`〈✻ From Sumin

❝ Krystal Jung ❞ — this is for you
Thanks for just what you do.. for being you.
Dear Stal,  

I love you! Love me back! /shot/ XD Okay, for real now. You’re like one of the best admins I’ve ever known, wait no, I think so far among the admins I’ve known you’re the best. I hope that makes sense but yeah. XD You’re like understanding, and friendly and funny too. :D Nutella is like the best place evarrr toooo. Thanks to you and the other admins for creating such a wonderful place like this, I’m glad I was able to be in it and be able to meet you and the others. Please get a rest some time as well, cause gurl do you even sleep? I would like for you to have some rest and relaxation even just for a day. Also keep up the good work! ^_^ Love youuuu <3 

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I cried at this. ;~~~;
You guys are the best! <3
/throws lots of sarangs/