Chapter 1.

A Light in the Dark

It was a miracle that he had actually found some sleep at all just now. Sleep these days were hard to come by for him. He didn’t know how long he’d been asleep he just remembered waking up to sniffling coming from the seat next to him.  When he looked next to him Nona was asleep but she was crying also. He knew instantly that she was having the same nightmare that she’s been having for the past six months since the accident. He knew he should wake her but sleep hadn’t been easy for her either lately and he knew the nightmare would pass soon. He pulled the blanket back up from where she’d wiggled herself out from under it while she was sleeping. He watched his daughter as she slept and it pained him to see her having to relive that night over and over again almost every night. There had been so many nights when they were back in states staying with Yuri grandparents that he had gone to her because she woke up screaming. Even with the nightmare right now he was just glad that she was able to get some sleep on the flight. She whimpered again and leaned in his slightly giving her a light kiss on the forehead.  “Sh, it’s okay yeonin,” he whispered. He instantly felt her calm down at his words and his touch.

The lights were still dimed in the plane for people were still trying to sleep. He knew he should probably try going back to sleep but he knew that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. Instead he just laid his head back against his seat thought about how his life had come to this.

If anyone had told him six years ago that his life would be like this he wouldn’t have believed it and would’ve said that it was impossible. Six years ago he had been content loving his childhood best friend Park Chanyeol. He couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment that he had started liking his best friend it was just one of those things that just sort of happened. With those feelings came a lot of confusion for him. He was never able to tell Chanyeol how he felt about him, because first off he’d never had feelings like this for anyone before so he didn’t know exactly what it was he was feeling for his giant. Second off he was just plain terrified of admitting his feelings to Chanyeol and have him not reciprocate the feelings. It pained him to think that Chanyeol would possibly not feel the same way for him. Then the unexpected happened.

Yuri happened.


It was sophomore year and he and Chanyeol were sitting in Biology waiting for class to start. Just like every other day everyone was gathered around his and Chanyeol’s desk. Soon the bell rang and everyone scattered like the wind to their own desk. Suddenly seonsangnim Eun Mi was speaking but he and Chanyeol were still talking with one another about practice later.

“Class I would like for you to welcome our new student Kim Yuri she’s from America.” Eun Mi announced.

“Annyeonghaeseyo,” She said as she bowed to the class.

He couldn’t say what for sure made him look to the front of the class at the new student but as he did so something instantly sparked inside him. There in front of the class stood a girl who looked so fragile, yet someone who looked like they had a lot of fight in them. She was short with jet black hair that reached her mid back. From where he was sitting in the back of the class it looked like she had dark brown eyes. The most noticeable thing was that obviously she had a disability. He could already hear other kids in the class laughing at her and making little jokes about her. He almost knew that she was hearing them also, but she still stood there with a smile on her face.

“Yuri if you would please just take a seat with Chanyeol and Baekhyun in the very back and we’ll get class started.” Eun Mi announced.

Why was his heart beating so fast as he watched Yuri walking towards them?

Kim Ki-bum sat at the desk in front of Chanyeol and Baekhyun and as Yuri walked by his desk he heard him cough the word ‘freak’ as if it wasn’t obvious what he said.

“Key, I know this might be hard for you but you don’t have to be an .” He said annoyed that anyone would treat a girl like that no matter how different she was.

“Now, Now boys cut it out.” Eun Mi stepped in before it got out of control.

“Don’t pay any attention Key please he just likes making people feel as miserable as he does.” He knew it wasn’t much comfort, but he really didn’t know what to say.

“I’m Baekhyun and this is my best friend Chanyeol.” He said with a smile and bowed slightly in his chair. Chanyeol had done the same.

It was that day that his heart and his life went down a different road then he had planned.


Just then the pilot came over the intercom bringing him back to reality and announcing that they’d be arriving in Seoul in under an hour. Nona stirred a little but didn’t wake up. He found the anxiety starting to set in. He hadn’t seen anyone or had contact with anyone in six months and that even included Chanyeol. At least that was until the night before when he had called Chanyeol and asked him if he’d come pick he and Nona from the airport. It had been a brief conversation and if he was being honest it didn’t seem like Chanyeol was too happy about it and he really couldn’t blame him.

The anxiety wasn’t because he wasn’t ready to be back in Seoul, because he was. He had missed it dearly and was ready to get back to work. It was just more of the fact that he wasn’t quite sure if he was ready to face the pity stares of others and even from his friends. He knew it was all out of respect but he just really didn’t want it, or want people feeling sorry for him. He might feel like the most pitiful human being right now, but he wasn’t going to let them see that. He only had a month to prepare for their big show and he planned to throw himself hard into preparing for it so they wouldn’t have time to worry or pity him.

