Ink Black Hair

Please Don't

I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Junggi all afternoon. I tried to think of something I could do to help her, but mean girls weren’t exactly my area of expertise. But I knew two people who were experts.


‘Hey, Sunny, hey, Gwiboon’ I said, stepping into the cold air. They were both on their fifteen minute breaks, and their favorite break time pass time was ing about people around the back of the pub. Jjong normally joins them for ing time too, but luckily for me, today he forgot his jacket, and he gets too cold outside without it.


Both of them suspiciously raised eyebrows at me.


‘Since when do you come to ing Corner?’ Gwiboon asked. They nicknamed the area they like to sit in “ing Corner” for obvious reasons.


‘Since I wanted to ask you two to come out for a drink with me after work?’


Both of them widened their eyes, ‘since when do you come out for drinks after work?’ Sunny said incredulously.


‘Since now,’ I replied, trying to capture the dry, effortless sinister sassiness they both oozed 27/7 in those two words. Both of them laughed


Gwiboon snorted.


‘Liar. What’s the real reason?’


I glanced behind me before closing the door that lead into the kitchen. Doing this blocked all the light that had been shining from the inside making it almost pitch black in ing Corner. ‘You can’t tell Minho but-’


‘Wait is this Subin related, because if you’re cheating with her I’m not going to keep that from Minho,’ Sunny said quickly. My mouth dropped open.


‘Why the hell would you think that?’


Sunny shrugged, ‘just checking.’


I paused for a long moment in bemusement that Sunny would even consider that. ‘No, it’s about Minho’s cousin Junggi, so you can’t tell Minho because he’ll flip out.’


‘Oh okay,’ Gwiboon nodded, ‘so what? Did you get her pregnant or something?’


‘Oh my god!’ I yelled, unable to stop myself. ‘Seriously she’s fourteen? Why would you even consider that?’


‘Just checking,’ Gwiboon repeated Sunny’s words.


‘Oh. My. God.’ I shook my head hopelessly before continuing. ‘No, she’s getting bullied at school, and I thought since are you two are experts in girl politics, you could tell me how to help her.’


Gwiboon and Sunny looked at each other slowly.

‘Okay, we’ll give you some tips-’

‘After you take us out for a drink.’


‘Mostly because we think going out for a drink with you, would be really funny.’


I groaned, ‘couldn’t you just tell me now? I’m busy tonight.’


‘You’re not.’


Damn, they had caught me in my eleberout and clever lie.

‘Fine, we’ll go out after work. But don’t bring Ho or Jjong.’



‘Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, like to drink with Jinki, ‘cause Jinki is our friend, and when we drink with Jinki, he downs it down in ten!’ Gwiboon and Sunny chanted in unison. I shook my head frantically.


‘I’m not downing this in ten!’ They had dragged me to a karaoke room which they had forced me to pay for, and then ordered several trays of drinks, including an entire pitcher of beer which they were now encouraging me through a drinking song to “down in ten”.






‘No! I can’t!’ I protested, but the countdown kept going.














‘Pause!’ I screamed. Both girls sighed and turned to me. ‘What’s the forfeit if I can’t down this in ten?’


‘You get a dare.’ Sunny said simply.


‘A very special dare,’ Gwiboon added. I gulped. I had never been dared by Gwiboon or Sunny before, but I knew both Jjong and Minho had.


Jjong had lost both his eyebrows in the process. They had taken four months to grow back in, and for a good month and a half he had weird eyebrow stubble.


Minho won't talk about what they dared him to do. But to this day he still has a weird suspiciously bite mark shaped scar above his .


Without really any other option, I grabbed the heavy pitcher with both hands, and started glugging.




‘One and a half!’ They were obviously in a kind mood, allowing me a little more time to glug down.


‘One and a quarter.’ I had nearly consumed it all.




I swallowed the final sips.


‘Time’s up!’ Sunny shouted, I slammed the pitcher down on the table before sitting down. I wanted to be sitting down before the alcohol I had just downed hit my system. Luckily the karaoke room had multiple comfy sofas.


‘Now I’ve played your stupid game, you guys better tell me how to help Junggi.’


‘Later,’ Gwiboon nonchalantly shrugged me off. I frowned.


‘You said you would help!’


‘And we will,’ Gwiboon nodded, popping her feet up on the table the multiple drinks were placed on. Her toes were red from wearing her heels all day. ‘But I can’t help you now. I don’t help people while I’m drunk.’


I rolled my eyes. ‘You’re not drunk, you haven’t had anything to drink.’


Gwiboon snorted as Sunny poured herself a pint of beer from the other pitcher (aka the one I hadn’t glugged) before reaching for the soju. It seemed she was making a soju bomb. ‘I will be very soon,’ Gwiboon replied, not bothering with the “fanciness” of a soju bomb and instead reaching for the bottle of vodka which she necked straight from the bottle.




‘Sir, Miss, Miss. You’re very drunk, is there someone you can call to pick you up?’


