Chapter 2.

A Light in the Dark

Why am I even here? I shouldn’t even be here. Why did I have to like this idiot? Scratch that why did I have to love this idiot.  He thought to himself as sat in the airport waiting for their plane to land. Chanyeol shook his head as if that would shake out all his thoughts at the moment. He was already there at the airport so it wasn’t like he could change his mind now anyways. Chanyeol was woken up two days ago to a phone call from of all people Byun Baekhyun. His best friend, who left six months ago without telling him that he was going and not having any contact with him since.  Chanyeol had to find out from the company staff that Baekhyun would be taking a leave for a couple months, but that he’d be back in time before their big comeback. When Chanyeol found out why he understood why the two of them left without telling, but that was still no excuse.

Chanyeol had known that Yuri was sick and wanting to be with family, so Chanyeol couldn’t find any fault in wanting to do that. What hurt was that Baekhyun and Yuri had been friends since they were in middle school. Well technically Baekyun had been Chanyeol’s best friend since they were babies, but with Yuri, her family left Korea before having her so she had been living in America up until her sixth grade year.  That was when she finally talked her parents into letting her go back to Korea to live with her grandparents so she could eventually train to become a singer. So what hurt was that they didn’t even tell him that they were going to do that, or maybe it was more of the fact that Baekhyun hadn’t contacted him once while he was gone.  Chanyeol thought maybe he didn’t have a right to be mad or upset. After all, Baekhyun and Yuri were married and had a kid together it wasn’t like they had to tell Chanyeol anything. Chanyeol hated to admit it, but once Baekhyun starting liking Yuri things changed, and though they were all still friends it wasn’t like it used to be. Something in Chanyeol has been dying in for years now as he watched the one that he loved, love another.

It was nobody’s fault but his own that things ended up this way. Chanyeol couldn’t help but think that maybe had he told Chanyeol years ago when he realized that he liked him, maybe something would of come of it. It was highly unlikely, but at least Beakhyun would’ve known and he wouldn’t be living with the regrets or the ‘what if’s’.  Over time Chanyeol learned to live with it. He’d rather be miserable if it meant that Baekhyun was happy, because for Chanyeol Baekhyun’s happiness was all that mattered to him. So he made sure to be there with Baek through everything even if it hurt him to do it.


It was that one tiny moment that brought the most happiness he has felt in years. He’d know that voice anywhere and who was he kidding, she was the main reason he had decided to come. He didn’t want her to have to deal with the crazy fans with just her dad. He tried to keep a low profile so fans wouldn’t notice, but when you’re tall and lanky it’s kind of hard not to be noticed. If he had done well hiding and trying to blend in Nona had just ruined that, but that’s okay he didn’t mind and maybe no one took notice. 

He picked up his favorite little girl in the entire world and swung her around. She giggled as he did so and when she smiled she looked so much like her dad that it hurt him. She had the same exact square smile as he did and it wasn’t that it was a bad thing, it was just another reminder why  he loves Baekhyun. 

Chanyeol stopped spinning smiled at Nona. “How’s my favorite little girl doing?” He teased; he knew how much she hated being called little.

“I’m not little,” she pouted. “And of course I’m your favorite because I’m your only girl, duh!” She said with a little sass before laughing.

Chanyeol found himself laughing along with her oh, how he’s missed this little one so much. She was right though he couldn’t fight her logic she really was the only girl in his life. In that moment Chanyeol could sense that Baekhyun was behind them watching but Chanyeol didn’t turn around yet.

“You’re right, you’re definitely not little anymore,” he teased. Acting like she was too heavy to hold anymore and was about to drop her. She giggled again as he did so. “And you’ll always be my only girl.” He added.

“My own daughter in the arms of another man something is definitely wrong with this picture.” He joked.

Chanyeol closed his eyes at the sound of that voice. ‘come on Chanyeol you were going to have to face him some time or another.’ He thought to himself. So he took a deep breath, opened his eyes and turned around to face Baekhyun. 

As he turned around, all thoughts of a smart remark about how Nona has good taste in men if she’s in his arms and not her dad’s died his lips in that moment.  The Baekhyun that was standing before him wasn’t the Baekhyun he grew up with and had known all his life. This Baekhyun was a ghost of a man compared to the one he knew. There was no light in his eyes something that Chanyeol cherished the most in Baekhyun. To Chanyeol it was like he was staring at a soulless corpse. Chanyeol knew that Nona and Baekhyun were talking, but if anyone were to ask him what they had said he wouldn’t have been able to tell them.

"Your dad is right. Even if i'm right there don't leave your dad's side, okay?" He chimed in. Finally catching up to what they were talking about.  He figured he’d say a little something knowing that she might listen to him a little more then she would listen to her dad. He caught Baekhyun mouthing the words 'thank you' to him with a smile. Even if it wasn't a true smile, it was still the square smile that Chanyeol always loved to see and he couldn't help but to smile back. 

Chanyeol ran his hand through Nona's hair messing it up, "How about something to eat squirt?"

Of course, they didn’t successfully get out of the airport without being noticed but he hadn’t really expected to, just sort of hoped for it. They were about halfway through the airport after having picked up their bags from baggage claim when a crowd started to gather around them and flashes started going off one after the other. Nona had been holding Chanyeol’s hand as they walked through the airport but as the crowd got bigger she had let go and went to Baekhyun who was now carrying his daughter. Chanyeol thought he looked too frail to be carrying her but she was scared and all she wanted was her dad. She had already started crying as soon as she heard the fans shouting out condolences. Chanyeol could see Baekhyun was struggling to push his way through the crowd. Chanyeol put his arm around Baekhyun’s shoulder and pulled him along with him while fighting everyone else off. After about 15 minutes of fighting through the crowd of people they were finally safe inside Chanyeol’s suv.