When the plane finally landed at Incheon Airport it was a little after 6pm. Now would be the time to see if Chanyeol actually came or not. He knew that if he had it was only for Nona’s sake so he held no thoughts that he would have came for him also. He had told Chanyeol not to tell the others that they were on their way back. He knew if they all knew that they’d all want to come to pick him up and he didn’t want to have to deal with that all at once. Plus all of them at the airport would just cause mass chaos and he didn’t want to put Nona through that right now.

People started filing off the plane as he tried to wake up his daughter.

“Nona, it’s time to get up we’re here,” he said. Pulling the blanket off her and tucking it into her backpack. He smiled as he watched her stretch and yawn trying to wake herself up. As she did so he reached out and tickled her stomach.

Nona squealed loudly and giggled as he did so. “APPA, stop it.” She said as she smacked his hand away.

Nona was the only light in his life right now and he’d do anything to make sure she was happy. “Here put on your backpack and i’ll carry you.” He said handing her the backpack. While she did that he grabbed their duffle from the compartment above them. He noticed that they were now the last ones left on the plane. “You ready for city life again?” He teased picking her up and putting her on his hip.

“Yeah,” She answered, wrapping her arms around his neck as he started walking. “I already miss Grandma and Grandpa though.” She added so quietly. He could feel his heart breaking even more with just those few words. He knew she hadn’t wanted to leave her grandparents it took a lot of convincing by everyone to get on board. He hugged her tightly afraid that he’d lose her too.

“Dad…can’t….breathe…” she said breathlessly.  He realized then that he was hugging her too tightly.

“Sorry.” He laughed and kissed her cheek.

“Ew, daddy you spit all over me.” She joked.

“You use to like my kisses.” He said as he bounced her up and down on his hip. “Look, so I know you miss grandma and grandpa already so what if they come to Seoul in a month. We could invite them to the comeback concert, what do you think?” he asked.

“REALLY? That would be debak.” She squealed excitedly. For the first time in awhile he found himself genuinely laughing. Nothing made him happier than seeing his daughter happy.

He smiled at her. “I’m sure they miss you already too so I’m sure they’d love the opportunity to see you and see the show as well.”

“Can I call….”she started to say but she was looking elsewhere and before he had a chance to see what she was looking at she started to wiggle out of his arms. So he went to put her down, but before he could grab her hand she had took off running ahead of him.

“NONA! NONA, GET BACK HERE!” He yelled frantically following her. After getting around a few people he saw the source of why she had taken off. Just in time he saw her leap into the arms of another man giggling.

“CHANYEOL OPPA!” She exclaimed, giggling as he picked her up and swung her around.

“How’s my favorite little girl doing?” He teased.  Baek knew she hated when people called her little and he knew that Chanyeol knew that too.

“I’m not little,” she pouted. “Of course I’m your favorite that’s because I’m your only girl.” She said with a little sass.

He stood there watching the two of them together. Chanyeol has always been Nona’s favorite and she’ll be sure to remind everyone that Chanyeol is hers only and that she’s his only. She even says that they are going to get married someday. Of course that would make the other members fake being hurt by that because they would tease that they wanted her love also. Which just made it all that more interesting to Nona because she liked them fighting over her.

“You’re right you definitely aren’t little anymore,” He teased. He acted like she was too heavy to hold anymore and was about to drop her.  “And you’ll always be my only girl.” He added.

Even if his and Chanyeol’s friendship is rocky at the moment he was grateful for this moment that she was having with Chanyeol. He was glad that he was able to make he feel like a kid for a bit and make her forget things for a bit.

Chanyeol had his back to Baekhyun so he hadn’t seen him standing there.

“If I didn’t know any better I would think my own daughter rather be in the arms of another man than her own dad’s.” He joked.

“APPA! CHANYEOL OPPA.” She smiled happily.

“I see that.” He said with a small smile. “But listen to me Nona you can’t just run off like that on me in a place like this, or anywhere for that matter okay?”

“He’s right little one.” Chanyeol said tapping her nose. “Even if I’m right there don’t ever leave your dad’s side okay.” He added. Chanyeol looked over at him and gave him a reassuring smile and Baekhyun mouthed the words ‘thank you.’



Okay, sorry for all the word vomit. This is literally at 2k and i'm pretty sure that's the most I have wrote in months. If you were following the story before I decided to start it over you'll noticed that it's still pretty much the same slightly. I would also like to apologize for taking so long to get this chapter up. I know I want to get the chapters to you quickly but at the same time I don't want to rush them also. I want to be able to take my time so I can make the story enjoyable for all of you. With that being said I hope that you all enjoy this chapter and will enjoy what's to come. I'm leaving next friday to visit my sister so hopefully I can get you guys another chapter before I go. Also, feedback and comments would be great and don't forget to upvote and subscribe if you like the story.

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OnWooNielSeob #1
Chapter 4: Just take your time ^^
Chapter 2: This story is interesting! OMG.. Please update soon!
Chapter 1: This story looks awesome! I can't wait so please update it quickly ♡ ^-^