In A Choke Hold

Endless Winds

I know the darkness.

I am one with him.

He speaks to me

He is my only friend.

Occaisionally, I go to visit the darkness.

Tonight was one of those nights


I arrive promptly, 7 pm sharp

Greeted by the silence that is him

And darkness,

He stares at me with eyes of flaming ember.

And darkness, 

He likes to slither his ebony fingers around my soul.

And squeeze.

Until I cant breathe

He looks at me with burning eyes

And he squeezes

And I cant breathe

And he wraps his fingers tighter around my soul

And i cant breathe

And I'm dying

And I cant breathe


Im dying.


But its okay.

I like it this way.

Everything is black

Everything is still

Everything is gone.


I am Oh Sehun

And I know the darkness.

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