Chapter 7: Would You Be My Girlfriend?

Seven Things


The sound of running water was heard from the bathroom. Five minutes later, the sound stopped. Minyoung stepped out from the shower, her body wrapped in a white towel. Water was dripping from her hair. She dried herself and pulled out a pair of pajamas from her wardrobe. After changing into her pajamas, she sat in front of her dressing table and began to dry her hair using a pink hairdryer.

She stared at her reflection and sighed. Today was an eventful day. Her cheek blushed instantly when she remembered what happened earlier. She didn’t know what had gotten into her. Minyoung still could feel the warmth of Youngmin’s arm wrapped around her body. Just thinking about it made her heart thumping erratically.

Seriously, what was wrong with her?

Minyoung pressed a button to stop the appliance on her hand and put the hairdryer down. She shook her head in attempt to clear her mind. She was just scared, that’s all. She was feeling vulnerable at that time, so she let the blonde hugged her. Everything happened so quickly, she could barely think clearly about it. Her mind wasn’t working properly and she wasn’t acting like herself. But she had a strong reason behind it.


Why? Why was he the reason? Minyoung didn’t know the answer herself. All that she knew was her fear of him getting hurt. Only a mere thought about that and her chest would tighten in pain. She could feel an uneasy feeling coming from her stomach. Why did she care a lot about the older twin? She never felt that way toward anyone before… She never felt that scared, never got so panic, never felt as if her world was crashing down the moment she lost sight of him. And no one had the idea how relieved she was when Youngmin stepped out from the building—alive.

Minyoung shook her head helplessly. She couldn’t possibly have feeling toward the blonde, could she? No, that was insane. Even when the world was coming to its end, that would be the last thing to happen. She disliked him since the very first time. And so did he. They never got along before, and they weren’t even that close! So there was no way in the world she would fall for him.

Minyoung decided to call it a day. Maybe she was too tired that her mind began to made stupid assumptions about what happened today. That must be it. She then climbed to her bed and laid her head on the comfy pillow. She turned off the reading lamp beside her bed and pulled the blanket to cover her body. It didn’t take long until she drifted herself to the wonderland.




The dark-haired guy moved uneasily on his bed, shifting from one position to another. He tried to close his eyes and sleep so many times before, but failed miserably. Not that he didn’t feel tired, but something seemed to bother his mind. He gave up and reached for his phone to see what time it was. It was already past the midnight.

Kwangmin sighed and turned to his left, facing the sleeping figure of his twin brother. Youngmin had fallen asleep hours before. He must felt extremely exhausted from what happened earlier. Kwangmin didn’t know why, but seeing the blonde’s face only reminded him of the unpleasant event that he wanted to forget oh-so-badly. Even though it was dark, Kwangmin could still see the bandage that covered Youngmin’s right cheek under the dim light of their night lamp.

Kwangmin hated that wound so much. Not because of the fact that his twin was injured by the accident—surely, Kwangmin felt bad for his brother, too—but for him, the wound meant more than just a scratch. It was a symbol. It was a proof of Youngmin’s braveness to save Minyoung, which Kwangmin failed to do. And he couldn’t stop cursing himself for that.

Why? Why Youngmin must be the one who happened to be there when the earthquake took place? Kwangmin regretted it so much. He wished he was the one who saved Minyoung. He wanted to be by her side when the accident happened. He would protect the girl for sure. He wouldn’t let anything bad happen to her. He would make sure that she was safe by his side.

The brunette sat up and groaned in frustration. He turned around to see if Youngmin was awake, but the blonde didn’t even flinch at all. His brother must be a real sleepyhead, Kwangmin thought. Then he took a deep breath. The unpleasant feeling was still there. He could feel it in his heart. It seemed like the pain wouldn’t go away for a while.

Kwangmin knew what it was. Yeah, he agreed that it was crazy and unexpected at all, but he couldn’t deny it anymore. This was the first time for him and it really freaked him out. However, he thought that he understood exactly what was going on at the moment. The reason behind his sleepless night… The reason behind the sting he felt in his heart…

He was jealous of Youngmin.

