed, interrupting my thoughts. reaching for it, I opened and read:




07:35 p.m.

To: Han Areum

From: Byun Baekhyun

-Are you alright?



My eyesbrows met once I read the message he sent. Why would he suddenly ask me this? does something have to happen to me?






To: Byun Baekhyun

From: Han Areum


Yes, I am alright. Why did you ask? I am busy doing my assignments.-




Not even a minute have passed, he had a quick reply.




To: Han Areum

From: Byun Baekhyun


-The rain is still continuing to pour dowm. I am worried about you eversince I got home. Are you sure you are alright?




To: Byun Baekhyun

From : Han Areum


-Yes I am completely sure about that. Now, do you still have something to say? because I have tons to do.





To: Han Areum

From : Byun Baekhyun


-Do not worry about the rain, okay? Think about something nice like cake :D


Literally, I wanted to hit his head for being so childish like but it did not fail to make me smile a bit. Baekhyun always cared about me even when I did not try to  make eye contact or any communications with him. For some reason, I could not resist his personality. when I first met the man, I knew he is kind and caring though I tried to push him away like everyone else. This guy is really different, a one in a million and that is why he succeeded to break the wall., I let him in to my world.





To: Han Areum

From: Byun Baekhyun


Why are you not answering anymore? did you eat? do you want me to accompany you there? is your mother home?




but even so, he irritates me a lot.




To: Byun Baekhyun

From: Han Areum

-_- do not go that far,Baekhyun. you are not a lover of mine so stop acting like one. No, I did not eat, maybe later I promise. No, my mother is not here but so what? see you tomorrow Baekhyun-sshi, have a good night.




To: Han Areum

From: Byun Baekhyun


I was just playing a joke.Good night Areum. Do not forget to eat or I will hunt you in your dreams. :D



And then our conversation had ended just like that. I did not give him a response anymore for I know it will not end if no one tries to end it and I know he will not stop.

8:25 p.m.

I went outside, walking myself to the Convenience Store. Like I promised to Baekhyun, I am going to eat. The rain had finally stopped but the cold breeze is still swirling.


Finally, I reached a ministop. No one was inside except for an unknown employee. My right hand was about to push the cold, glass door when a tall man had suddenly pushed me away and went inside, not even glancing back on me. At first I did not mind his rude actions but when I was about to reach for a cup of ramen when I got in, he took what I had attempted to pick. I heard him smirked at me and ran off going somewhere I do not want to know. Is the space not good enough for him?


My feet brought me near the cashier and was about to hand the ramen I picked but the tall, annoying guy appeared out of nowhere and pushed me away once again.. I sighed in defeat instead.


"Here." he handed a basket of treats to the employee and leaned his waist against the ceramic table next to him, arms are crossed and so are his legs. I could feel his eyes looking at my figure but I looked far away. I heard his smirk again.

"Good evening." he suddenly spoke and I knew it was directly to me but I did not even hesitated not to respond. He scoffed at me and grabbed the plastic bag before rushing to the exit but stopped on his ground and spoke again.


" Goodbye, Miss Shy Girl. "


I cringed on his words. Who Is this Man? but I ignored him afterwards. I will not see him anymore anyway and I have no intention to, so why care? he is just a waste of my time.



but to my dismay, what I had thought seemed to be an opposite,



OMG do you know who that jerk is???? HAHAHA~~










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please update soon!!!!
MissMe23 #2
Chapter 1: I'm so proud of you ~
Chapter 1: Ohmigod this is sooo touching....