Chapter 3: Break Down

Seven Things


Hello there! First of all, I'd like to thank you guys for reading this story, especially for my subscribers! I am so happy hearing that some people like this story. To be honest, I'm not so confident with this since I've found many similar stories in this site. You know, love triangle between the twin and something like that... But I try my best to make this one different from other stories and create my own writing style. However, I need your comments in order to improve my writing skills. So, don't be a silent reader, okay? Don't hesitate to tell me about your opinion so far... 

For those who have been anticipating this chapter, enjoy! Ppyong~♥


Youngmin, Kwangmin, and Minyoung decided to move to the dancing room. The room had enough space for them to move freely, unlike the stuffy music room. With mirrors everywhere, they could watch their movements as they dance. The floor was made of wood instead of tile. It reminded Minyoung of her old ballet school, except the fact that they didn’t need to wear tutu. The image of the twin wearing pink, frilly tutu shoes made Minyoung giggled in amusement.

“What’s so funny?” Youngmin glared at her, clearly annoyed.

The smile on Minyoung’s face instantly disappeared. “N-nothing.”

Kwangmin inserted a CD into the CD player. “Ready?” he asked.

Youngmin nodded and then turned to your direction. “You’d better watch this carefully!”

Kwangmin pressed the ‘play’ button and music began to fill the room. Hey, Minyoung recognized the song! It’s Kim Hyun Joong’s ‘Break Down’. One of her favorite song, actually. She leaned against the wall as the twin began to dance. Youngmin and Kwangmin moved in sync. Their bodies automatically moved to the beat. They rolled forward, tossing their hands in the air, touching their chest, bobbing their head, and turned around. Their bodies looked so flexible, almost elastic. Every roll was very powerful and energetic. Minyoung was left in daze. It felt as if she was watching Kim Hyun Joong’s music video instead of two high school students dancing.

“Damn! This Jo Twin is really something,” she muttered incoherently without taking off her gaze at all. “No wonder they belong to the special class. There was no way I could be like them!”

Then the music stopped. Youngmin and Kwangmin were panting, but they didn’t look exhausted at all. They recovered quickly and both of them stared at Minyoung.

“Now, it’s your turn,” Youngmin spoke as he walked toward the confused girl.

“W-what?! But, I…” Minyoung stuttered.

Seeing the mystified Minyoung, Kwangmin decided to help her. “Don’t worry, we’ll help you! Now, follow my instructions and try to mimic my moves, understand?”

Minyoung nodded, even though she wasn’t sure that she would be able to do it. “Arasho,” she answered not-so-confidently.

Kwangmin stood in front of the big mirrors and Minyoung stood next to him. “First, stretch your hands like this… Then turn to the right. Jump a little, and move your hands like this. Let’s do it together!”

Minyoung stretched her hands as instructed. Then she bent a little and turned around. When she was facing the mirrors again, she jumped and moved her hands up and down like what Kwangmin did.

“Good! Now turn around once again and open your feet like this,” Kwangmin demonstrated the moves for her. “Next, cross your hands in front of your face and face down as you lower your hands to your side. Lift your head again and move your body like this.”

Minyoung turned around and then she made a ‘X’ sign in the air with both of her hands. She faced down and then lifted her head again. Kwangmin showed a satisfied smile as he watched his new student. But suddenly, Minyoung stopped.

“Umm, sorry… I forget the next move…” she said.

“Stupid!” Youngmin snorted.

His words made the girl spontaneously glared at him. She was too occupied with the lesson with Kwangmin, she almost forgot that the other twin was still there. “Hey, I’m not stupid! Don’t you ever call me like that again!” she said defensively. Youngmin pretended not to hear.

Kwangmin sighed. “Minyoung, shall we continue?”

“Okay,” Minyoung answered half-heartedly. She was still annoyed by Youngmin’s behavior toward her, but decided to ignore him.

“Move your hands like this… You see? Then touch your chest with your right hand while opening your left palm on your side. Lower your right hand and move it like this, as if you are digging, and then bend your legs. Stay in that position for a while.”

Minyoung tried to mimic Kwangmin’s moves, but it was too hard to do. Kwangmin patiently taught her all over again. He even made some physical contacts with the girl as he tried to show her the right position. Kwangmin stood behind Minyoung and stretch his hands to the front, holding Minyoung’s hands. They stood really close until Minyoung could feel his breath on her ear. The reflection of a pretty-faced guy stood closely behind her was revealed on the mirror. She couldn’t help but blushing lightly at that view. But of course, Kwangmin didn’t notice it because he was too focused on teaching her.

However, Youngmin saw what happened there. Seeing the girl stood so close to Kwangmin somehow made him feel uneasy. He didn’t know why. Kwangmin was just trying to teach Minyoung the dance move, but he felt a little annoyed. He just didn’t want the girl to take advantage of his brother. He knew that both of them are popular and Kwangmin’s kindness was often mistaken by the girls.

