`〈✻ From Luhan

❝ Krystal Jung ❞ — this is for you





 Dear Krystal,

I'd like yo start off by stating an obvious fact: You're freaking amazing. You've managed to keep Nutella Love running for a whole year now when you aren't even required to do so. Yeah, there's other admins, but I think we all know that you do the most. Anyone who disagrees with the fact is evidently either lying or just an idiot- so thank you. Thank you for making my stay here 4095823905848 times more wonderful.

secondly, i love you so much- there are literally no words that can express how much i care for you. you're on my mind everyday from when i wake up to when i go to sleep - with you in my arms, of course. i sometimes sit there and think: we're already married, we're about to have a child- what's next? i finally know. next is our journey together, as a family. i can't wait to travel the world with you, jagiya. there's nobody that i'd want to do it with other than you. never forget how much i love you. i'll make sure to remind you constantly, just in case- ehe. <3 stay perfect.

  Love, Your Lulu.

My   one   and   only   Love

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I cried at this. ;~~~;
You guys are the best! <3
/throws lots of sarangs/