CHAPTER 3 - The Rooftop Date


[Yi Fan’s POV]


                All throughout the morning, I was very attentive at class. However, of course, I did not talk at all. It would have been a miracle if I did. My mind was on roller coaster mode, yet I was very much in focus. I finally told him! Man, I was nervous when I said that. I thought he was gonna punch me or something. But I guess he took it in a different way, even if it’s not the same with what I fell. Oh well. Not complaining.

                I made my way to the cafeteria and grabbed some snacks. Remembering that I invited some company, I doubled my load. The cafeteria lady gave me a ‘for-real?’ look when I ordered so much. I nodded.

                “I’m a growing boy. What can you say?” I said to her. She just laughed and slightly shook her head. I smiled at her and paid for my order.

                “Thank you!” I said.

                “Sure thing, dear. What’s your name again?” She asked.

                “Uhmm. Yi Fan. Wu Yi fan.” I said. She gasped.

                “Oh, you’re Chinese!” She exclaimed in Chinese. Good thing, I was the only one in line. Or else, it would have been war just by chatting with the food person.

                “Oh, yes. I just moved here last year, in the middle of the school year.” I replied in Chinese.

                “Oh that’s fine. I’m Amber, by the way. Just Amber. I have to keep my identity secret. I just escaped from prison.” She began laughing like crazy. I suddenly remembered my dad. Oh my goodness! What is happening to the world?

                “Uhmm. I’m speechless.” I said flatly, hiding my amusement. The heck with her mind?

                “I’m just kidding. Anyway, you have to go. I think someone’s waiting for you somewhere.” She said as students came to get food. I nodded.

                I walked away. Then it suddenly struck my mind. How did she know about that? I looked back at her and she met my eyes. Then she winked at me. Oh goodness!

                I made my way to the rooftop, humming some random tune that came to my mind. It’s still early. He won’t be up there until twenty minutes more. I leisurely sauntered up the stairs, while I avoided crossing paths with the sports jocks. I reached the top and settled down on the floor, as the clouds shrouded the sky once more. Just like yesterday, the atmosphere was lulling me to sleep. I laid comfortably, with the cold breeze blowing lightly. I checked my watch. Thirteen minutes. I thought. Not really intending to sleep, my eyes suddenly grew heavy. I tried to stay awake by scanning my surroundings, looking to my left and to my right. The bottle of juice I bought was sweating already. It may become warm if he comes any later. I thought. Then everything was black.


[Suho’s POV]


                Should I come? What kind of shameless thing will I do again, if I go there? Aish! I was having this mental discussion when Kyungsoo tapped my shoulder.

                “Yes, teach?” I said. He rolled his eyes playfully and motioned me to go. I told him about this morning’s event so he knew about my dilemma.

                “Go, he might be waiting there already.” He said playfully, wiggling his eyebrows.

                “Immature.” I mumbled and stuck my tongue at him.

                “Wow. Immature.” He imitated, laughing at my antics. Crazy dongsaeng!

                “Should I go?” I asked him.

                “You only have five minutes left. So if you would be trying to be on time for your date, start moving now. From this floor going up there, you can arrive there a minute earlier if you would be running at two meters per second.” He said teasingly.

                “You’re a Chemistry teacher! Don’t give me Physics! Aish!” I stood up. “And it’s not a date!” I shouted as I began running.

                “Yeah, whatever! Go and kiss tall-hyung for me, okay?” I heard him shout teasingly. I felt heat spreading on my face. Crazy dongsaeng!

                “I can make it.” I told myself as I skipped two steps at a time. “Goodness! I hope I can make it there, alive.”

                I was huffing and gasping loud pants for air as I grabbed the rooftop doorknob. Getting my breathing back to normal, I opened the door to see the same figure I saw yesterday. But there’s something beside him. I quietly made my way to him, only to see him sleeping peacefully. Beside him, two bottled juices, two boxed pizza slices and two sandwiches. I felt my face heating up. Seeing the things he brought, I began thinking. Then,

             “…so if you would be trying to be on time for your date, start moving now…”

             “…And it’s not a date!

             “…kiss tall-hyung for me, okay?

                The conversation with Kyungsoo echoed in my mind. What the freak? Seriously? I looked at the sleeping angel’s face for a while and shook my head wildly. No dirty thoughts. No dirty thoughts. No dirty thoughts.

                I squeaked when someone tapped my leg.

                “I knew you would come.”


[Yi Fan’s POV]


                “I knew you would come.” I heard him squeak as I tapped his leg. So cute. I looked at my watch. Just on time. I smiled.

                “H-have you been here for long?” he asked. I can say that he’s being shy right now. I don’t feel like pulling on the lazy mode string today so I just acted how I should have been doing normally. Right? I should not be lazy, should I? No. I don’t know. Anyway, I don’t want to be lazy now.

