Part Three

Game Time

After finishing their lunch, Ryeowook who is still in good mood appoaches Kyungsoo and tries to have conversation with him. Kyungsoo is a nice guy, although he's more younger than him but their height are the same. So, Ryeowook thinks it's good to have friend with the same height. Isn't he genius?


Kyungsoo sees Ryeowook approaches him with wide grin on his face. At the same time he looks at Kyuhyun sits next to his senior. His face is so scary, but Kyungsoo smiles, teasing him. 'What will you do now, hyung?' he says in his mind.


"Hi... Umm... thanks for before. I love ice cream but I can't eat it before lunch and I always make a mess with that. Kyu Kyu is so mad at me if I do that." Ryeowook explains cutely.


Kyungsoo feels Ryeowook is so cute. Well, who doesn't like Ryeowook? Even the ants love him. Love his mess with sweets, chocolate and ice cream. 


"Hyung... No problem. I like ice cream too and I like making mess but  I have tisue with me." He chuckles when Ryeowook looks at him with wide eyes. "What's wrong, hyung?"


"Why Kyu Kyu never told me about tisue? I can use tisue."


"Oh, maybe he wants to help wipe your face himself."


Ryeowook nods and sits beside him. "Oh, by the way, why are you here? Are you here with someone?"


"I have sister. She is in you year but different class. Do Minjun." Kyungsoo says proudly.


"Aaaahh~ that Minjun." he pokes Kyungsoo's arm. "She's beautiful, she likes Kyu Kyu... But, Kyu Kyu doesn't like her."


"Why is that?"


"Because Kyu Kyu likes me!!!"


They both laugh. Kyungsoo makes an ok sign with his thumb behind Ryeowook's back. Kyuhyun awares of that and heads towards his sister.


"Yah! Noona, what's this? Why did you bring that brat?!" He asks angry.


Ahra just smiles and sips his ice tea. "I did. But it's not my guarantee. He askes  headmaster to follow his sister. That Do Minjun. She like you, right?" Ahra switches the conversation with evil smirk.


Kyuhyun pouts. Again. "Don't know. I just want my Ryeong to be by myside. Always." he stomps his feet. "I hate you." turns back then sticking out his tongue at Ahra.


"How cute." she laughs.



Ryeowook has back to his place, Kyuhyun doesn't have energy left when Ryeowook asks him to make ship from paper. Kyuhyun helps teacher to make dinner before they go back to campus. It's almost five. Ryeowook is confused with Kyuhyun's attitude. 


"Kyuei? Are you okay?" He pokes Kyuhyun's cheeks. The younger ignores him. Ryeowook's finger runs to Kyuhyun's chest. "Really? I need to pee now." Still, Kyuhyun ignores him. "Okay..." He gets annoyed.


Ryeowook thinks he may be make some mistakes so that Kyuhyun doesn't like to talk to him. He pouts. After a long long long thinking, Ryeowook talks again. 


"I will ask Doodoo to accompany me to toilet. I need to peeee~" He cries.


Kyuhyun snapes his eyes open. "What? Who is it again Doodoo?"


"I need to pee~ Kyu Kyu..."


"Okay!" Kyuhyun helps Ryeowook running toward toilet. He waits him outside.


Ryeowook opens the door and sighs in relief. "Done!!" He says joyfully. "Gomawo, Kyueeiii~" He kisses Kyuhyun's lips quick.


The younger blushes. "Ne..." They smiles to each other. "So, wanna make ships again?"


Ryeowook nods eagerly. "Come on!! Doodoo is waiting for us. I asked him awhile ago to help me make ships. He likes ships!!"


"WHAT?! Who is this Doodoo?"





Ahra sits next to Kyungsoo with a can of orange juice. "So, you success to make my brother jealous? You brat."


Kyungsoo chuckles. "I think so. But, seosaeng, I will not say sorry. Hehe~"


"I know right. Just make sure you can still alive after this picnic."


"Ow, I will forever. Anyway, is it nice to kiss Wook hyung?"


"I can't tell, you have to try yourself."


"I will~"



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ryeohaeme #1
Chapter 4: owh... Kyungsoo like Ahra. that's why he ask Ahra about kissing Wook. that's because he's jealous.
hmm... what kind of idea on Kyu's brain now?
ryeohaeme #2
Chapter 3: spoil Wook so cute~
omg! Ahra really an evil sister! how could she ask Kyungsoo to try to kiss Wook????
poor Kyu...
ryeohaeme #3
Chapter 2: owh... so it's Do Kyungsoo. Why he want to make Kyu jealous?
ommo! Ahra kiss Wook on the lips???? naughty sister...hahaha
ryeohaeme #4
Chapter 1: innocent Wook and jealous Kyu...keke. so match!
Hmmm.... I wonder who will take Ryeong from Kyu...
Chapter 4: i thought kyungsoo likes wookie, but i was wrong.. what a pity xDDD

Okay, this is the 1st time i read fic which ahra and kyungsoo became a pair.. anyways, it's still hard to imagine they're being together :D

owww, i'd like all kyuwook's scenes.. they're sooo cute and funny ><

update when you can^^~
Chapter 4: Such an interesting development with Ahra and Kyungsoo!! :D
And of course Kyuhyun and Ryeowook are adorable as always....
I can't wait to see if Ryeowook declares his love for Kyuhyun XD
Chapter 4: Woaaaa aku kira D.O suka ma wook, ternyata salah ya kkkkk..
Aigo...wook tmbh cute deh...

Oh ya say, katanya mau update new love, kapan??
Chapter 3: Mwo d.o will try to kiss wook.... Aigo i hope he'll still a live after he do that kkkk
I'll pray for him :)

Lama bgt gx update ni say...hehehehe gomawo for updating this fic :D
ryena87 #9
Chapter 2: puk2 kyuhyun... haha/// save your heart for next attack kyu XD

wookie.. how old are you?? why so cute??
aww... wanna pinch2 you~~~