Youngmin hastily grabbed his backpack. “Kwangmin, let’s go home! It’s already late,” he said.

“What? But we aren’t done with the lesson yet…”

“It’s enough for today! She can learn the rest by herself.” Youngmin turned to face Minyoung. “Don’t be such a spoiled child and practice hard!”

“I’m not a spoiled child, you’re the spoiled brat!” Minyoung snapped back at him. She sighed, clearly offended by the blond-haired guy’s words. She tried to suppress her anger this whole time but it seemed like she had reached her limit.

“I don’t understand why you’re acting this way… You didn’t even teach me and yet, you act as if you’re the most troubled one here! I know, it was my fault… I know that you don’t like me because of what I’ve done at the cafeteria. But I’ve apologized, haven’t I? And all you can do is yelling at me!” Tears were forming at the corner of Minyoung’s eyes as those words slipped from her.

But no, there’s no way she would show her weakness in front of the arrogant boy. Minyoung snatched her bag and began walking to the door. “If I am such a burden for you, then let’s just end it here! I don’t need your help anymore.” She walked pass Youngmin and quickly left the place.

“Minyoung, wait!” Kwangmin called her. He groaned in frustration. “Look what you’ve done, Youngmin! Can’t you be less rude to her? Did she piss you off that much? She tried so hard, you know… And yet, you called her things like ‘stupid’ and ‘spoiled brat’! Sometimes I really don’t understand you.” And with that, Kwangmin ran after Minyoung, leaving his twin alone.

Youngmin was left speechless. He didn’t expect her reaction at all. Minyoung was obviously angry and hurt. He didn’t mean to take it that far. No, he didn’t have the intention to make her cry at all. But he was so full of anger that his words slipped uncontrollably from his mouth. He knew that he was being harsh toward her, but he just couldn’t help it. Guilty feeling began to creep over the blonde-haired guy. Now he had not only pissed the girl, but also his twin. Youngmin bit his lip. “Damn it!” he shouted, tossing his backpack to the floor.




Meanwhile, Kwangmin was still chasing after Minyoung. Finally he could catch up with her right before she left the gate. He grabbed her wrist, making the girl automatically turned around. Kwangmin’s eyes widen in surprise as he saw Minyoung’s wet face. Minyoung didn’t dare to look at the brunette.

“A-are you crying?” Kwangmin began to panick. “P-please don’t cry! I want to apologize… I know that Youngmin has been extremely rude to you, but I know that he didn’t mean it. It’s true that sometimes he is really short-tempered, but actually he’s a nice guy.” Hearing no response from the girl, Kwangmin felt even more confused. He had never faced a crying girl before, so he didn’t know what to do.

Minyoung, being the crybaby that she was, began to sob harder. “W-why…?” she finally said. “Why did he need to say those harsh words? I didn’t spill the juice on him on purpose… I have apologized… I tried to make up for my mistake, but he was the one who rejected it. Does he hate me that much? Am I that irritating? I just don’t understand… That’s not fair!”

Kwangmin could feel a sting in his heart as he watched Minyoung crying. Usually, Youngmin was the sensitive one among them. Kwangmin wasn’t the type of guy who cried easily. But this time was different. It was as if he could feel Minyoung’s pain himself and it made him got even angrier at his twin. Youngmin was the reason why the girl in front of him crying, anyway. He made a note to himself to scold Youngmin later. That twin of his really needed to learn how to treat a girl.

“To tell the truth, I also don’t know why Youngmin was behaving that way,” Kwangmin sadly admitted. “He has never been that angry before… This was also my first time seeing him so pissed off like that. Usually he will forget it easily, but he is being abnormally rude to you.”

Minyoung snorted. “What an arrogant, spoiled, ill-mannered boy!” she said in annoyance.

Hearing those words made Kwangmin spontaneously chuckled. He tried to suppress it, but ended up bursting with laughter.

“Hey, what’s so funny?” Minyoung slightly irritated. She had stopped crying now.

Kwangmin held his stomach with both of his hands. “No, nothing… It’s just kind of funny, you know!” Minyoung raised one of her eyebrows. Kwangmin continued, “Usually, girls will fall head over heels for him and say something like ‘cool’, ‘cute’, ‘hot’ or stuffs about him… But, you! Instead of praising him, you called him ‘an arrogant, spoiled, ill-mannered boy’… Outrageous!”

Kwangmin started to laugh again. “You’re the first one to insult him, you know, and I’m impressed by your braveness! Daebak!” He raised his thumbs.

Minyoung couldn’t help but giggling as well. She didn’t understand why the whole school praised Youngmin like crazy, while in fact, the blonde was just a super irritating brat who could only yell at people all the time. Those girls only saw Youngmin from his physical appearance. It was true that he looked like a charming prince whom everyone adored, but his attitude just as bad as a little monster. Minyoung rolled her eyes at that thought.

