Chapter Nine

Snippets of Time
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Part Nine




Jessica swiped away the offending pen poking at her sides in a futile effort to focus her mind on the uninteresting lecture. It didn’t help that the professor delivered it in the most stoic manner possible: dry, straight faced, and totally mechanical.




The pen was prodding once again, but like the accompanying low voice, it was more urgent and violent this time. Jessica slapped it away and tried to concentrate once again by staring at the professor’s shiny forehead.


Stop ignoring me! You pediatric pedo!


The pink words appeared as quick scribbling went across her notepad. Jessica tapped her pen on the table before crossing out the uninvited words to a distinct huff of annoyance. She had to fake a cough to cover the unstoppable laugh that crept out of . It was not discreet enough for some heads whipped around to face in her direction.  




Jessica could no longer ignore the source of the disturbance.


Tiffany Hwang was frowning, lips downturned and looking very very sulky.




A guy seated a row in front threw her a glare and Jessica had to mouth a sorry. She passed the glare on to Tiffany who promptly released an elaborated sigh and resigned her redheaded self to doodling bizarre pink drawings on her own notes.


Jessica’s gaze lingered for half a second, wondering what exactly Tiffany had wanted to tell her before she reeled in all the focus that had run loose.


The rest of the lecture was sufferable.




Students filtered out of the lecture hall, animatedly talking about the just transpired lecture. Tiffany’s enthusiasm, though, was about something else.


“Why’s Embryology sooooo mind-numbingly boring when it actually sounded interesting at first?”


“You’re just easily bored, both of us know that.”


“Fine. Then, how is his forehead so oily? Someone needs to buy him those oil absorbing sheets for Christmas.”


Tiffany Hwang was everything Jessica never knew she’d like in a friend, considering how drastically different they were except for the fact that she had spent half her life in America too.


Tiffany was nuts. But she was also effervescent enough to be a distraction when needed, and not airheaded at all despite that image. There was something charming about her excessively bubbly character, and most importantly she never bothered to care if Jessica was on the same frequency as her or not. She carried on with her own bouncy pace, perfectly comfortable with whatever Jessica was willing to show.


“What did Professor Kim ever do to you? You’re so mean to him.”


“Please,” Tiffany scoffed, “Stating facts makes me a now? We’re gonna have influx from the law school then. Wait, it’s really a bunch of es there anyway. Remember scandal fountain Song Yemin?”


Tiffany face contorted to such a degree that Jessica had to lightly chuckle.


“I didn’t say you were a , and his forehead really isn’t that bad.”


“The last time I went up to him, I could see my own reflection.”


“At least it helps to keep my attention whenever I felt like I’m drifting off. That’s the best part about him.”


Tiffany blinked at the subtle venom, impressed by Jessica’s style of attack once again. Arms linked with Jessica, Tiffany plodded for a few steps, lamenting about how tedious the modules were and how one professor always gave her lewd looks.


“OH HO! Intruder!” Tiffany burst out abruptly, finger pointing in the direction of some indoor plants.


Jessica looked to where Tiffany was pointing, caught surprised by the sudden exclamation. Before she could voice her confusion, Tiffany had zipped off and pounced on a blonde, shorthaired stranger.




Jessica clearly heard the painful groan of a familiar voice. Only one person in the whole of the university allowed Tiffany to do this to her over and over again without complaint.


Lee Soonkyu or Sunny, the name she preferred to be known as.




“Hello to you too.”


Sunny was rubbing her neck, the impact from the pounce still taking its toll.


“You changed your hairstyle again,” catching up, Jessica looked at that short hair that just a week ago was shoulder length and very orange.


“We were talking about, you know, es!” Tiffany cut in with hyperactive gestures, which finally ended with an index finger pointing at Sunny.


“Me?” Sunny cocked her head and looked to Jessica, who simply twirled a finger to the side of her head.  


“es in law school! Infiltrator! With a wig!”


“Damn. Jessica, you’re right. She’s really nuts. A walking, screaming, nutty nut.”


Sunny solemnly nodded, but the human burden on her back had her eyes in crescents that were beaming ridiculously. Hands stretched out to snatch the wig off, but Sunny, anticipating this move, grabbed them before more destruction happened.


“I haven’t seen you in soooo long, Sunny!” Tiffany whined, while trying to break free from Sunny’s grip at the same time, “What brings you to our sacred grounds?”


“Fany, I believe you saw me just two nights before.”


“Time in my dimension flows differently.”




“My word against yours! Sue me!”


The petite girl poked her tongue into her cheek, stretching it in her signature move of annoyance but conceded defeat seconds later. Tiffany reigned yet again victorious.


“Jessica, why are you friends with her? She’s a full-grown terror. Nothing she says is scientific; I fear for her patients.”


“Sometimes, you’re a terror too. I fear for your future clients,” Jessica patted Sunny’s arm.




“Nice try, Soonkyu, but Jessi won’t side with you! She’s my bestie!”


“Fine. Let’s settle this out of court, you win!”


“I always win, darling. Besides, I’m no terror to Jessica, she’s gone through little Yoona’s terror training!” Tiffany chirped.


“Oh~ how could I forget that little terror. Of course she’s accustomed to terrors!”


Sunny high fived Tiffany gleefully as Jessica shook her head.


The triple terror trinity in her life—Yoona, Tiffany, Sunny.






Yoona sneezed loudly, forgetting momentarily that she was in the library, and rubbed her nose. Ignoring the mild glare that a middle aged lady sent her way, she continued her half-hearted search for a book suitable for the stupid book review assignment. The obvious choice would be to seek help from Jessica unnie, but she could foresee a brain-eating difficult book as a result.


“You have to improve your command of languages, Yoongie,” Jessica’s voice echoed in her mind.


Sighing with frustration, Yoona navigated rows and rows of shelves filled with English words. Books that were too thick, font sizes too tiny, words too packed together were all kicked out of her potential book list. She was half tempted to select a child storybook and cook up a wonderful review of it. It was better than spending this time selecting a decent book.




A light tap on her shoulder accompanied the whispering voice. Yoona turned to see Yuri’s smile up close and jumped back a little, visibly surprised.






Yuri put a finger to her lips, shushing Yoona as more glares were sent their way.


“Oops. Hi, unnie.”


“Hi, why are you here?”


“Book review assignment,” Yoona swept her hand toward t

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Fire_trek 346 streak #1
Chapter 2: This is the best story on AFF, I swear. Well done
Chapter 25: Missing this fic! Hopefully YoonSic realizes their feelings and just end up together! Haha
it’s been so long since i last read this story xD
arairai #4
Chapter 25: Ahh... I somehow stumbled into this fic again after how many years lol I just knew you posted it here as well. I really love this and miss this so much :')
Is it discontinued? Do I have no hope again for this to be continued? :"
Chapter 25: Roller coaster of emotions while reading this. I hope to read the continuation of this fic author, this is a great story.
omg its been years D: livejournal oppars and unniers are dead :(
imuthis #7
Chapter 25: Yay! I finished reading it. I'll just keep popping up from time to time to check if you've updated. This is one of the reasons I still log on to aff.

imuthis #8
Chapter 24: Oh my. Poor Krystal.

Haha, the disclaimer's a safety net. Thanks for the story.
syahdaus #9
Chapter 25: oh yes.. If I based my liking by the yoonsic pairing, I'll unsubscribe after reading this last chapter..

But your writing is good.. and the mature theme is very interesting.. it's angst but very psychological.. not just hate/love.. at least for me..
so I'm still waiting for the continuation of this fic..
I hope you didn't abandon it....
I love this fic so here's a cookie @ :')