The early bird catches the worm

Please Don't

I woke up before Minho, but after Junggi. We had pulled out ever blanket and cushion I owned and made a nest of sorts on the living room floor for the three of us to sleep with.


‘Gigi, I’m going to break up with Hyunjun. Are you okay by yourself until your cousin wakes up?’


Junggi nodded, ‘I have a laptop with me, I’m possibly not going to leave this spot for the next five hours.’


I laughed. ‘Fair enough, baby. I’ll be back soon.’


She came to the door to wave goodbye until the elevator arrived, taking me down to the underground carpark. Despite the fact I was going to break up with someone, I was still on a high from everything Minho related. I had arranged to meet up with Hyunjun at a small cafe nearby, but I took my car anyway so I could get back quicker.


I had visions of Minho, Junggi and I eating breakfast in our nest together.


Hyunjun was waiting for me at the cafe, he hadn’t ordered yet as far as I could see. He was sat at a small table at the back of the room. He waved to me but I didn’t wave back. I didn’t want to lead him into believing this was going to be a happy meeting, and he seemed to sense that straight away. He lowered his hand and smiled sadly.


‘Hey Jinki.’


‘Hey,’ I replied a little too cooly. Hyunjun winced slightly. It was as if he knew what was coming. I sat down opposite him. The table was too small. Our knees brushed each others.


‘You know I can already tell something’s up with you,’ Hyunjun said softly. His smile was wistful.


‘You can?’ I asked, smiling a little. It was nice for anyone to put the effort into getting to know another person. I felt like there hadn’t been that many people who had gotten to know me properly, and it felt nice but slightly bitter he had.


‘Yeah I can. I’m guessing you’re here to break up with me, but I’d be happy if I was wrong.’ He smile at me. I smiled back.


‘I’m sorry, it’s just something came up with a guy I’ve liked since I can remember.’


Hyunjun chuckled and pretended to clutch his heart. ‘You’re killing me, Jinki.’ He paused and smiled yet again, tilting his head to the side. ‘Did  you have fun dating me?’


I laughed softly. ‘I did. You were my first male french kiss, and ual encounter, and that was fun.’


Hyunjun grinned, ‘I’m glad. We both had fun, so I think we should just part on good terms. I’m not a fan of messy break ups, and trust me, my last one was the messiest.’


I looked at him for a long moment, trying to figure out if he wanted me to ask about his last break up or not. I figured he didn’t.


‘Do you want to be friends?’


‘I’d like to but I don’t think it would work out. I’m going to be leaving for Hawaii in a few weeks. I’m in talks to set up a very small gay club there - to test out the American market. I was going to invite you for a summer of tropical passionate romance, but I guess now it’ll be a singles trip.’


I squeezed my eyes into a positive response. ‘Damn, I should have waited to break up with you,’ I joked. Hyunjun showed me all his teeth.


‘I am a man with connections.’


‘We should keep in touch. Not everyday calls, but a text message now and then would be nice.’


He nodded. ‘It would be.’

He moved to stand up and I followed his motions. He stuck his hand out towards mine, looking like it was welcoming a handshake. I slipped mine into his, and he placed his other hand around mine.


‘We had fun at a point when I wasn’t looking for much, and I’m glad we did this,’ Hyunjun seemed a little off, but he didn’t look like his world was falling apart. I was grateful for that. It felt nice to have at least one aspect of my life to be wrapped up neatly.


‘Me too.’


We smiled at each other, and Hyunjun leaned down to pick up his coat, we made our way to the doors together. As we were in the middle of a busy Seoul street, and Korea wasn’t a country the most welcoming of gays, we didn’t lean to kiss each other one last time like we probably would have done if we had been alone.


‘I’ll see you again,’ Hyunjun said. I nodded, and watched him as he turned and took a few steps away. I watched him get half way down the street before I remembered there was something I wanted to ask him.


‘Wait!’ I yelled after him, ‘Hyunjun!’ I jogged up to him, he turned around expectantly, raising both eyebrows to ask what I was doing.


‘What is it?’


I held a finger up while I took a few breaths. I wasn’t the fittest person.


‘You own a gay club. Why did you come and drink at a bar you didn’t own every night for almost two years? And don’t say it was because of me because you’ve only known I work there for a small part of that.’


Hyunjun laughed loudly. ‘That’s your question?’


I nodded.


Hyunjun took a step closer to me to whisper, ‘well it’s not too loud after a long day like my club is, and there was eye candy.’


‘Eye candy?’


He smiled devilishly. ‘Your friend Minho, the married one I met the other night? He’s hot, and he was nice to look at after a long day. Anyway, call me.’


I was left there, in the busy street with my mouth flapping open and closed.


Hyunjun and I had more in common than I had realised after all.


Aww, Hyunjun is a sweetie, right?

I wanted things to end a bit more nicely with him than with Subin since those relationships were clearly in very different places. 


Please review <3


P.S this isn't the last you'll see of Hyunjun ;)


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rorosh #1
Chapter 40: Couple of years later, I'm still coming back to this, I LOVE IT
rorosh #2
Chapter 40: Uh, we missed u author nim
Midnightkirin #3
Chapter 40: you need to update! I know it was last year you have last updated but I need more onho! pleasee update, don't abandon this beautiful fanfic!
author nim this story is really good please update i love youㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
jetizen #5
Chapter 1: Great start, i cant wait to read and savor all the chapters
pls update this story. im waiting for you: ((((
Chapter 40: wow.. jinki mom and dad are so amazing..
They love him unconditionally..
so sweet..
Chapter 40: I absolutely love this chapter!!!!
rorosh #9
Chapter 40: oh my god:( 8'm crying here ;( I thought that they will break up and I was thinking how to kill you but then oh soooo sweet <333333

emotional :) love yaaaa author-nim <333