Chapter Eleven

Snippets of Time
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Part Eleven


“No Tiff,” Jessica rejected Tiffany with another shake of her hand, “I don’t want to.”


“Look,” Tiffany gesticulated at Jessica’s eyes, “LOOK AT ALL OF THIS. Eye bags, dark eye-rings and dry skin. So ing dry, it would probably crack if I poke it! I swear I’m going to drag you to the dorms even if I have to knock you out in the process.”


“Stop exaggerating Tiff, my skin is fine. And I want nothing to do with dorms.”


“Lee Soonkyu! Knock some sense into her!” Tiffany cried out in frustration at Jessica’s unparalleled obstinacy.  


“Sure,” Sunny raised a hand and landed a hard knock on Jessica’s head, “Satisfied?”


“Urg! You’ll be the death of me as well!”


“You know Jessica won’t move. Yoongie…” Sunny trailed off but the implication was clear to all three of them.


Out of the blue, Jessica asked with a curious tone, “Are you guys still quarreling?”


“What? No!”


Jessica nodded, not sure if she imagined the tension, but it had been almost three weeks since the mention of Tiffany walking out on Sunny. There was never a disagreement that lasted that long between the two.


“Jessi, why don’t you just take Yoongie with you then?”




“Move out with her, she’s studying in Seoul anyway! Rent an apartment, drag both of your tired asses into Seoul and catch up on all the lost sleep!”


“Wow… That’s totally genius, Fany!” Sunny blurted out the heartfelt praise to which Tiffany smirked proudly in return.


Jessica frowned. It was plausible and would be good for Yoona as well. The second semester had just barely started and Jessica could already see the fatigue seeping into Yoona.


“Hello? Respond, will you?”


“What makes you think I have that money?” Jessica spoke simply, throwing Tiffany a curious look.


“Your car isn’t exactly scrap metal,” Tiffany sighed and leaned on Sunny’s shoulder, “Either you’re some huge drug lord or you have some financial backing. Sunny and I realized that ages ago, Jessi.”


“Knew I shouldn’t have accepted that damn fancy car.”


“From your international drug cartel boyfriend?” Sunny quipped with arched eyebrows.


“From Dad,” Jessica said stiffly, “I’ll consider your suggestion. I’m surprised something so smart came out of your mouth, Tiff.”


“Why, thank you very much,” Tiffany fired back sarcastically.


The discussion was put to a stop as Jessica made to leave. It was late and Jessica remembered that Yoona had said she would stay behind with the volleyball girls. The timing was probably just right to pick the younger girl up from school.


With just the two of them left, Tiffany stared at Sunny who had pulled out her phone and was typing a text message rapidly.


“And that’s…?”


“A smartphone, not smarter than you though.”


Tiffany gave Sunny a push, the scowl was climbing up her face all the way to her eyes. However, Sunny remained unperturbed, shaking her long brown curls while laughing a little.


With a pout and a sigh, Tiffany relented and allowed herself to close the distance again as her head fell back on Sunny’s shoulder.






“Who, in the name of Zeus, is that?! Wait, never mind. Save it.”


“Yoona’s senior in school, actually. One of the girls on the volleyball team.”


Tiffany sat up with a start, narrowing her eyes at Sunny. Lips pressed straight, eyes no longer shining. Yet, it was a cycle set to repeat, all too familiar for Sunny to feel the full impact.


Sweeping away the conscience that was pricking her, Sunny held Tiffany’s gaze.  


Steadily. Easily.


Tiffany wavered first.


“What does she look like?”


“Here,” Sunny fiddled with her phone for a few seconds, tapping here and there before shoving the phone into Tiffany’s palms.


There were some awkward seconds of silence as Tiffany studied the photo. Sunny could make out the biting of lips and creasing of brows, and for a silly second, she felt the desire to snatch the offending phone away and rid the girl before her of any thoughts that were invading her mind.


When Tiffany finally looked up, though, the puzzlement was clear in her expression.


“You meant boys’ volleyball team right? Is this a guy or girl?”


