English Version

Disarranged Marriage

Yunho gulped his cocktail in a go. He closed his eyes tightly. His face showing he was thinking about something serious.

“Aaaaarrrggghh,” Yunho suddenly screamed, shocked the 2 other men who were on his left and right.

“Aigoo, hyung. I know you’re stressful, but do you really need to scream in a party like this?” Yoochun who was on Yunho’s right covered both of his ears. Yunho, felt annoyed, smack Yoochun’s head hard.

“Aish, hyung. It hurts,” exclaimed Yoochun while rubbing his head.

“Hyung, save your energy. You better think about how to cancel Jaejoong hyung’s wedding tomorrow,” said Changmin who was sitting on Yunho’s left calmly.

Yunho sighed and back to his sear. He frowned, thinking about the best way to keep Jaejoong as his. He really needed to find a way. Well, now he was attending his boyfriend bachelor party in a bar. Jaejoong would marry a girl chosen by his parents. Suddenly, his last conversation with Jaejoong popped in his mind.


“Yunnie, Joongie don’t want to marry Na Yoon. Joongie only want with Yunnie,” Jaejoong puffed his cheeks.

“Aigoo, why you are so cute, Joongie?” Yunho pinched both of Jaejoong’s cheeks passionately.

“Yah, Yunnie! It hurts, and Joongie is serious now,” Jaejoong pouted his lips.

“Hahaha. Yes, Joongie. Forgive Yunnie, ne?” Yunho leaned forward, closing their gap, and pecked Jaejoong’s lips softly. Jaejoong blushed because of Yunho’s affection.

“It will be okay, Joongie. Yunnie also don’t want Joongie to marry Na Yoon. Let Yunnie find the way. Oke my baby Joongie?”

“Yunnie really is the best. Joongie loves Yunnie.” Jaejoong hugged Yunho tightly.

“But will Joongie be ready if Joongie’s parents are angry?” asked Yunho after Jaejoong broke the hug.

Yunho knew since the beginning their relationship wouldn’t be easy. Same gender relationship was a sin for almost the whole world. Well, in his case, it didn’t mean they were gay at first because they were never attracted to the same gender before. But only when they met, becoming a couple was just natural to happen.

“Everything, Yunnie. As long as Joongie wont marry Na Yoon and as long as Joongie can be with Yunnie, Joongie is ready whatever it takes,” answered Jaejoong and beamed a sweet smile at Yunho. .

“Aigoo, Joongie. Joongie is really cute,” once again Yunho pinched both of Jaejoong’s cheeks.

“Yunnieeeeee,” whined Jaejoong.

“Hahaha, mian Joongie, mian. Yunnie and Joongie forever?” asked Yunho while spreading his arm, ready to embrace Jaejoong. .

“Forever,” answered Jaejoong and positioned himself in Yunho’s embrace.

Flashback End

“Hyung,,, hyung,,, are you listening, hyung?” Yoochun elbowed Yunho.

“Eh, comes agai, Chun?” Yunho came back to his sense.

“I was asking if you had an idea already, hyung,” Yoochun repeated his question.

“I don’t know, Chun. I’m confused. I’ve been thinking about it for a week, but I still got no idea,” Yunho sighed and rubbed his face, feeling frustrated.

“If I were you, hyung, I would kidnap Jaejoong hyung in his wedding day. Precisely when he was going to say his vow so it would be so dramatic,” said Changming while drinking his gin.

“Then I would take him to the church roof and screamed so everyone would know he was mine,” continued Yoochun.

“Ah, like when you asked Junsu hyung to be your boyfriend right, hyung? You dragged him to campus roof then confessed your love there with a megaphone,” Changmin laughed remembering the scene. The whole campus became chaotic when Yoochun confessed at the roof.

“Not dragging, Min. I only carried him on my shoulder to the roof so everyone knows he is mine. Hahahaha,” Yoochun laughed proudly. “Ah talking about Junsu makes me miss him. I’ll call him first, ne?” Yoochun stood up from his seat, took his cell phone out and walked out from the bar. Junsu couldn’t come because he had to drop his twin brother at the airport.