                “No, not really. But I think I slept a little. I wasn’t actually planning to, but it just happened.” I shrugged. He nodded. We went silent and I felt the awkwardness. I reached for the food and gave him his portion, not bothering to ask if he has eaten already.

                He took it and we ate in silence. Suddenly, I heard him coughing. Thinking that he was choking, I gave him the juice and lightly rubbed his back with some occasional tapping. When he finished drinking, he looked at me shyly.

                “Ah. Uhmm. I-is this a d-date?” He asked looking down.

                “What?” I asked dumbly. Then it hit. “Oh.” I said.

                “No. Forget it that I asked.” He said, waving his hands in front of him, cutely.

                “Hmmm.” I said, thinking.

                “Y-yah. I said forget it.” He said, covering his face with his palms. I chuckled.

                “You were acting tough before. What happened now?” I . He raised his head and glared at me.

                I laughed. “Now, you’re just cute and shy.” I said, reaching for his nose. I pinched it lightly.

                “Aw. Aw. Y-yah. Stop it!” he held his nose and turned to glare at me. However, I found it cute.

                I want him to be comfortable around me, just like how I am comfortable having him around. Therefore, I decided to more.

                “Was our kiss that good to give you a change of heart?” I said while laughing. Then we turned quiet.


[No one’s POV]


                Yi Fan’s words silenced them. From afar, the looked like kids that are seriously thinking about life. But in the reality of the scene, they are just sitting quietly. Sitting quietly, with faces red from embarrassment and sweet realization.

                “Th-that was my first kiss.” Suho mumbled.

                Yi Fan snorted playfully and said, “I know, right.” Suho glared at him. He raised his hands in surrender and laughed heartily.

                Suho’s glare eased as he listened to the melodious laugh of the giant beside him. The laugh was so contagious that he can’t help but laugh with him. The awkward atmosphere was slowly fading when the bell rang loudly throughout the campus.

                They stopped laughing, but a satisfied smile was evident on the faces of the two. They both stood from their places, gathering their mess and dumping it in the trash bin.

                Then, they started bidding their farewells.

                “Thanks for the food. I wasn’t able to grab something, actually. So I’m a bit famished.” Suho said shyly.

                “Hmmm? No, don’t thank me. I actually think that it is not so good for a first date.” Yi Fan said, tapping his chin lightly.

                “W-what?!” Suho exclaimed, shocking the other guy.

                “Why? You’re being loud now.” Yi Fan said, holding on his chest because of the shock.

                “What do you mean d-date? I n-never knew that w-we’re doing that. If I had known, I wouldn’t have gone here.” The smaller male said, stuttering. His blush was so evident that you can compare his color to a shrimp. Well not really. Just and apple. Yeah, an apple.

                Yi Fan snorted. “Just moments ago, you were asking me if this is date. Now, you’re denying it? I know you want this as much as I want, too.” Yi Fan said.

                Suho was speechless. He wanted to go on a date with me too? Omona! Suho said in his mind. However, he won’t give in easily.

                “Y-yah! How were you so sure that I want to go on a date with you?” he said, surprised that he managed to say that without stuttering.

                “Duh. You just kissed me yesterday. What do you want me to think then, princess?” Yi Fan said mockingly. Suho gasped. What a despicable guy!

                “I can’t believe you, you’re impossible! Aish!” Suho said angrily, pushing Yi Fan aside and stomping his way to the door. He heard Yi Fan laughing.

                “Yah, Joonmyeon baby. Where’s my goodbye kiss? And the good night kiss?” Yi fan said, puckering his lips playfully at Suho’s direction.

                “Shut up! I’m not a baby!” Suho said, continuing his stomping.

                “Awwww. My baby is leaving without saying good bye.” Yi Fan said, faking hurt.

                Suho stopped and face Yi fan. “Aish! Despicable!” he shouted and ran to the door.

                Yi Fan ran to the door. “Bye, baby Suho!” he shouted sweetly, wishing that the other heard it.

                Suho, even though on a running fit down the stairs, managed to hear Yi Fan’s words clearly. He blushed deeply as he made his way to his next class. He cannot count how many times Yi Fan had triggered his blushes.

                Yi fan was alone on the rooftop. After looking back at their spot just moments ago, he smiled and decided to leave also for his next class.



This is the third chapter. Hope you enjoyed. Thanks everybody! ^_^

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dusxsnybuwepg #1
Chapter 6: Update please. I really like this story.
Chapter 3: Waiting for more! Update whenever you have inspiration to do so (an advice, LOL) <3
Chapter 3: I looked at him with wide eyes. WIDE EYES! O_O => this was sooo cute^^ LOL!
you're so Welcome! I'm so happy you mentioned my name^^
Chapter 2: Your writing skill is awesome I swear^^ I couldn't read all the chapter last time because I had to go to school but I finished it now! So I'm going to the second chapter^^
Kimjoonmara #5
Chapter 2: