The Library

Find Me a Boyfriend
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Helloo~ Here's the second chapter. I'm so sorry for taking this long to update this. I had no motivation whatsoever but I finally managed to find time and write it so I hope you all enjoy it. Thank you for subscribing ^^ 

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My stay over at Minji's house really improved her mood. She managed to forget about Dung-Yul and she didn't mention him throughout the whole night.    In the morning I was the one who woke up first. It was still quite early even for me. Minji on her days off usually wakes up at 1 or 2 in the afternoon.  And yesterday we got a call  from our boss. He was asking how's Minji's and he gave us a day off. Did I mention how much I love our boss?   And so, when I woke up I quietly got dressed and left. We stayed up late last night so even if I wanted to wake her up I would fail miserably.  I left her a note on her nightstand saying that I've made her some breakfast that's in the kitchen and I had to go out early because I need to bring books back to the library.    My second favorite place after Minji's house is indeed a library. Not just any.  I have a very special one. I have bee going there for the past three years  what seems to me like forever.  It's not close to my house. It takes me an hour by car to get there. But I don't mind. Whenever I have the time to do so I go there and spend as much time possible. The smell of old books, the quiet aura and the creaking  wood floor as I walk in. All these little details made me fall in love with that place.    Even through I have to admit. Books aren't the only reason I go there.  There's this one guy.  It's not like I have a crush on him or something like that. I'm not a teenager anymore.  He just seems like an interesting person to me.  After these three years of me going to that library I know exactly what days the guy comes and when he leaves.  I wasn't stalking him!  I just remembered on which days he was in and what times he left that's all.  We never talked before. Or even exchanged a word. Our eyes met a few times whilst we both looked up from our books but nothing more happened between us.  And it's not a big deal actually. Like I said, I don't find him attractive or have weird thoughts of him no. He just looks so mysterious and I noticed the types of books he reads. Romance and melodrama. Quite unusual for a guy I'd say but that makes him even more interesting. By saying 'I don't find him attractive' I don't mean that he's bad looking. To be honest he's quite tall, slim but muscled and has a very handsome face. However I'm more interested in his personality. I wish I could get to know him a bit better.    I stop at the tiny parking lot in front of the library.  This library isn't as modern as the ones they've built in town in my area. But I rather drive all the way here.  Because this place is so far away from town the air here it's a lot different.  A lot more cleaner and fresh.  When I get out the car I breath the cold breeze for a moment.  I study the building for a while.  It's a big library. It's one of the libraries you see in fantasy movies. The book shelves are so tall you need a ladder to reach the books. I never used one through. All the books I need and read are on the lower shelves.  And thank God for that. I'm scared of heights.    When I walk in, gently pushing the old doors open and straight away I see books lying everywhere on the tables. The lights are dim and there's a very few people around.  The first thing I do is go over to the reception to give the  books I've already read back. The librarian at the reception is an old lady with honey-brown in taut bun hair, a plain suit and wire-rimmed glasses hanging on silver chain mid-way to her chest. She might look serious and unwelcome but she's actually very humorous and lovely. I had the chance to get to know her after these three years of my constant visit's here.    -Eun Ji!- She says cheerfully when she notices I'm walking towards her.  -Good Morning- I greet her returning the smile.  -How are you dear? It's been months since the last time you came here -I'm fine, I've just been really busy with work. But- I say getting the books out of my handbag - I managed to find time and read these I pass the books gently over to her.  -Well I'm glad to see you. We've got a new stock of books down the end over there-She says directing me with her index finger. -Thanks. I'll get going with  exploring then- I laugh and walk off to where the new books are.  As I walk, I look around trying to find a similar face of that guy but he's not one of these few people who are looking through shelves or are quietly absorbed by a book seating at a big wooden table.  I must admit I'm slightly disappointed. I was hoping to see him. It's been almost two months since the last time I visited.  Trying not to make any noise on this shabby floor I walk slowly inhaling the faint scented musty smell of books. Suddenly the quiet and peaceful echo of the library is disrupted by a ringing cell phone.  Crap. I forgot to turn my phone off.  I quickly open my handbag and start to look for my phone.  Ugh why do I even have so many things in my bag? After digging through useless pieces of paper, lipgloss, keys and earphones finally success!  I quickly take my phone out and put it on silent.  Missed call from Minji. What does that woman want.  Never mind too bad. I came here to relax so she will have to wait till I come back home.    I was this much busy looking at my phone that I bumped into someone and my phone fell out of my hand making a very loud noise as it fell on the hard floor and crashed it's screen. Great. -My phone!- I shout without even looking at the person that I've bumped into.  Little pieces of glass are all over the floor and my phone has gone dead.  -Aggh- I cry out trying to make it work somehow.  -You shouldn't be using a phone in the library in the first place. And secondly, it wouldn't hurt your pride if you'd apologized to a person you just walked into. -Excuse me?- I look up to see who is capable of being that much rude.  My breath stops for a moment when I see that guy staring down at me.  -You walked into me.- He says. His face as a
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Panda-M #1
Finally ~ I was waiting for an update. Thank you so much :***
AHHHHHHHHH i just saw this and i can't wait to read it!!!