Chapter 3

The Other Way

You arrived in Seoul in with your mood being reflected in the weather there was a huge thunderstorm going on and everyone that you saw from the window of your grandparents car was running for shelter. You'd seen heavy rain in London obviously however never the typhoon like rain you were experiencing now. All the people outside were shouting in some strange language although your grandparents lived here you were 0% Asian in any way and only spoke what Korean you picked up from the phrasebook on the plane. But you couldn't be ed to learn the lanuage and as you only spoke English and Gaelic as for the 10 years before you had lived on a small Scottish island call Tiree so Gaelic was the lanuage was what you switched when you were angry, it was a coping mechanism. But anyway as you were living Korea for the next 4 years you were determined to learn nothing and only speak english and others would have to adapt not you.

As you pulled into your grandparents driveway the sudden bararge of questions that your grandparents had evidently been holding in for the journey. " Emily what could you have possibly done to have to be sent to a foreign country". " Did you kill somone Emily please say you didn't ". You chuckled queitly, you actually got on quite well with your grandparents well better than your parents anyway. The main reason for this was that they understood you and listened to your problems and most importantly saw through Luna's perfect sister act which pleased you infinitly.

It was due to this that you actually bothered to answer their questions " No gran i'm here because I glassed my cheating ex boyfriend and also I may or may not have kicked 7 shades of out Luna " " also unfortuently neither are dead so there panic over ". Your grandparents looked a little shocked but also proud because you had stood up for yourself. They were very forgiving another reason why you liked them.

But all that niceness went out the window as soon as they mentioned the fact that they had signed you up at the high school just round the corner they were giggling about the cute boys that went there and that they were sur that you would make so many friends and settle in really quickly. Feeling depressed and looked at yourself in the full lenth mirror in your new bedroom you were incredibly beautiful, however you felt you would fit in too much despite your very caucasian looks so you got in your rebelious state of mind and had a fantastic idea you rushed to the convience store that you saw on the drive in and bought bleach blond hair dye. When you got back you immediatly applied it and went to bed dreading shool the next day but looking foward to your evolution into Korean badgirl.


A/N Wassup guys hope you enjoyed probably gonna double update today. Yay!

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