Love Letters

The bell rang, and classes were finally over. Students came rushing out of their classrooms, happy that the day was finally over.

Kyung was walking with Jiho, on their way to their lockers. They chatted about useless things, like the soccer match televised last night, or how good the girl Kyung hooked up with last week was.

When they finally reached their lockers, they both opened their respective lockers to put back their books inside.

"That girl from lunchtime earlier, Haeri, right? Man, what you did was so hilarious! I kinda expected her to be mad or something though." Kyung told Jiho, who purposely made Haeri trip on his leg.

Jiho just smirked and high-fived Kyung again.

"The look on her face, though! She expected me to actually help her up? How pathetic is she?" Jiho remarked later on.

To be honest, Jiho doesn't feel guilty at all. Weird girls like her deserve those things.

"Jiho, I gotta go, 'kay? See you tomorrow, dude." He said, flashing a greasy smile, snapping Jiho out of his thoughts.

"Alright. See you tomorrow!" He replied.

He faced his locker again and Right before closing it, he saw a familiar purple note once again. A smile was threatening to show on his face, but he kept it in, so nobody would notice it. He opened the note and read it silently.

"Hi! Class is over! I bet you're really happy! Hehe. I'm happy too, to be honest. 

Just seeing you makes me happy! Even though school is such a bore, it's suddenly exciting when I see you! 

Well, now that classes are over, enjoy your day, Jiho!! Don't worry, be happy! 

Your secret admirer! ^^"

He grabbed the note and put it in his bag, before slamming his locker shut and rushing out of school, because now he has a big smile on his face, and he can't risk anyone seeing it.

He suddenly feels flustered and flattered from the note.

', just who is this girl?' Jiho thought to himself, before heading home.


Haeri lay in her bed, twirling her long hair with her finger. She was thinking about what happened today.

'Jiho purposely made me trip today... Was it because he was trying to get my attention?' She thought, her cheeks turning red from the thought of Jiho wanting Haeri to notice him.

Even though she has a pretty nasty bruise on her leg from her little accident, it didn't really matter to her because Jiho finally noticed her.

She already imagined a whole lot of scenarios playing out. Jiho confessing to her that he has been in love with her for a long time now. Jiho apologizing for tripping her and saying that it was only to get her attention.

Haeri flailed her arms and covered her face with her hands, feeling butterflies in her stomach.

She stood up and hit her leg on the bedpost. She hissed in pain and held her leg, seeing her bruise that was turning even more purple than it was after she fell on the floor.

"Ouch! , it hurts so much!" She shouted.

"Stay positive, Haeri!!!" She exclaimed to herself, the pain slowly subsiding.



Jiho has been keeping all of the letters sent to him ever since he started receiving them. It's been 2 years now. Most of the time he wonders what made this anonymous sender fall in love with a person like him. There are hundreds of other guys in their school, but why him?

It's probably because I'm popular and rich, and hot. He thought.

But he knows that's not the reason. The letters sent to him don't seem to have any motive. She doesn't want anything from him, and from all of the letters he received, they all sounded sincere.

Jiho knew he was an . He sleeps with a different girl every week like his bestfriend, Kyung. He doesn't care about anyone else except for himself. He treats everyone like . 

He doesn't exactly know what he feels for this anonymous person. He hasn't reached the point where he actually cares for her, but he often thinks about this unknown person a lot. 

He reaches for his drawer and opens it, searching for the first letter he received. It was from 2 years ago, the edges of the purple paper slightly torn.

"Hi! I don't know why I'm writing this, actually.

Am I crazy to be sending letters to the school's popular guy, Woo Jiho? Haha 

Hmmm... I don't know what to say, actually. I just know that whenever I see you,

I feel so happy inside! I think I have a crush on you!


Well, have a nice day! ^^"



He remembers the day when he first got it. He forgot his books in his locker, and was surprised to see a folded piece of purple paper. At first he thought it was just nothing, but after seeing his name enclosed in a heart on it, he decided to read it. At first he laughed.

"This is so stupid." He said, while laughing silently to himself. But the more he thought about it, the more he thought that it was actually... cute.

He then saw his bestfriend, Kyung approaching him, so he quickly stuffed the letter inside his bag, and continued to proceed with his normal routine.


"Hey. Haera." Someone called out to her.

She slowly looked around and saw Kyung calling her.

"It's Haeri." She said quietly.

"Whatever. Give me the answer to our homework, you're the smartest, anyways." Kyung rolled his eyes and scoffed.

Haeri's eyes widened in shock and anger.

"Why would I? I worked my off just to finish this, so why would I give it to someone who doesn't even bother putting some effort into homework?" She replied, causing everyone in the classroom to look at the two of them.

Kyung laughed.

"Is the nerd talking back? How brave! You're so useless, you know that? The least you can do is be of help to others since you don't really do anything here. This is why nobody notices you! How can anyone like a useless girl like you?" He said, smirking at her. 

The rest of the students snickered, causing Haeri's cheeks to redden.

She could feel the tears threatening to escape her eyes, because she just got humiliated, but she just kept it in and stormed out of the classroom.


Classes were over and Jiho went to his locker as usual, feeling a bit giddy, expecting another letter. Through the vent, he can see the usual purple piece of paper, and quickly does his combination code. He opens the locker and reaches for the letter.


"Hi, Jiho. I don't know why I'm telling you this, but I had a really bad day.

I want to cry. I wish you were here with me so I could have a shoulder to cry on, huh? Haha

Do you like my pickup line? ^^

Anyways, maybe I'll feel better after a day or two.

Bye! :) and :("


Jiho doesn't know why, but he feels sad. And angry.


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im going to update tomorrow!!!


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Love this story♡♡ please update soon ^^
lhoees #2
Chapter 2: definitely in love with this story!
looking forward to the next chapter~^^
Chapter 2: Tsss . . . soon they'll regret their wrongdoings =_=
Interesting story ^^ I am looking forward for your story updates!
Interesting story ^^ I am looking forward for your story updates!