Chapter 1

The Wallflower


 It was upsetting that I did not see a glimpse of the sun the moment my eyes fluttered open from a good night sleep at home- in my room even now, right here in what I call 'prison'.  How I wish to see that sun just to brighten up my day even  for a tiny bit but the world is against me just like always. The bluntness of my morning adds up to my depression, staring outside the window whilst keeping my attention to what stood beyond this cold window beside me. I can sense it's going to be really freezing outside.



Two droplets of water came from the cloudy, dark sky began crawling down this glass window standing one seat apart from mine  , followed by a few more droplets in which I cared less to count anymore until a lot of of them began to splatter everywhere. Sighing at the grave scenery, the rain always puts me down, lower than what was enough. "Ugh, disgusting." I muttered in distate

My life is nothing but a dull existence and the weather is making it even duller..

I am Han Areum, an introvert, the shy girl, the stuck up, the antisocial. I am a person who cannot stand small talks...but I'll talk about life for hours. I'd rather be alone with my own thoughts away from the crowd where no one will or can notice me rather than facing hard, nerve-wrecking situations because really, I can't endure it- especially when I'm alone.


A thunder had suddenly roared after a lightning that flashed from a distance, interrupted my deep thoughts and arousing the fear which I had ever since I was young and causing me to jolt on my seat and emitting a light gasp. My sudden motion troubled me, I might have caught someone's attention but when I turned my head to the side as slowly as possible, fortunately for me, no one had noticed. The crowd inside this classroom are all too busy minding their businesses, too busy to even let me know that I exist. To put it simply, no one cares.


And that's the way i want things to be.


I felt a person's hand gently tapping the top of my head and brushed its fingers to my hair until the end of my strands falling over my  shoulder and sending a shiver down  my spine.


"Good Morning, Sunshine." it was a familar voice.


"Sunshine? I've been waiting for it all morning." I responded, not even glancing at the person who stood beside me, I already know who it is.


Despite this kind of mindset, there is but one impossible guy who never gave up on trying to make me show some of myself to him. He broke a small part of the wall I had built between me and the whole world, he dared to prove me wrong, that he was not like everyone else, that he is someone I can rely on. He wanted to make friends with me for an unknown reason until I cleared my decision to open up a bit. He has shown me  enough to believe he is trustworthy. From then on, we became 'friends'.


" I meant you,silly." he said, I could feel at the back of my head that he's  smiling . Still, I did not look at the guy. My eyes are still transfixed outside, waiting for the rain to subside. I'm still hoping to see what I've been wanting to see the whole day.


 "Oh. Then you are simply describing me in an opposite manner." 

" If you're saying you are the rain, I believe you." 

I sighed through my nostrils, shifting on my seat for a comfortable position to rest may head on the table but then he spoke again."can you atleast look at me when I talk to you? what are you even looking at?" his tone was calm and firm with a small hint of annoyance but didn't bother me at all. " I'm waiting for the Sun to come out, can't you see?" my brows furrowed as I spoke. still looking outside, watching the rain falling down heavier.


" No. you are waiting for happiness." he said and I was taken aback. Was I too obvious that it is already written on my face? No. Despite my lone personality, he can figure me out just like that. Maybe those sayings that can be heard from others are true...that some people who can understand without you even speaking a word. Yes, he was right. I was not just waiting for the sun just to shine, I was also waiting for my life to brighten up. "but how will you find sunshine when you are covering it? remember, you are the rain." I could not find the right words to say, he was right again but his words wasn't very encouraging enough for me to step out. Fear is still pulling me back


"but you know.." he said and made me turned my gaze directly to him. "... Anyone who thinks that sunshine is pure happiness, has never danced in the rain." To what he said, I did not understand so he brought me outside after class and there I knew what he meant.


He dragged me in the middle of the soccer field, the rain was pouring hard but it felt good. We're drenched and cold but  cared less about it. All along I had thought that rain was simply... a bad thing, a weather to ruin someone's hope and joy. but now it seems that he changed my mind and at some point, I think the rain is not that bad after all.

" I like people who smile when its raining." he said. " It might be stormy now, but it can't rain forever, Areum."


I am glad that he brought me here...but my smile faded away In a matter of seconds. If only he would also know hard it is for me.


"Thanks, Baekhyun.."



I became a Wallflower.

Omg okay.. haha I know, its slightly angst XD but of course I will add some fluff .sorry for my grammatical errors... at the next chappie. I will write about what always happens inside Areum's house when she gets home...

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please update soon!!!!
MissMe23 #2
Chapter 1: I'm so proud of you ~
Chapter 1: Ohmigod this is sooo touching....