Yoochun and Junsu, were more open about their relationship. They could convince their parents easily. Different with Yunho and Jaejoong who had to date secretly. Jaejoong’s parents only knew Yunho as his close friend, closer than Yoochun, Junsu, and Changmin.

“Jja, now let me present the main star in our bachelor party tonight on stage,”

Hearing the host voice, all attentions were directed to the stage in front of the dance floor. Then Jaejoong, with white singlet, black leather jacket, ripped skinny jeans, and boots, came on stage, made the audiences clapped their hands.

“I deeply thank to everyone who has come. I’ll sing a song for someone who I really love. Enjoy the party, guys. The song is ‘Paradise’,” stated Jaejoong while staring at Yunho. His seat was right across the stage.

Then, the room became dark, only a spotlight was above Jaejoong. Jaejoong started to sing.

Give me one last hug

Give me one last kiss

Give me one last hug

Give me one last kiss


I don’t want you to go please

I’d be fine with just you in my life

Not feeling no pain no fear

I have no fear


Look at my eyes

Look at my eyes

You’ll see paradise

Let me show you what’s you’re missin’

Let me show you what’s you’re missin’

I’m your

I’m your paradise


Love you love you,

I love you I love you I love

Look at my eyes

Look at my eyes

You’ll see paradise

Let me show you what’s you’re missin’

Let me show you what’s you’re missin’

I’m your

I’m your paradise


I’m miracle

I’m miracle


Everything is me

I make miracles

That’s what I’ll do

For everything you desire


Look at my eyes

Look at my eyes

You’ll see paradise

Let me show you what’s you’re missin’

Let me show you what’s you’re missin’

I’m your

I’m your paradise


Jaejoong always stared at Yunho during his performance. And Yunho also didn’t budge. He also didn’t break the eye contact they had.

“Thank you,” said Jaejoong after he finished singing the song. He was bowing several timesto show his gratitude. “I hope you guys like it and someone now what I mean. Thank you,” Jaejoong bowed once more then got down of the stage.

Yunho, who had already stood up from his chair, ran towards Jaejoong immediately.

“Yunnie?” Jaejoong was surprised seeing Yunho suddenly appeared in front of him in the back stage.

“Come with me,” Yunho held Jaejoong’s wrist and  pulled him away.

“Eh? Where are we going, Yunnie?”

“Just follow me.” And Jaejoong obediently followed Yunho, letting him dragged him.

When they reached the restroom, Yunho took Jaejoong in and seeing no one was there, he locked the door.

“Eh, Yunnie. Why did you lock the door?” asked Jaejoong in confusion.

“I don’t want anyone to disturb us,” answered Yunho while smiling.

“Eh? Does Yunnie want to do ‘that’?” asked Jaejoong again.

“That? What that?” now it’s Yunho who was confused.

“That…” Jaejoong couldn’t finish his sentence. He felt shy. He was even blushing.

Seeing blushing Jaejoong, Yunho finally understood what Jaejoong meant by ‘that’.

“Hahaha. Aigoo, Joongie. Joongie is a ert. Actually Yunnie want to do ‘that’, but later, not here,” Yunho smirked and winked his eye to tease Jaejoong.

Jaejoong’s cheeks became more redder. Even his ears were now red. He couldn’t stand with Yunho’s teasing.

“Hahaha. Joongie, Joongie,” Yunho ruffled Jaejoong’s hair. He thought Jaejoong was so cute. If onlt he didn’t remember his real intention taking Jaejoong there, he would have kissed and did everything Jaejoong thought he would do.

“Yunnie has a good news, Joongie,” stated Yunho as he picked Jaejoong up and made him sit on a porcelain table between the sinks. He put his hands beside Jaejoong.

“What is it, Yunnie?” Jaejoong tilted his head to the left a bit.

“Yunnie finally finds a way to cancel Joongie’s wedding tomorrow.”

“Really?” Jaejoong’s big doe eyes widened in happiness.

“Yes, Joongie. Joongie can relax now,” said Yunho who pecked Jaejoong’s lips after that.

“How, Yunnie?” Jaejoong wrapped his hands around Yunho’s neck.

“It’s still a secret, Joongie. Thanks to Yoochun and Changmin.”

“Chunnie? Minnie?”

