`〈✻ From Jessica

❝ Krystal Jung ❞ — this is for you






Krystal, you're the best thing I have ever asked for. You're the most sweetest person I have met, the most caring, and the most hyper. Thank you for all the things you have done for me, and for the roleplay. Every one of us really appreciate your work that you do to keep the roleplay active. Nutella love is one of the best roleplays do to you. Without you, there would be nothing. You are a person that never fails to give up. You find your own strength, and give others happiness. You're a very cheerful person, loveable, and the most sweetest. I'm sorry that I'm not here often, but you do understand why. I hope in the future there would be more moments of us together. You're my best friend, but mostly my adorable little sister. I've known you personally for quite a while.  I'm so glad that I have met you, and I would like to thank Ana and you for that. Thank you for not pushing me away (ignoring) when I'm distress.  I cherish you, and will always be by your side. Don't give up the things you love to do, continue to love others the way you do now, never forget that there are people here for you, always. I love you with all my heart and I hope you really know that.  Thank you for being the greatest friend, sister, and an admin. I respect you and adore you. I love you, Soojung.  - Jessica Jung. 




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I cried at this. ;~~~;
You guys are the best! <3
/throws lots of sarangs/