2.1 (just a really short update omg)

Love Letters

Going through all of the letters one by one, Jiho found one that caught his eye. He looked at the top part of the letter and saw that it was from a year ago, when he was in his 3rd year of highschool. The date was February 14, Valentine's day. He got all sorts of gifts from his admirers and fangirls that day, but the only gift that mattered to him was the letter from her.

"Hi! It's February 14 today ^^

I didn't really get any gifts from anyone today.

But that's okay! It's better to give than to receive, right?

So I'll give you my gift! I would add in a bar of chocolate,

but it won't fit through the vents of your locker :-(

So I'll give you a heartfelt message!! I know you got a lot

of gifts from other students too, but I hope you treasure this!

Anyways, even though you don't know me, I'm thankful for you

Whenever I'm down, I just look at you passing by the hallway and

I get instantly happier! Even if a lot of people pick on me, I'm still

happy when you're in my sight. I know that I don't know you that well,

but I really think I love you! Most people think you're a bully, but maybe

you're just waiting for a princess that can change you! 

(Could that princess be me? ^^) Actually, I don't think you're bad.

It's just that your bestfriend, Kyung is an .

Happy Valentine's day, Jiho! <3



Your secret admirer!!"


When he got that letter that day, he just smiled and put it in his bag. But now that he's read it again, he can feel butterflies in his stomach. How can a person be so nice? He thought to himself. She actually think he's not that bad. She thinks that he's kind. 

Jiho doesn't even know who she is. He's never bothered to find out who she was.

It's not that he didn't care, it's just that receiving letters from her was part of his daily routine already that he feels assured that she will always be there. That when he opens his locker, a piece of folded paper will always be there to greet him.

You love her, don't you? A nagging voice inside his head tells him.

Jiho doesn't know for sure. Maybe he just feels this way because he feels obligated to have some feelings for her since she's so nice to him? Maybe he doesn't really like her. Maybe he was just flattered, that's why he felt like there were butterflies in his stomach when he read her letters.

Maybe that's what he felt before, but that's not sure as hell as what he feels now. Maybe he really is in love.


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im going to update tomorrow!!!


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Love this story♡♡ please update soon ^^
lhoees #2
Chapter 2: definitely in love with this story!
looking forward to the next chapter~^^
Chapter 2: Tsss . . . soon they'll regret their wrongdoings =_=
Interesting story ^^ I am looking forward for your story updates!
Interesting story ^^ I am looking forward for your story updates!