Baekhyun was sitting in the back seat still trying to comfort Nona who was still crying. She had her head in her dad’s lap as he ran his hand over her head, and through her hair to calm her. Chanyeol glanced in his rearview mirror as he was backing out and saw that Beak was slightly crying too. There hadn’t been too many times that Chanyeol could say that he’d seen Baekhyun cry. The times when he has, it made him want to hold him in his arms until he felt better. He would give anything right now to just be able to take the pain away from Baekhyun. He didn’t like this darkness that was starting to consume his Baekhyun.

He had just pulled into Baekhyun’s driveway when he heard Baek speak. “I thought you wanted to grab a bite to eat.”

“We are.” Was all that he said.

“Yeol, my appartment is about as barren as the Sahara Dessert when it comes to food. It would be a miracle if anything was even still edible in there.”

He didn’t mean to flinch at the sound of his own name, it’s just that no one calls him Yeol except for Baek, and since Baek had been gone it’s like he almost forgot about it. Chanyeol looked in the review mirror. He could see the forlorn look on Baek’s face like he was trying to find reasons to not go into the house. “Look, I called Miyoung last night and told her you guys where coming back. So she’s been cleaning the appartment for you, and I’m sure she’s in there already making dinner. I figured this would be better for the both of you so you didn’t have to worry about being out in public yet. Plus admit, it you could use the rest.”

“Yeah, that’s not likely to happen.” He heard Baekhyun mumble quietly, along with a sigh before he lifted a sleeping Nona in his arms and got out.

Chanyeol followed suit and got out of the SUV also. “Go on and take her inside and I’ll get the bags.” He watched Baek go. Chanyeol went around to the back of the SUV to grab the bags.

“Here let me help,” Miyoung offered.

“YAH!” Chanyeol jumped back slightly caught off guard by Miyoung’s sudden appearance.

“It’s okay, i’ve got it.” He said giving her a small smile. “Thanks again Miyoung for coming by to clean the appartment, and fixing a little supper on such a short notice.” He added really appreciative of Miyoung’s help.

“No need to think me, I’d do anything for those two. I just wish there was more I could do for them.” She said helplessly.

“Just watch over them and make sure they eat well. Definitely make sure Baekhyun eats he looks like he hadn’t ate in weeks.” He said as he walked with Miyoung to the elevator carrying the bags. He pushed the button for the 23rd floor and up they went.

It wasn't long before they made it too Baekhyun's floor. “Are you not staying to eat then?” She asked. She almost looked a little disappointed Chanyeol thought.

As he walked into the apartment he sat the bags on the floor right inside the door. God how he wanted to stay, but to be honest he was just still too angry at Baekhyun to stay. He needed to find a way to let the anger go, because in the end Baekhyun wasn’t his and so Baekhyun and Yuri didn’t have to tell him anything.

“Stay…please,” he heard Baekhyun say as he came out of Nona’s room. “I know it was only for Nona’s sake that you probably showed up so at least stay and eat as thanks for picking us up.” He added.

Chanyeol felt his shoulders slump slightly at the sound of those two words coming out of Baekhyun’s mouth. It was as if Baekhyun knew all the right strings to pull that would tug on Chanyeol’s heart.


“What was that?” Baekhyun asked.

Chanyeol shook his head he hadn’t meant to say it out loud. It’s just he was thinking of what an idiot Baekhyun was for always knowing the reason behind the things hedoes, yet not knowing at the same time also.  There wasn’t any point in trying to hide the fact that he had said it now. “Yes! I did it for Nona, but I did it for you too. Even if I’m mad and hurt at you, I’d still do it just as much for you as I would for her.”


“Don’t Baek. Sorry isn't going to cut it this time I think. I understand going away for Yuri's sake and her not wanting to deal with goodbyes but i deserved to at least hear it from one of you guys and not company staff. You are..." Chanyeol shook his head frustrated that he was almost about to admit to Baek that he was everything to him. "What you did really hurt Baek and I understand why you did it, but that doesn't mean I can hide the fact that my best friend left without a word and had no contact in the last six months. Yuri was my friend too and you lost her and i'm so sorry for that, but I lost not only just her it felt like I had lost you too…” Damnit Chanyeol pull yourself together don’t cry he thought, but it was too late because his eyes were already watering. “I…” He started again, but stopped when he noticed Baek standing there with his own tears in his eyes. "Baek," he said taking a step towards the broken boy in front of him, but before he knew it Baekhyun had darted around him and took off running out of the house.



Did you guys think that I wasn't ever going to update this again? Don't worry I did too. I'm so sorry that it took me almost four months to get this to you guys. I don't know i've just had a hard time finding motivation to write and when I do I usually end up hating what I wrote. Hopefully this 2k word vomit will make you guys feel better. I have a few other writings in the work at the moment. I have a prompt that friend rquested months ago on tumblr that I still need to finish (which of course is Baekyeol). I'll post it once I get it finished. Then i've started an outline for a baekyeol prompt that I found that I thought would be really cute. The first 10 chapters of it is already outlined and i'm dying to start it for you guys, but I really need to finish the prompt my friend requested first. Don't forget to comment and upvote if you like the story. Feedback is always welcomed.


sorry i just tweaked a part of this chapter nothing big. I just wanted to change something to make it fit in better with the next chapter.

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OnWooNielSeob #1
Chapter 4: Just take your time ^^
Chapter 2: This story is interesting! OMG.. Please update soon!
Chapter 1: This story looks awesome! I can't wait so please update it quickly ♡ ^-^