“Yes, Joongie. Thanks to them. Believe in Yunnie ne?”

Without hesitation, Jaejoong nodded his head vigorously. Jaejoong believed Yunho could cancel his wedding tomorrow.


The next day was the wedding day. In the groom waiting room, Jaejoong who was wearing white suit was walking back and forth, uneasy.

“Hyung, calm down. Yunho hyung will definitely come,” said Junsu as he pulled Jaejoong to sit on a chair. .

“Yes, hyung. If Yunho hyung has said he will do something, he will definitely do something. No matter what happened,” Yoochun also tried to make Jaejoong relax.

“That’s right, hyung. Especially when it is about you, hyung. Do you want some?” Changmin offered the chocolate from the box he was holding for a while.

“Yah, you! Is food the only thing you can think?” Junsu hit Changmin’s arm hard.

“Yah, you duckbutt! I always eat when I feel uneasy or stress. It will make me calm, you know?” and Changmin smacked Junsu’s .

“Chunnieeeee,,, Minnie hit my ,” Junsu whined at Yoochun, showing his annoyed but cute face.

“Yah, Minnie! How dare you hit my Suie’s . It’s only me who’s allowed to hit his ,” Yoochun defended his cute lovely duckbutt.

“But he started first, hyung. You know I will eat whenever I feel uneasy, right?” retorted Changmin.

“Yeah, but you also eat everytime you feel happy, sad, angry, mad or whenever. You food monster,” Yoochun stuck his tongue out.

“Eh? You wide forehead hyung,” Changmin stuck his tongue out back.

“Food monster,”

“Wide forehead,”


“Hahahahahahahaha,” Those giant kids bickering was stopped hearing Jaejoong laughed his heart out.

“Hahaha. Thanks guys. Looking at you bickering like kids, make me feel better. Thanks Duckbutt, Wide Forehead, and Food Monster. Hahahahahaha,” laughed Jaejoong.


“Jaejoongie, let’s go. The wedding is going to start,” Mrs. Kim appeared from the door.

“Ah okay, Umma,” Jaejoong got up from his chair. “Wish me luck, guys,” he continued which earned nod from Yoochun, Junsu, and Changmin.


And here, Jaejoong was standing in front the altar, waiting for someone to save him. Not long after that, the church’s door was opened. He closed his eyes and prayed, hoping it would be Yunho who showed up. Jaejoong opened his eyes just to feel disappointed, it was the bride who was walking approaching him, holding her father.  Both of the bride and the groom felt nervous for different reason though.

“Where is Yunnie? It’s almost started, Yunnie come quickly,” prayed Jaejoong.

Slowly but sure, the bride was getting closer to the altar. “Should I just say no during the vow?” thought Jaejoong in his mind.

“Yunnie, please. I believe in you, Yunnie,” Jaejoong closed his eyes and unconsciously put both of his hands in front of his mouth, praying.


Suddenly the door was opened wide. All of the guests including Jaejoong were looking at the door.

“Stop! Stop this wedding,” shouted Yunho through a megaphone.



Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu, and Changmmin said in unison.

“Stop this wedding! I oppose this wedding,” said Yunho still through his megaphone as he walked approaching Jaejoong.

“I’ll take the lead starting now. Joongie?” when Yunho was in front of Jaejoong, he stuck his hand out and happily Jaejoong grabbed Yunho’s hand. Without any hesitation, both of them ran out of the church.

“Security, after them!” Jaejoong’s father who came to his sense immediately ran out followed by ten guards meanwhile Yoochun, Junsu, Changmin and Mrs. Kim trailed behind them.

“Don’t say Yunho hyung is doing our crazy plan,” said Changmin as he was running.

“I guess so, Min,” answered Yoochun.

“What plan, Chunnie?” Junsu didn’t know anything about the plan looked confuse.

“So,,,” and Yoochun told Junsu the plan while trying to catch up with the group in front of them.

Meanwhile, Yunho and Jaejoong had been in a reception building roof near the church. They were leaning against each other, trying to catch their breath.

“Joongie, Joongie’s parents will be angry at Yunnie after this. They will scold Joongie too. Yunnie is sorry, Joongie,” Yunho looked at his feet. Even though he looked so confident when he took Jaejoong from the church, he felt guilty and concerned.