“Those girls must be crazy because they don’t know the real Youngmin,” she stated. Then she looked at the brunette in front of her and smiled. “Thanks, Kwangmin! I don’t know why, but you’re just so different from him… I’ve been wondering for a while… Will you act like Youngmin if the guy I spilled juice on the other day was you?” Minyoung teasingly asked.

“Nah, of course I won’t!” Kwangmin firmly denied—a bit too firmly, maybe. His face blushed at his own words, making Minyoung’s grin grew wider.

“Haha… I was just joking, you know! Thank you, anyway… You’ve been really nice to me. And, oh, thanks for the lesson, too,” she paused for a while. “It was really fun and you’ve been really helpful to me, but I guess I just won’t bother you anymore. I’ll talk to the teacher tomorrow, so that you two don’t have to teach me anymore.”

A hint of sadness was reflected on her face. To be honest, Minyoung really enjoyed the lesson. Kwangmin taught her really well and she was getting excited to learn more, but she didn’t want anymore conflict with Youngmin.

“No, you don’t need to do that,” Kwangmin said quickly. “I don’t mind continuing the lesson… It was fun, really. I just want to help you improving yourself.”

“But, what about Youngmin?” Minyoung asked.

“Don’t worry, I’ll talk to him later. You’re still willing to learn, aren’t you?”

“Of course I do!” she answered in an instant. “I’ve just realized that dancing is really fun…”

Kwangmin was satisfied with her reply. “Great. I’m glad to hear that. I promise that I’ll talk to Youngmin and clear everything up. I hope you don’t take his words personally, though. It’s only normal for you to get angry after what he has done to you, but as his brother, I want to apologize for him… Don’t hate him, okay?” Kwangmin instinctively showed his aegyo without even realizing it.

Minyoung, being her first time to see the brunette’s aegyo, was left in daze. She couldn’t help but screaming silently. Her face remained collected, but deep inside, she was being hysteric. “Oh God, Kwangmin’s cuteness is too hard to resist!” she thought to herself.

But instead, she just flashed a smile. “Okay, I’ll try my best not to think about it again,” she said. “I don’t promise that I’ll forgive him soon, though,” she added while smiling sheepishly.

“I know,” Kwangmin grinned. “I understand that you might need some time before forgiving him completely… But I promise you that after today, Youngmin won’t behave that way toward you anymore. I’ll make sure about that.”

“Alright. I trust you, Kwangmin,” Minyoung said. They had been talking for a while and without realizing it, the sky was almost dark. “Wow, it’s getting late… I think I should go home now. Bye, Kwangmin!”

Kwangmin waved his hand in her direction. “Be careful on your way! See you tomorrow!” he shouted cheerfully.

Kwangmin stood there until Minyoung’s figure disappeared from his sight. He took a deep breath and exhaled as if he had been holding his breath the whole time. He was glad to see the girl finally smiled again. The image of Minyoung’s smiling face made his cheeks burned in a peculiar sensation. He didn’t know why, but he was getting excited all of sudden. It had only been several minutes since she left, but Kwangmin missed her already. Oh God… What was wrong with him?

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UNNIEEE! hahaha remember meh? uwaa finally you updated! whoaa poor kwangmiiiin :(((((
Hanchaehyeon: Jeongmal gomawo yo, dongsaeng~! ^^
Hanchaehyeon #3
FInnaly i can do a comment here.. :)<br />
The story was awesome.. Neomu neomu joha!!~<br />
minyoung-youngmin-kwangmin are look like a minor character in a romantic K-movie.. <br />
Love it..:*
KaMiMi: Yeah, this is too sad! :(<br />
But my friend told me once that my stories always have a 'flat' , so I want to make it extreme this time!<br />
Look forward to the ending, okay? ^^
KaMiMi #5
Noooo!!! Youngmin's sick T-T (I hopes that really doesn't happen in real life too) This is making it even harder to choose! Kwangmin's too kind to reject DX but Youngmin's also.... Yeah.... Haha, you should decide as the author :)
Thanks for the comments! *hug*<br />
I'll try to update ASAP ^^
KaMiMi #7
갸하하하하!!!!!! >_< She accepted him!! They should kiss hehe... But why must Youngmin like Minyoung now?! Its just gonna make things more complicted T-T Update soon please!!!!
KaMiMi: So you support Kwangmin, huh? ^^<br />
Well, I'll try to update ASAP.<br />
I'm not pure indonesian.<br />
How about you?<br />
Yeah, amazing guy, huh?<br />
I'm fine, thanks for asking! ;)
KaMiMi #10
Ooh~~ They went on a 'date' haha ^^ ah but poor Kwangmin when Youngmin was hugging Minyoung :( update soon pls!!<br />
Woah amazing guy... I hope ur ok! So you're Indonesian right? O_O