Application Form

Scarred Souls ☠ 「New YG Group, Apply Open! 」


SOUL: Lead vocalist / Electric violin & main vocalist / Electric cello & Jack of all trades / Electric keyboard & Main rapper

SCAR: Lead vocalist / Electric guitar & main vocalist / Bassist & Jack of all trades / Drummer & Main rapper


Application Please remove all brackets!

Personal information


AFF profile link:



Character basic information

Name: (Asian please!)

Nickname: (Optional)

Age: (Internationally, at least 18)

Birthday: (Date/Month)

Height: (cm)

Weight: (kg)

Blood type:


Nationality: (Please do not go overboard, like italian-chinese-korean. Please have some Asian blood.)


Languages: (State fluency)



Picture URLs: (Ulzzangs only, at least 3 URLs!)

Name of ulzzang: (Mikki is taken)

Fashion sense: (Can be in picture form/words. Casual/dorm/formal/training)



Personality description: (More detailed the better, at least 2 paragraphs) (How does she act around friends etc.)

Background: (Remember that she comes from a broken family/abused as a child. Don't make it too complicated, at least 1 paragraph. Also state how she got to learn the musical instrument she is going to play in the band.)

Likes: (5 or more, in bullet form.)

Dislikes: (5 or more, in bullet form.)

Hobbies: (5 or more, in bullet form.)

Habits: (3 or more, in bullet form.) (Please be unique, but not too... weird)

Trivia: (5 or more, in bullet form.)



Family members: (Name, age, relationship with you, attitude towards you, and nationality if not Korean) (Parents/siblings/close cousins)

Pets: (Optional, name, species, how did it come about?)

Best friends: (Does not have to be an idol. How did you met her?)

Idol friends: (State group. How did you all meet?)

Idol crushes/Boyfriends: (If any. Must include ex. State how long, how you all met and which group.)

Idol you will end up with: (If you want.)            

Rivals: (If any and state reason)


Idol life

Stage name: (If any)


Subgroup: (Soul/Scar?)

Training years: (Minimum 2 and a half)

Training story: 

Individual fan club name: (Please be unique, and have some relevance to her stage name)

Individual fan club colour: (Try to make it the same hue as the fan club colour)

Position: (Choose top 2, in peference order)

Trained for: (Modelling? Acting? Singing? Rapping? Composing? etc.)

Other talents: (Sports/anything)

Other jobs: (If any)



Song recommendation: (For the first album)

Anything else?: (If any)


Thanks for applying! :D I'll post my application soon too heh.

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LittleMissKey #2
How are your exams? Hope you did AWESOME ^^
Wow good luck on your exam. Take it easy darl. Do your best. Hwaitiiiiing!!! ^^
Oh awesome! :o Wow, good luck on your last exam. I bet it'll be pretty hard. :x
Good luck on your exams, and good luck to the girls applying!
flowerywinter #6
Good luck for your exams unnie! :) My exams start at 6 october... Streaming year is tough... x.x I think I'd fail :( Anyway, HWAITING!~<3
LittleMissKey #7
Good luck for your exams! I'll be waiting for your update! ^^ My exams start on 6 Oct though. Anyways, HWAITING! :D
Hwaiting till then ^^
Jaimee #9
Great teasers!! I already love tour writing style ^_^<br />
I also loved the websites things!! You're pretty good at photo editing!! :)<br />