Crazy, indeed. Never had in his life he thought this would happen. Surely, Kwangmin had envied his twin brother a lot before… For example, when their mom bought a Winnie the Pooh backpack for the blonde but refused to buy Kwangmin the Pokemon trading card he wanted so much when they were five. Or when Youngmin got more job offers than him just because his older brother had more experience starring in CFs and films. But this time, it was different.

It wasn’t one of those childish jealousies. It was far more serious. It was about Kwangmin’s feeling. It took him a while to realize it, but now Kwangmin was completely aware of everything. He had been attracted to Minyoung since the beginning. He always thought that she was different.

She was unique, special, one of a kind. She was beautiful, innocent, clumsy at times, and a real crybaby, but the girl was kindhearted and warm. Her smile was the reason Kwangmin drawn to her. He was captivated by every single thing she said, by every single move she made. And the brunette knew that he never felt this way toward any girl before. Minyoung was his first love.

Yes, that was right. He was falling in love with her.

That explained everything… The reason why he felt annoyed every time Minyoung got close to other boy beside him, including his own brother. The reason why his heart beat so fast when they watched movie together at the cinema that time. The reason why his world turned upside down whenever she flashed that gorgeous smile of hers. The reason why he felt so useless when he couldn’t protect her. He knew that he loved her.

He felt that this was a destiny. Kwangmin wasn’t a romantic and he didn’t want to expect too much for he might get hurt, but being able to meet your childhood crush and fall in love with her after so many years was not something that happen often. Maybe, just maybe, they were destined to be together.

And Kwangmin had to make sure that the girl was feeling the same way. He had to know about her feeling, or else, he wouldn’t be able to sleep tight from now on. He decided to tell her about his feeling. Yes, he must confess to Minyoung.




Some girls whispered excitedly to each other when they saw Kwangmin stood in front of Minyoung’s class. In an instant, he had become the center of attention. They didn’t take their eyes off of him as they were mesmerized by the handsome figure before them. Kwangmin had somehow gotten used to it, so he just flashed a smile when some random girls greet him flirtatiously.

Kwangmin’s eyes scanned the whole classroom, looking for certain figure that he couldn’t find. He sighed and was about to leave when he heard a familiar voice behind him.

“Kwangmin?” Jooeun said. She looked surprised. “W-what are you doing here?” she stuttered due to the sudden nervousness.

“Oh, hey,” Kwangmin smiled to the girl. “I’m looking for Minyoung… Do you know where she is?”

The reality hit Jooeun like an abrupt strike of thunder. She blinked her eyes a few times. “Oh… She went to the toilet not long ago.”

Kwangmin nodded. “I see. Jooeun, can you tell her to meet me at the cafeteria? I’ll be waiting there… I guess I’ve drawn too much attention here.” He looked around uneasily.

“Sure,” Jooeun answered.

“Thanks!” Kwangmin smiled to her before disappearing among the growing crowds.

Jooeun closed her eyes and exhaled the breath she was holding seconds ago. A burning sensation formed at the pit of her stomach.

Why always Minyoung?   




Minyoung went to the cafeteria as told. It wasn’t hard to find Kwangmin since the cafeteria was almost empty. The lunch break was almost over and there were only a few students there. Kwangmin waved his hand to Minyoung, motioned the girl to join him at the table.

“Hey,” Minyoung smiled upon the brunette. “I heard from Jooeun that you were looking for me.”

“Yes. There’s something I want to talk to you about.”

“What is it?” Minyoung stared at him curiously.

“Well, you know, Youngmin and I are going to make an appearance on a variety program this weekend… We’re going to perform as K.Will’s backup dancers. I hope you can come to see our performance.”

Minyoung’s eyes glistened in delight. “I’d love to!” she enthused.

“Great. Sunday, 7 p.m. at MBC Studio. Make it on time, okay?”

“Yes, Sir!” Minyoung placed her hand next to her forehead and winked, making the brunette laugh. “Good luck for your performance!”

“Yeah, thanks!” Kwangmin smiled at her. “Actually, there’s a place I want to visit with you… Do you mind going with me after the show?”

“Where?” she asked.

A mischievous grin appeared on the brunette’s face. “That’s a secret.”

Minyoung pouted like a child. “Why won’t you tell me? Ugh, fine! I’ll go with you! But I’m so curious… Please tell me now!” She used her aegyo in front of Kwangmin.

