Chapter 2


The white alarm clock screamed its way to Minseok's ears and caused him to wake up from his slumber. He got up and did his morning routine. Wash his face, brush his teeth, comb his face and the usual. When he finished getting ready Minseok went downstairs to find a note that was on the kitchen counter. 

"Mom and Dad probably are at another meeting" thought Minseok.

Minseok quickly ate toast and rode his bike to school with no kisses wishing a good day or a pat on the back to say be good.Nothing, just an empty mansion with maids and butlers who Minseok barely talked to. The ride to school was filled with talk and laughter but none that Minseok knew. Just his classmates not him. When he reach the school the parked his bike, locked it and went to the front doors of Seoul High School. Minseok pushed the doors and went to the school billboard to find a list that contain his second year classes. As Minseok approached the billboard, it was already crowded with many people. Including tall ones. Minseok waited till the crowd loosened then went to look at the list. And it read:

Kim Minseok:

1st) History

2nd) P.E

3rd) Science

4th) Math

5th) Elective

6th) English

When Minseok finished reading he headed towards his first period class. The bell wouldn't ring for another ten minutes but Minseok with no friends just made his way to a seat in the left back corner of the classroom and waited for the bell to ring while playing games on his phone. Minute after mintue, students began walking in with friends or people they knew. And finally, when all the seats were full, except the one near Minseok, the bell rang. Then the teacher came in.

"Welcome" said the teacher "I am Mrs.Lee and your 1st period teacher, your history teacher. And to begin this school year I want everyone to come to the front on the class and give a short introduction of yourself. We will start with the first ro-"

Before Mrs.Lee could finish her instructions the classroom door swiftly opened revealing a brown hair boy who had this deer like eyes, a pretty face but messed up uniform and sweats at his forehead and side of his head.

"Oh!" Exclaimed Mrs.Lee "Hello and please go find an empty seat and just listen, you'll figure out soon enough. "

"T-Thank you" panted out the deer boy and then made his way to the only empty seat in the classroom, next to Minseok.





Yea...Hi? I'm back after 11 days. Sorry I got lazy then wanted to write then rumors happened then I was down then I like stopped looking what was happening then relaxed then here I am! Guys I made a new fanfic (yes shameless... I know) but I see so much Xiuhan/Lumin pics and stuff and get the feel of wanting to write. Because of Xiuhan I made 2 more fanfics...guys! What am I doing?! Anyway:


*Sorry for the mistakes, I didn't proof read it

*I don't know when I'm updating especially with the new fanfics I made

*Check out my new fanfics

*Looking for someone to be a co-author and someone to proof read the chapters, tell me if you are interested

*Feel free to subscribe, upvote and/or leave comments

*Bye Bye


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Chapter 4: Luhan Babo hahhaaaaa poor minseok Aigoo. Well done
kimxiuhan #2
Chapter 4: This is just sooooo sweet!!!!! I love it!!!!* my xiuhan ship is sailingggg
Chapter 3: This was so sweet, I can't handle it! Somebody save me from this cuteness *spies on Xiuhan's little cuddle session*
Chapter 3: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm LUHAAAAAN YOU DOG ! ;D
justafans #5
Chapter 2: this story are getting excited..please update soon! i'm waiting!
hamsterxiu #6
update please~
really exciting! poor minseokkie
Chapter 1: So epic... Update please. You know hiw hard it is to wait patiently. Please. Please. Bbuing Bbuing.
Chapter 1: Gah this is already so sad. I'm excited for the next chapter! ^-^ Great job!
flottemo #9
Chapter 1: So sad...
Minseok really hadn't no friends and it's hurt my heart. When will be Luhan appeared?
Johanne #10
Chapter 1: I like it so far ^^
Cant wait for the next update!