Kiss Me Hard - Extra

I Just Want You

Two teenagers, one that studies hard and does well in school, while the other slacks off, sit in a classroom, sitting across a desk from one another. Minho, the smarter one, had been assigned to “tutor” Jonghyun, the slacker, by their teacher.

Minho hadn’t been too fond of the idea since day one of tutoring the older. At least I didn’t fail a grade. Even so, Minho obeyed their teacher’s commands, quite liking the idea of extra credit and future recommendation letters.

Before this he hadn’t bothered to get to know the other… He just didn’t care much for befriending slackers or bullies in the classroom… No matter how much they wanted to socialize with him because he seemed “cool”. Secondary school had been a big pain in the for Minho because of that “cool” title he had been given toward the beginning of their first year.

Jonghyun, on the other hand, was also referred to as “cool” or as the “bad boy”. Unlike Minho, he let himself be showered in compliments, loving being the center of attention and having everyone like him. He was also known as the class clown.

Who knew Minho would be stuck tutoring the person he simply could not stand. And the worst part yet, to him, was that he had gotten to know the other better during this time. He began to realize Jonghyun wasn’t as conceited as he made himself seem, but Minho didn’t like to dwell on that.

Somehow, though, Jonghyun wasn’t able to get to know Minho as much. The kid always had walls built up, so tearing them down was like pissing off an annoyed cat. Jonghyun hated cats… But something attracted him to Minho.

After some minutes of the two studying, Minho shut his book and began to put it into his bag.

“Well, I have to leave early today…” He explains as he zips up his bag.

“Aww!” Jonghyun responds, exactly how Minho thought he would.

“You’ll live.”

Minho made his way to the classroom door, preparing to open it, until the sound of Jonghyun’s whine makes him turn around.

There the fellow first year sat giving the younger the cutest, poutiest puppy look to ever exist. Minho had to stifle a groan of frustration.

“Don’t I get something before you go?”

Frowning, Minho responds, “Like?

Smirking, Jonghyun states, “A kiss, of course.”

Minho immediately scoffs and rolls his eyes. It takes all of his control not to open the door and leave the school right that moment. He still didn’t know why he put up with his flirty advances. He hated them.

“I’ll pay more attention tomorrow.” Jonghyun promises.

Minho considers this for a couple of seconds, then reluctantly gives in. Briskly he walks back to where Jonghyun sat and quickly pecks him on the lips.

He pulls away quickly, narrowing his eyes at the older, only to be met with a haughty expression from the other, smirking widely too. Jonghyun loved this look he had and knew Minho hated it… As well as knew that it meant other intentions.

Not waiting another second, Jonghyun grabs Minho’s tie, pulling him close to whisper into his ear, “Kiss me hard before you go.”

Seeming to be disgusted, Minho pulls away forcibly.

“Not worth it.” He says as he adjusts his tie and briskly exits the classroom.

Though, Jonghyun only sits there, curious about the boy he hardly knew. Pouting, he gets up and runs after the other, not being able to stay away from the other and clearly not bothered by Minho’s reaction.


A Few Years Later…

The two are sitting at a café, numerous books spread out on the table in front of them, Minho answering text book questions as usual while Jonghyun plays with a pencil of some sort… As usual.

“… You’re even ier when you study.” Jonghyun comments, biting the pencil for affect.

Pretending not to hear, Minho points to a question in the book. “What’s the answer to this one?” But Jonghyun barely glances at it.

“Ugh! C’mon! We just went over this two minutes ago, Jonghyun! Don’t tell me you’re not listening?”

“I can’t help it!” Jonghyun whines. “You’re just too goddamn distracting. You and your frog lips. Geez. me please.”

Minho ignores him and decides to continue with his own work. When suddenly Jonghyun’s cell phone goes off, causing both of them to jump slightly.

“Damn!” Jonghyun curses, hopping up from the table. “I forgot. I have to meet Taemin at the bakery he’s opening to help him set up.”

Minho only shrugs in response and continues with his work. At this point, all he cared about was getting his work finished.

“You’re not going to complain?”

Minho shakes his head.

Smiling, as though he were rewarded a huge cookie for doing absolutely nothing, he begins to leave, until he hears Minho speak up.

“Wait. You need to do me a favor.”

Turning back around, Jonghyun says excitedly, “Ok! What??”

Looking up and smirking, Minho grabs Jonghyun’s collar roughly, whispering in his ear, “Kiss me hard before you go. Hmm?”

Jonghyun smirks as well, whispering back, “You don’t have to tell me twice.”

Leaning forward, Jonghyun closes his eyes, awaiting the tempting lips he had gone so long without kissing… That is, until Minho pushed him away.

“Think of that as revenge for what you did to me years ago.” Is all Minho says before returning to his college work.

Jonghyun, slightly dumbfounded, stares at the other for a few moments, then laughs, and heads for the café entrance once again. But, before leaving, he manages to shout, “You ! You got me excited!”

Minho, now smiling triumphantly, only shakes his head and laughs as he watches Jonghyun out the window. Softly, he sighs, muttering to himself, “You and me both, handsome.” And then continues on with his work. 


Yay! It's now all completed! 
-does a happy dance- 
(I still might make an Author's Note... I'm not sure.)

Thank you all for reading. <3 I really appreciate it. 
This was definitely difficult to write, considering how busy I was with school and college starting and... WHEW. Now this is off my back.~

Please upvote, it would really mean a lot! And maybe subscribe to my other fictions, that are possibly in the side bar (I'll finish them eventually, no worries ^^) and upvote them as well, yeah?

I really want people to see my writing. >.< I mean, sometimes I think I'm good at it and then other times I don't... And if you guys like my stuff, then others will too, right?! It really helps my confidence. xD 

Please and thank you.<3



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I'm now finished with the whole thing~! Please enjoy... I pulled an all nighter trying to complete this.


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Chapter 4: this is so sad//cries river// why did u break them apart authornim
btw I really like this story even if its sad this is just perfect //thumbs up//
Chapter 4: amazing i fell in love this story is sooo amazing ahh before i forget i have a question authonrim is the extra a flashback or is it like years later and they are back together sorry i am not that good at english so i didnt understand
lola_kwon #3
Chapter 4: Ugh. I LOVE THIS. Update soon!!^^
looksreally good cant wait for the actual story
The description and foreword... I am hooked already.. :)
alwaysbigbang #6
Ooh cool!!
Neopetsislife #7
Seems interesting ^^