“An alien,” Sunny cackled when Tiffany threw the phone into her lap, “She’s interesting.”


“I can’t believe you’ve extended your claws into outer space,” Tiffany paused and pursed her lips, “and I can’t believe you gave your phone number to a high school alien.”


“There are difficult struggles in life and giving phone numbers to aliens really isn’t one of them.”


Tiffany kept her gaze on Sunny even though she had now resumed tapping on the phone. Tiffany felt like kicking herself but she never did have enough guts to hurt herself physically.


“I guess you’re right.”


Everything about Sunny kept her there, Tiffany sieved through the emotions and conceded. With both feet firmly planted in Sunny's world,she let her eyes linger on the brown curls that softly cascaded down Sunny’s shoulders. It was a break from the shocking colors.


Tiffany took a deep breath, circled her arm around Sunny’s and hugged her close.




Jessica tapped against the steering wheel impatiently, fingers twitching to honk at the car in front, mind knowing it was pointless in a traffic jam.


Letting an exasperated growl escape from her lips, Jessica checked her phone again. She had been texting Yoona and the younger girl had stuffed an entire message full with the beaming emoticon when Jessica told her that she was coming over.


“What the ?!” Jessica fought the urge to flip the finger at a car that tried to cut into her lane recklessly, “Learn to drive, !”


Traffic was slowly but surely easing up. Jessica was still sure that she’d still be late to pick Yoona up.


Really showing another reckless driver her middle finger this time, Jessica typed a message to Yoona.


Gonna be late, Yoongie, sorry. This traffic and all these crazy drivers are seriously getting on my nerves.




Yoona genuinely thought she would be facing an irritated Jessica unnie when she finally made her way to the carpark, late by over ten minutes. But even after combing through the huge carpark twice, she didn’t spot a trace of the blonde. Yoona snickered and looked at her watch; Jessica was already fifteen minutes late.


Tardy, tardy, smacks on booty, Yoona remembered how Jessica used to years and years ago when she was still an eight-year-old kid. Silly incidents pop into her head— chasing a cat, climbing a tree, tumbling through some mud and on to Jessica. All of these memories dripped with Jessica’s presence and worries for the younger, mischievous Yoona.


Jessica always being there for Yoona. The promise always in the back of her head.


“Hello, unnie~ Are you there~?”


Yoona’s voice echoed through the pretty much empty underground car park, confirming Jessica’s late arrival. This definitely was something Yoona could see herself poking fun at. Giggling, she headed towards the emergency stairs that led up and sat down on the steps.


Knowing Jessica, she’d have sent a message if she was going to be late. Yoona fumbled through her possessions for her phone, but came up empty.  


“Probably left it a

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Fire_trek 354 streak #1
Chapter 2: This is the best story on AFF, I swear. Well done
Chapter 25: Missing this fic! Hopefully YoonSic realizes their feelings and just end up together! Haha
it’s been so long since i last read this story xD
arairai #4
Chapter 25: Ahh... I somehow stumbled into this fic again after how many years lol I just knew you posted it here as well. I really love this and miss this so much :')
Is it discontinued? Do I have no hope again for this to be continued? :"
Chapter 25: Roller coaster of emotions while reading this. I hope to read the continuation of this fic author, this is a great story.
omg its been years D: livejournal oppars and unniers are dead :(
imuthis #7
Chapter 25: Yay! I finished reading it. I'll just keep popping up from time to time to check if you've updated. This is one of the reasons I still log on to aff.

imuthis #8
Chapter 24: Oh my. Poor Krystal.

Haha, the disclaimer's a safety net. Thanks for the story.
syahdaus #9
Chapter 25: oh yes.. If I based my liking by the yoonsic pairing, I'll unsubscribe after reading this last chapter..

But your writing is good.. and the mature theme is very interesting.. it's angst but very psychological.. not just hate/love.. at least for me..
so I'm still waiting for the continuation of this fic..
I hope you didn't abandon it....
I love this fic so here's a cookie @ :')