Seeing her aegyo almost made Kwangmin changed his mind. But no, he wouldn’t lose to her. It was supposed to be a surprise, so he must not tell her now, even though her aegyo was hard to resist. “I can’t tell you now. But I promise you, it’s a good place and you’ll like it.”

Minyoung sighed in defeat. “…Fine, then! I guess I’ll just have to wait.”

Kwangmin chuckled at her expression which he thought was cute. “Don’t sulk like that! Your pouting face is cute, but I like your smiling face better,” he said casually.

Minyoung could feel her heartbeat went faster at his words. A shade of pink formed on both of her cheeks. “I-I think we should go now… The lunch break is almost over,” she said.

Kwangmin looked at his watch. “Oh, you’re right! See you afterschool, then!”

Minyoung smiled at him for the last time before bidding him goodbye.




On Sunday morning, Youngmin and Kwangmin sat down at the dining table together with Hyunmin and their parents. Their mother was busy pouring milk for her sons while their father was reading the newspaper silently. Kwangmin and Hyunmin were fighting over the last piece of croissant. Youngmin could only shake his head at the sight. “Kwangmin, give that to Hyunmin… You can eat mine,” he said, trying to be a good hyung for both of his younger brothers.

“But you’ve eaten half of it!” Kwangmin protested.

Her mother sighed. “Stop it, guys! Why are you being so childish? Kwangmin, just let Hyunmin have it! You can eat the rest of the muffins. There are even some toasts left.”

Hyunmin stuck out his tongue in victory toward the brunette. Kwangmin rolled his eyes and gave up eventually. He grabbed a chocolate muffin and ate it.

“Today you are going to perform on TV, right?” Her father asked behind his newspaper.

“Yup,” Youngmin answered. He put down his glass and continued, “Actually, I’m feeling kind of nervous… Will we be able to perform well? What if we make a mistake on the stage?”

Kwangmin sighed. He was also feeling the same. They had practiced a lot, but the nervousness still wouldn’t go away. The twin was afraid to make mistake. It was a pre-debut appearance arranged by their company. They should give a good impression so that people would be looking forward to their debut.

The oldest man in the room folded his newspaper and looked at the twin. “Youngmin, Kwangmin, listen… You have gone this far, so there’s no way back. I know that both of you have been practicing really hard. You should trust yourselves and give the best. Don’t be afraid to make mistake—mistake is the best teacher in life! We all believe in you and we’ll always support you!”

The twin could only smile at their father’s words. His words reflected the wisdom he got from years of life struggles. Somehow, those words could always put them at ease. “Thanks, Dad,” Youngmin and Kwangmin said in sync.

Their mother smiled at them. “It’s at 7 p.m., right? We’re going to come and watch your performance, so you have to perform well!”

“Really?” Youngmin’s eyes widen in pleasure. He knew that their family’s presence would give them energy and encouraged them to perform better. Even since they were kids, their mom was the one who always accompanied them whenever they had shooting schedule.

“Yeah, we want to support you!” Hyunmin said enthusiastically.

Kwangmin patted Hyunmin’s head who sat beside him. “Thank you!” he smiled at the younger boy.

“Let’s dine out after the show! Youngmin and Kwangmin can choose the restaurant,” their mom suggested.

“Sounds great!” Youngmin agreed.

Kwangmin bit his lower lip. “Umm, sorry, Mom… But I already have an appointment with my friend afterward.”

Youngmin furrowed his eyebrows. That was strange. Usually, even though they already had appointment with their friends, they would turn it down when it came to their family. Did he make an appointment with Minwoo to celebrate their pre-debut performance afterward? If so, why didn’t Kwangmin tell him anything about that?

“Youngmin, there’s something I want to tell you,” said Kwangmin when they were alone in their room. In a couple of hours they had to go to the studio for rehearsal.

“Yes, what is it?” asked Youngmin. He was totally clueless about what he was going to hear.

Kwangmin couldn’t hide his smile. Just thinking about his plan tonight made his heart beat faster than usual. He was embarrassed to tell Youngmin, but they never kept secret from each other. Also, Kwangmin needed someone to share his excitement with.

“Tonight will be a special night for me… Not only because of our pre-debut performance, but I also have another plan in mind,” the brunette began.