“Yunnie,” Jaejoong turned around and facing Yunho, then he cupped both of Yunho’s chubby cheeks. “Look at Joongie, Yunnie. Look at Joongie.”

Yunho slowly looked up, then stared at Jaejoong’s eyes directly.

“It’s okay for Jooongie if Joongie gets scold by Appa and Umma. Joongie is sure, after seeing out sincerity they will bless us in the end. Yunnie has to believe that,” Jaejoong caressed Yunho’s cheeks with his thumbs lovingly.

“Thanks, Joongie,” Yunho smiled and held Jaejoong’s palm which were still on his cheeks.

Yunho leaned forward to kiss Jaejoong but suddenly…


“Yah, Kim Jaejoong! What are you doing up there? Get back here and continue your wedding. Don’t embarrass Appa,” Mr. Kim yelled at them through a megaphone too.

Behind Mr. Kim and the security guards, Mrs. Kim Yoochun, Junsu, and Changmin were looking up, searching for Yunho and Jaejoong.

Hearing his father voice, Jaejoong grabbed the megaphone in Yunho’s grasp.

“NO, APPA! I don’t want to marry Na Yoon. She is a good girl, but I don’t love her. I love Yunho,” replied Jaejoong also through the megaphone. If other people who didn’t know the situation, they would find it funny seeing father and son yelling at each other through megaphone.

“Joongie,” Yunho was shocked. He didn’t think Jaejoong would also yell at his father. Where’s the sweet and cute Jaejoong?

“What? But Yunho is a man. You MAY NOT love him. NO!”

“I DON’T CARE. I only love Yunho. I only want Yunho. YUNHO!”

“Joongie, let Yunnie talk, ne?” Yunho tried to take the megaphone from Jaejoong.

“No Yunnie. It’s Joongie’s and Appa’s problem. Joongie shouldn’t have burden Yunnie with the wedding. Joongie should have rebelled from the first,” Jaejoong pushed Yunho’s hand and brought back the megaphone in front of his lips.

“I only want Yunho, Appa. Please, Appa,” plead Jaejoong.

“KIM! JAE! JOONG!” when his father called his full name it meant his father was really angry.

“Appa, let me be together. Or I WILL JUMP! It’s 3-floor building, Appa,” threatened Jaejoong. He took one step forward closer to the roof edge.

“Joongie, no,” yelled Mrs.Kim. She was afraid her son would really jump of the roof.

“Joongie,” Yunho held Jaejoong back, preventing him to walk further.

“Let Yunnie continue this,” Yunho took the megaphone and said “Ahjussi, I really love Jaejoong. I’m sorry for making you disappointed. But please, let us be together. I promise I will make Jaejoong the happiest person in the world,” then Yunho kneeled and bowed deeply until his head touched the roof pavement.

“Please, Appa,” Jaejoong also kneeled next to Yunho.

“Yeobo,” Mr. Kim touched Mr. Kim arm. He turned around and looked at his wife. Mrs. Kim didn’t say anything but looking at her eyes, Mr. Kim understood what his wife meant.

“Okay,” Mr. Kim sighed and then smiled at his wife.

“You won. Come down here,” Mr. Kim yelled again through the megaphone.

“Seriously, Appa?” Yunho and Jaejoong looked up together. Jaejoong smiled widely, couldn’t hide his happiness. Mr. Kim only nodded his head and gestured them to get down.

“Let’s go, Yunnie,” Jaejoong grabbed Yunho’s hand and walked down together.



“Appa,” Jaejoong immediately kneeled next to Yunho who fell after got slapped by Mr. Kim.

“That’s for ruining my son wedding. Now get up. Get Up!” Mr. Kim instructed Yunho to get up.

And without hesitation, Yunho got up. Ready for everything.

“Yunnie,” Jaejoong also got up and stood next to Yunho.


Another slap landed on Yunho’s cheek. But this time, Yunho stood still, showing his determination and sincerity.

“That’s a warning. If you hurt Jaejoong even though only once, you will feel the pain thousands times than that slap.”