‘We’re not drunk!’ I screamed shrilly… maybe we were drunk. Gwiboon, Sunny and I had been singing for the past hour at the top of our lungs. Once that had gotten boring Gwiboon had decided to crash someone else’s karaoke room and seduce them. The room she had picked to invade had a young couple in it who looked super awkward. She gave them both a , and by the state we left them in, it looked like neither of them was going to have a v-card after tonight.


‘You’re drunk!’ Gwiboon yelled at the man who ran the karaoke rooms. His entire forehead crinkled.


‘You’re going to have to ring someone.’ He said in a strong voice.


‘Awhh!’ Sunny said in her aegyo voice, ‘Oppa, do we really need to do that?’ Her words were slurred and she slipped a hand on to his chest. His eyes flickered down, and he looked like he was mentally debating if to let her continue her game of seduction. However his gaze grew stronger, and he pulled off her hand.




‘Ew, lets just call Jjong,’ Gwiboon stumbled as she stuck her hand in to her bag. She squinted at the phone for several minutes before the number started ringing. Jjong wasn’t picking up. ‘Yahhhhhhh! Jjong where the fricckley frackly are you? You need to come pick uuuuup,’ she whined down the phone, giggling crazily as she hung up. ‘I don’t think he’s coming.’


The owner frowned. ‘Phone someone else then.’


‘Who else could we call?’ Sunny bellowed, ‘we have no one!’ She began to cry hysterically.


‘We’ll call Minhoooooooooo! Ho Ho Ho,’ I giggled and pulled out my phone, Minho was on speed dial so it only took a few seconds before it was dialing.


There was a loud bang, and I looked down to see Gwiboon on the floor, and Sunny laughing. The owner was frowning more, and for some reason I winked at him which didn’t help the situation at all.


‘Um, hello?’ A groggy voice croaked down the phone.


‘Minho!’ I screamed, ‘I love you soooo much, you know that? I’m crazy about you,’ I laughed hysterically in a way which could only be described as like Nicki Minaj in the song Anaconda. ‘You’re such a cute little froggy, so lovable but you’re not able to love,’ suddenly I was bawling.


‘Jinki? Where are you?’


‘Karaoke rooooooom near work,’ I cried.


‘Stay there, I’m coming… give me two minutes,’ the line went dead.


I allowed myself to sink to the floor. Gwiboon was right next to me, while Sunny was swaying over us. It didn’t look like Gwiboon could stand.


‘Unnie,’ I cried into Gwiboon’s shoulder. Drunk me is stupid. I am both older than her and a guy, in no way is she my “Unnie”. ‘I’m so sad,’ I felt my damp eyes leak into the shoulders of the white blouse she had worn to work.


‘There, there,’ Gwiboon’s words were still slurred, ‘I think everyone in life is a bit sad.’


I nodded, and allowed myself to cry some more.


I closed my eyes, and didn’t open them until I heard the doors open, and the owner of the karaoke bar sigh in relief.


‘Ho!’ I screamed, turning around as fast as a child running to their presents on Christmas morning.


‘Not, Ho.’ It was Subin. She was standing there in full sleepy glory. Pink dressing gown, cascading ink black hair and all. ‘He was asleep so I picked up the phone, and now I’m here to pick you up. Come on you three,’ she reached out for Gwiboon, probably realising I was too heavy to pull off the ground.


I stood up, crying even more than before. Subin was holding Gwiboon up, so she could only look at me in a concerned manner rather than the careful touching that she probably would have done if she had free hands.


‘Oppa,’ her voice was soft, and pretty, but it was still like nails on a chalkboard to me. ‘What’s wrong?’


‘I can’t tell you,’ I sobbed. She bit her bottom lip. She looked very troubled.


‘Lets get you all in the car,’ she said, practically carrying Gwiboon out to her car. She slid Gwiboon into the passenger's seat leaving me and Sunny to crawl into the back.


The very drunk Sunny held me in her warm arms as I cried more, and more, and more until we reached Happy Hours.

Once we reached Happy Hours, I started wailing.


A drunk Onew is true about his emotions Onew :P

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rorosh #1
Chapter 40: Couple of years later, I'm still coming back to this, I LOVE IT
rorosh #2
Chapter 40: Uh, we missed u author nim
Midnightkirin #3
Chapter 40: you need to update! I know it was last year you have last updated but I need more onho! pleasee update, don't abandon this beautiful fanfic!
author nim this story is really good please update i love youㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
jetizen #5
Chapter 1: Great start, i cant wait to read and savor all the chapters
pls update this story. im waiting for you: ((((
Chapter 40: wow.. jinki mom and dad are so amazing..
They love him unconditionally..
so sweet..
Chapter 40: I absolutely love this chapter!!!!
rorosh #9
Chapter 40: oh my god:( 8'm crying here ;( I thought that they will break up and I was thinking how to kill you but then oh soooo sweet <333333

emotional :) love yaaaa author-nim <333