“Just spit it out, Kwangmin! You’re making me curious…” Youngmin became more impatient. He had been curious of what Kwangmin could possibly hide from him since this morning.

The brunette just smirked seeing his brother’s impatience. He took a deep breath before saying, “…I am going to confess to Minyoung tonight.”

Youngmin felt as if his eyes were coming out from its place. His mouth was hanging open in disbelief. The blonde was too shocked to say anything. It took him a while to analyze what was going on. “You… WHAT?! B-but, Kwangmin, since when do you fall in love with her?”

“I’m sorry for not telling you earlier, but I have no idea that you would be this clueless… I thought that you already know, since I always treat her nice and all.”

Okay, it was true that Youngmin wasn’t completely unaware of Kwangmin’s kindness toward Minyoung. But he never gave a damn about it because normally, Kwangmin was nice to everyone. Youngmin knew that his twin had somehow attracted to her, but he never thought this far. He never thought that Kwangmin would really fall in love with the girl and even planned to confess to her.

Youngmin was still left in daze when Kwangmin began to speak again. “It also took me a while to realize it, but now I know for sure that I love her. There’s no other girl that I want to please beside her. I wish to stay by her side so that I can always protect her. I’m so nervous, but I hope that she’ll accept me as her boyfriend!”

Hearing no response from his twin, Kwangmin shook Youngmin’s shoulder lightly. “Youngmin, are you listening to me?”

The older twin blinked his eyes a few times. “Y-yes, I’m listening,” he stuttered with his words, somehow still taken aback by the abrupt reality. “…Well, I wish you the best, then!” He finally managed to say the words.

Kwangmin smiled and pulled his twin in a brotherly hug. “Thank you,” he sincerely said. “We should prepare ourselves for tonight performance… You won’t mind if I use the bathroom first, will you?”

Youngmin shook his head lightly. “You can take a bath first, but a quick one, okay? We shouldn’t be late for the rehearsal. You said that you want to go hair salon first, right?”

“Aye, aye, Sir!” said Kwangmin before disappearing behind the bathroom door.

Once Kwangmin entered the bathroom, Youngmin sat down at the edge of their bed. He still couldn’t believe what he had heard earlier. He was such an idiot… Why didn’t he realize his twin’s feeling toward the girl? He must be blind this whole time.

Kwangmin and Minyoung… Youngmin could feel his heart tighten in pain when he thought about them together. He put his right palm in front of his chest, wishing to ease the pain, but it was useless. He closed his eyes and flinched. Why did it feel so painful inside? What feeling was this?

Youngmin knew that he should cheer Kwangmin up and support his relationship with her… But somehow, the blonde couldn’t bring himself to do that. The encouragement words he said to Kwangmin earlier didn’t feel as genuine as usual. He felt as if he only faked them out. He felt really guilty at the moment… But compared to the guilty feeling, the pain that was creeping through his body felt more dominant.

Oh God… Could Youngmin possibly have fallen in love with her, too?




“Are you ready, guys?” asked K.Will as they stood together at the backstage. K.Will was going to perform in a couple of minutes and he wanted to make sure that his juniors were ready for it.

Youngmin was about to answer, but he suddenly coughed so hard. Kwangmin who stood next to him patted his back spontaneously. “Youngmin, are you okay?” he asked with concern.

Minwoo handed a bottle of water to the blonde. “Drink this, Hyung,” he said.

Youngmin grabbed the bottle and drank the water. His throat still felt sore, but he just deal with it.

“Youngmin, are you okay?” K.Will asked him.

“Yeah, I’m fine… Don’t worry, we’re all ready, Hyung,” said Youngmin convincingly.

The next second, they could hear the MC called their names. The staffs guided them to the stage. K.Will waved his hand to the audience. The twin could see their parents and Hyunmin sitting at the front row. Even Minyoung could be seen among them. The girl was surprised to see Kwangmin’s new haircut. His hair was shorter than before, but it definitely was him.

Once the music was played, K.Will began to sing while the dancers tried to move in rhythm. There were many audiences that night and the twin couldn’t help but feeling nervous. Sweat was forming on their faces. All lights were set on them. All eyes were staring at them. But they managed to dance really well. The performance only lasted for five minutes, but somehow those five minutes felt so long. They knew it was the end when the whole studio filled by the sound of applause.