“Appa,” Jaejoong, who was still shocked, was speechless.

“I promise, Ahjussi. I’ll do anything to make Jaejoong happy,” replied Yunho full of determination.

“Good. I believe in you,” Mr. Kim patted Yunho’s shoulder, a little bit too hard if I can add.

“Thank you, Ahjussi,” Yunho bowed.

“Jja, I’ll leave you here. I know you have many things to talk about. Let me take care of this chaos,”Mr. Kim followed by Mrs. Kim and the guards left Yunho, Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu, and Changmin.

“Ah!” Ayah Jaejoong stopped his track. “I’m sure you don’t mind to come to my office tomorrow at lunch. We also have many things to discuss.” With that Mr. Kim walked away from them.

“You’re crazy, hyung. I don’t expect you would really do this,” Changmin shook his head, disbelief.

“Tsk. Copying my way, it’s not elite. I thought you would do something cooler than this,” Yoochun also shook his head.

Smack. Smack.

Yunho smacked both of his dongsaengs’ foreheads hard enough.

“Hyung,” whined Yoochun and Changmin in unison.

“But it worked, didn’t it? Jung Yunho. Hahahaha. Aw aw aw,” Yunho’s laugh must stopped after he felt a sting on his cheek because of the slaps.

“Yunnie,,, Yunnie okay?” Jaejoong cupped Yunho’s cheeks spontaneously.

“It’s okay, Joongie. After Joongie hold it, the pain is gone,” Yunho grinned.

“Ew, hyung. Don’t being lovey dovey here, in public. Ew,” Changmin pretended to puke.

“Come on, Suie baby. Just leave that crazy couple being lovey dovey in public. Ew,” Yoochun put his hand around Junsu’s waist and walked away from Yunho, Jaejoong and Changmin.

“Yunnie, what if Appa slaps Yunnie again tomorrow?” Jaejoong puffed his cheeks, unhappy.

“No problem Joongie. Yunnie don’t care how many slaps Yunnie will get. Yunnie will do anything for Joongie,” Yunho pinched Jaejoong’s cheek softly which earned a giigle from the latter.

“What will Appa discuss with Yunnie?”

“Maybe Ahjussi wants Yunnie to pay for the party Yunnie ruined today. If Yunnie becomes poor, will Joongie still be with Yunnie?”

“Joongie don’t care whether Yunnie poor or rich.”

“But, If Yunnie is poor Yunnie can’t buy the Hermes bag Joongie wants last week.”

“Eh? Hmmmm, no problem Yunnie. Joongie can buy the bag after Joongie get paid or Joongie can ask Umma to buy it for Joongie.”

“Hahaha. Yunnie loves Joongie,” said Yunho as he caressed Jaejoong’s hair passionately.

“Joongie loves Yunnie too.”

“Yunnie and Joongie forever?”


“Ew, hyung. I’m still here,” complained Changmin. But Yunho dan Jaejoong were already in their own world, Changmin complain was just like wind for them.

“Aaaarrrggghhh, I miss DaHye,” shouted Changmin to the sky, calling his girlfriend who was studying abroad.


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Chapter 2: Hahaha to much sweet for my heart, but i loved!! ^^
Chapter 2: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,jae speaks soooooo cutely!!jae speaks cutely too real lyf!!
Chapter 2: how come i saw this just now but hwaaa love love this, its full of cuteness overload just like ida XDXD thankies for sharing this ^-^

more cutie author ^-^
Chapter 2: Cute yunjae^^
Chapter 1: lool aku ngakak dari tadi baca ff ini. pendeskrisiannya remaja banget renyah dan ngegemesin awwwww yunjae yunjae...
yunho ganteng2 tp rada oon ya #plaakk ngikutin sarannya yoomin yang menyesatkan, dikira pilem india apa ya? hahaha ngebawa kabur penganten cowok lg lol.
lucu pokoknya unyu2 seunyu joongie dan yunnie selamaya kyaaaaaa
ehrytie #6
Chapter 1: love it!! ★★★
post'in english version nya jg unnie,
biar yg g bsa bhs. Indonesia jg baca,
eman kan cerita bagus" gini?!
bdw unnie.. aq sdh Lulus~~ ^0^