Their pre-debut performance was a huge success. Youngmin, Kwangmin, and Minwoo hugged each other behind the stage. K.Will and the staffs even praised their performance. “Good job, guys!” said the ballad singer.

After that, they went to the changing room to change their costumes. Kwangmin changed in a hurry and finished first. He dialed Minyoung’s number and told her to wait in front of the studio. “I’ve just finished changing. I’ll be there in a minute,” he said.

Youngmin heard the conversation and his heart began to ache again. “Are you going now?”

Kwangmin nodded. A big grin was forming on his face. “Yeah. Wish me luck, okay?”

“Wish you luck for what?” Minwoo who had just finished changing asked in confuse. But Kwangmin had rushed out from the room already. “Where is he going?” he asked Youngmin who stood still like a statue beside him. His face was a mixture of different expressions Minwoo had never seen before.

“Kwangmin is going out to meet someone,” Youngmin said without looking at Minwoo’s face.

Minwoo could only raise his eyebrow in question. He didn’t understand what was going on. He was about to ask Youngmin again when the blonde suddenly coughed. Minwoo approached him and help him by patting his back. “Geez… Hyung, you should really see the doctor! Maybe you catch a cold or something.”

“No, I’m fine,” the blonde persisted. “Minwoo, do you want to join us for a dinner?”

The younger boy smiled cheerfully. “Sure!”




Minyoung was waiting outside the building. Tonight, she wore a blue dress that ended just an inch above her knees and a white coat over it. Her hair was arranged in a neat bun. She wore silver high-heels and even applied some makeup on her pretty face. She was startled when a pair of hands covered his eyes from behind.

“Kwangmin?” she guessed.

Kwangmin let go of his hands and greeted Minyoung with a smile. Minyoung smiled back at him.

“Hey! I saw your performance earlier. Even though you wore a mask and cut your hair, I still could tell that it was you. Youngmin was even easier to notice because of his blonde hair. You did a great job! I was mesmerized, really.”

“Thank you! Actually, I was trying to impress you,” said Kwangmin.

“And you made it,” she continued. Kwangmin smiled at her response. Minyoung smiled back at him and looked around. “By the way, where is Youngmin? Isn’t he going to come with us?”

“No,” said the brunette. “Maybe he’s having dinner with our family now. Don’t mind them, though. Tonight, there will only be you and me.”

Minyoung giggled because Kwangmin’s words sounded funny to her. “Okay, then. Where are we going now?”

“Don’t you feel hungry? I’ve booked a table at a restaurant nearby. Let’s go eat first!”

They went to a restaurant not far from the studio. Minyoung was surprised because Kwangmin took her to a really expensive restaurant which is located at the 27th floor of a tall building. She was feeling nervous as they rode the elevator. “Don’t be nervous,” the brunette seemed to understand her anxiety. “I want you to relax and enjoy the night. I have a surprise for you later.”

They finally reached the restaurant. A well-dressed waiter guided them to the V.I.P. room and pulled out the chair for Minyoung. Kwangmin was busy ordering food while Minyoung took a look at the room. The interior was nice. The floor was covered by soft carpet. Some paintings were hanging on the wall. A faint smell of cinnamon and aromatherapy filled the room. But what attracted her the most was the big glass window. She could see the beautiful scenery of Seoul at night from there.

“Do you like it here?” Kwangmin asked.

“Yes, of course I do. This place is beautiful. The interior is nice and the scenery is great! But why do you bring me here, Kwangmin?” she asked curiously. “And how did you manage to book a table here? We’re still underage!”

The brunette only laughed. “Of course I didn’t book it myself. They won’t allow me to. I asked my manager to book a table for us as a reward if I perform well tonight. And I did.”

“Oh, I see…” Minyoung was about to ask further when some waiters came to serve the food. They were expensive western cuisine and looked so delicious. Minyoung knew that Kwangmin might have enough money for this, but why did he need to do this far for her? She couldn’t help but wondering what kind of surprise the brunette had prepared for her.

After the tasty dinner, Kwangmin asked Minyoung to come with him to another place. When they got out from the building, Kwangmin used a scarf to cover her eyes. Minyoung let Kwangmin hold her hand and guided her way as she couldn’t see anything. They walked about ten minutes before Kwangmin told her that they had arrived. Somehow she could hear to sound of splashing water, but she wasn’t sure.

Kwangmin pushed Minyoung forward so he could stand behind her. “We’ve arrived,” he said while reaching out his hand to open the scarf that covered her eyes. “You can open your eyes now.”

Once the cover was removed, Minyoung slowly opened her eyes. She gasped in awe as she found themselves in a quiet park not far from the town. There was a fountain in the middle of the park. Tens of candles were arranged around the fountain. Another source of light was a dim street lamp. Kwangmin walked in front of Minyoung and handed her a bouquet of red roses. Minyoung could only stare in amazement.

“Are you going to let my hand hanging like this forever?” Kwangmin joked.

Minyoung quickly snapped out from her thought and took the bouquet from Kwangmin’s hand. “Thank you,” she said softly, still amazed.

Kwangmin asked her to sit beside him at the fountain. He then pointed at the sky and said, “Look! Doesn’t the sky look beautiful tonight?”

Minyoung lifted her head and her eyes widen at the sight. The sky was so clear tonight. Thousands, even millions of stars were shining brightly, making a beautiful constellation whose name Minyoung didn’t know. It was full moon tonight. The soft, golden ray of the moon was reflected on the water surface. The scenery was beyond beautiful.

Seeing the astonished Minyoung, Kwangmin smiled and began to sing. The girl suddenly turned her head to face him. She recognized the song. It was ‘Falling Slowly’ by Glen Hansard. Minyoung had seen Kwangmin dance so many times before, but this was her first time to hear him sing. Kwangmin’s voice was beautiful. It was different from K.Will’s powerful voice. His voice was deep, yet soft and calming.

When the song came to its refrain, Minyoung couldn’t help but singing along. Her soprano voice and Kwangmin’s bass voice surprisingly matched each other, resulting in a melodious harmony as they sang together. Kwangmin couldn’t take his eyes off of her the entire time. He kept staring deep at her eyes while singing. This was also his first time listening to Minyoung’s voice. Never had in his life he heard a voice as angelic as hers. He became addicted to it in an instant.

Both of them stayed silent after the song ended. They didn’t say a word as they looked at each other’s eyes. Minyoung could feel her cheeks burning due to the intent stare Kwangmin was giving her, but she refused to tear her gaze away. Her heart was thumping like crazy inside her chest, but she only focused on the godly figure in front of her. Kwangmin looked bizarrely handsome tonight. His short hair and long side bang made him look a lot manlier.

“I like your new haircut,” she broke the silence.

Kwangmin smiled proudly. “I didn’t make the wrong choice to cut it, then.”

“Of course you didn’t,” Minyoung giggled. “You look really handsome tonight! And all of these…” She scanned her surrounding. “I don’t know what to say anymore… This is so beautiful. Thank you so much for preparing this!”

“I’m glad that you like it,” said Kwangmin.

Minyoung smiled to him. “Yeah, I like it a lot. But why do you need to do this, Kwangmin? This is too much, if I may say… I didn’t expect it at all when you asked me that day.”

Kwangmin took a deep breath. This was about the time for him to confess his love to her. He could feel his heart beat faster and his palms became sweaty. He seriously didn’t know what to say, but decided to begin with their past. “…Minyoung, do you remember that we’ve met before? I mean, before you attended SOPA.”

Minyoung’s eyes widen in shock. “Have we? Why don’t I remember at all?”

“Yes, we have met before,” Kwangmin said firmly. There was no way he could forget that day. “I was seven when that happened… I was playing at the park with a bunch of other boys from my class. Youngmin had a shooting schedule, so he didn’t come with me. I liked Pikachu a lot, so I always carried it with me everywhere. Those boys teased me because of that habit. They said that I was like a girl. I tried to argue, but they got angry at me and took away my Pikachu doll. I wanted to get it back from them, but they pushed and I fell to the ground. My knee was injured and I cried really hard. They left me alone there, bleeding and crying. And then a girl saw me.

“I didn’t know where she came from… She was surprised to see me. She came to me and asked me what happened. I ignored her question and kept crying because my knee hurt. Then she looked for something inside her bag. When she found the bandage, she opened it and put it on my wound. But I wouldn’t stop crying. She looked for something again in her bag before pulling her lunch box out. She said, ‘…Please stop crying! I have Pikachu breads. Do you want some?’ Without waiting for my answer, she handed the bread it to me. That was when I stopped crying. I was about to thank the girl and ask her name, but she saw her parents coming from afar, so she left in a hurry.”

Kwangmin smiled and carried on, “When I saw you that day at the cafeteria, I couldn’t believe my eyes… You looked like the girl I met on that day. Your cheek wasn’t chubby like hers, and your hair wasn’t tied in twin pigtails, but your eyes remained the same. I was hesitated at first, but deep inside my heart, I wished it was really you. As time went by, I’ve become surer that you are the little girl whom I fell in love with at the first sight.”

Minyoung was completely at loss for words. Yes, she remembered that event. That was when she had just come back from San Francisco. After her first day of school, her parents took her to play at the nearest park. Then she saw a boy crying with an injured knee. She remembered everything, but she didn’t realize that that boy was the same person as the guy who was sitting in front of her right now. “…So, you’re that crying boy?”

“Yes, that was me,” said Kwangmin. He took Minyoung’s hand and said, “Maybe you don’t believe it… But I’ve fallen in love with you even since we met for the first time. Your kindness and your warm smile made me fall for you. When we met again for the second time, that childhood crush turned into a real love. Now I’m so sure about the way I feel about you. I honestly love you, Minyoung…”

Kwangmin gulped down and leaned closer to Minyoung. The girl could feel Kwangmin’s hot breath tickling her neck. “…Would you be my girlfriend?” he whispered softly at her ears.

Minyoung’s heart skipped a beat at that confession. This was too sudden! Kwangmin told her about their childhood story and then he said that he loved her… Was she dreaming?

“I-I am not dreaming, am I?” She just wanted to make sure that this was real.

Kwangmin giggled at her reaction. “No, you’re not,” he said, still in his previous position. “How can a dream feel so real and beautiful? But if this is really a dream, then I don’t want to wake up forever.”

Minyoung was blushing furiously. She was aware of how close they were right now and she could smell Kwangmin’s manly scent as well as his hot breath on her neck. Her head was dizzy and her heart was thumping frantically.

Kwangmin had just confessed to her and Minyoung should give him an answer… And all that she could think was, “Yes.” 

Finally, Kwangmin and Minyoung together! But will their relationship last? Well, let's see... Please tell me what do you think so far! Don't hesitate to correct my mistakes! And who do you want Minyoung end up with? I'm looking forward to your opinions... Ppyong~♥

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UNNIEEE! hahaha remember meh? uwaa finally you updated! whoaa poor kwangmiiiin :(((((
Hanchaehyeon: Jeongmal gomawo yo, dongsaeng~! ^^
Hanchaehyeon #3
FInnaly i can do a comment here.. :)<br />
The story was awesome.. Neomu neomu joha!!~<br />
minyoung-youngmin-kwangmin are look like a minor character in a romantic K-movie.. <br />
Love it..:*
KaMiMi: Yeah, this is too sad! :(<br />
But my friend told me once that my stories always have a 'flat' , so I want to make it extreme this time!<br />
Look forward to the ending, okay? ^^
KaMiMi #5
Noooo!!! Youngmin's sick T-T (I hopes that really doesn't happen in real life too) This is making it even harder to choose! Kwangmin's too kind to reject DX but Youngmin's also.... Yeah.... Haha, you should decide as the author :)
Thanks for the comments! *hug*<br />
I'll try to update ASAP ^^
KaMiMi #7
갸하하하하!!!!!! >_< She accepted him!! They should kiss hehe... But why must Youngmin like Minyoung now?! Its just gonna make things more complicted T-T Update soon please!!!!
KaMiMi: So you support Kwangmin, huh? ^^<br />
Well, I'll try to update ASAP.<br />
I'm not pure indonesian.<br />
How about you?<br />
Yeah, amazing guy, huh?<br />
I'm fine, thanks for asking! ;)
KaMiMi #10
Ooh~~ They went on a 'date' haha ^^ ah but poor Kwangmin when Youngmin was hugging Minyoung :( update soon pls!!<br />
Woah amazing guy... I hope ur ok! So you're Indonesian right? O_O