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He shut his eyes tightly even if he knew he needs to open it because he didn’t know when the last time his eyes opened. As he was trying to open them, he is trying to feel the place where he was. The beeping sound on his left side, the cold of air-condition of the room, the bed where he was lying now, the blanket where tucked in on his bottom, the pajamas his wearing and the silent room where he’s in. Still trying to open his eyes, he didn’t know why he has no strength to open those. Where is he by the way? And why is there beeping sound? As he remembers, there’s no beeping sound on his room. So why is there?

Trying to remember why he ended up in here – only God knows where he is -, he recalled the moment where he was before he ended up in here. The hotel, the rooftop, the music, the food, the wine, the room, the lobby, those people, the parking lot of the hotel, his lover, and…he gasped when the last person suddenly popped in his mind…Siwon.

Finally, after – only God knows how many – a minutes, he finally had strength to open his eyes. He scans the room; trying to remember where he was. His eyes suddenly opened widely when he recognizes the room. The room where he was not supposed to ended up…hospital.

He hates hospitals. It’s feels like to him suffocated. He feels like a weak person whenever his feet touched the ground of the hospitals. He doesn’t like the smell of the hospitals. He doesn’t want to see those people who have disease. Because…because he is belongs to them.

Still recalling why he ended up in here, his mouth gasps an air when something happened popped out again on his mind. Siwon…Siwon calling his name before he went to darkness. And his heart ached when he thought of his lover. So…his lover knows his condition now? No. It can’t be. It can’t be happen because he tried his best to keep his condition to his lover. He don’t want his boyfriend feels worry about him. He doesn’t want to stress his boyfriend if ever he knew his condition.

And now, there was no turning back. It’s too late because he knows; his boyfriend was ing worried to him right now. He needs to get up; he needs to see his boyfriend. He needs to talk his boyfriend; he needs to explain to him. He needs to…

“Kyu…Kyuhyun…!” is the first name he let out on his lips.


Sungmin was nervous yet feeling excited though his eyes were folded by blindfold. Why is he feeling nervous? He should not be because the person who was holding him right now to lead him to their destination is his lover, named Kyuhyun.

Sungmin’s smile never vanished on his lips when he saw Kyuhyun the moment he pick him up and lead him to their destination. And of course, Kyuhyun wants to surprise his boyfriend. He blindfolds Sungmin’s eyes and takes him.

“Kyu, where are we going?” Sungmin asked as he tightened his grip on his lover’s arm.

Kyuhyun just smiled even though Sungmin couldn’t see it. “It’s a secret, Min. You will know it later. Just be patience.” With that, he squeezed Sungmin’s hand, to assure him that nothing going to be happen badly.

“You were not trying to kidnap me right?” Sungmin teased. Trying to ease the nervousness he felt right now.

Kyuhyun chuckled at that question. He doesn’t need to kidnap Sungmin because Sungmin’s heart is already on him. So why he would need to kidnap Sungmin?

“Of course not. Relax, okay? I won’t you either.” Kyuhyun joked and received a playful hit on his arm from Sungmin.

“You’re crazy.”

“Only for you, Min.”

They both smiled sweetly on each another even if they knew Sungmin is not the only who couldn’t see the latter’s reaction. Sungmin already know it that Kyuhyun was smiling at him sweetly. He trusts Kyuhyun and does Kyuhyun. Because everytime their conversation is becoming cheesy, he knows Kyuhyun smiling sweetly at him, to show him how he was serious and meant those to him. And Sungmin doesn’t need to unfold the blindfolded on his eyes because he knows Kyuhyun was smiling at him sweetly. Oh how much he wanted to see it now?

After couple of minutes of walking, Kyuhyun finally announced that they were now on their destination. Sungmin was so excited to unfold the blindfolded but he let Kyuhyun to unfold it on his eyes. As the blindfolded was removed from his eyes, Sungmin gradually opening his eyes and when he opened his eyes, the music suddenly played, it’s a sweet melody that melted Sungmin’s heart. At first it was blur and he needs to adjust his sight to take a good look on their destination or rather a place.

When the places finally sunk in on his sight, his mouth gasped an air. There was a one fine dining restaurant as the candlelight’s lighting up above the table, the two chairs was place on each side of the table where they were supposed to seat later. There was a wine also above the table, their favorite wine. Oh how the couple loves wine?

He was so shock. Is he seeing was true? Was he not hallucinating? Was he not on his own dream? He pinches his cheeks because if this is a dream, he doesn’t want to wake up anymore. But…this was not a dream! He looked at Kyuhyun, who was now on beside him, smiling as he watching Sungmin’s reaction.

“K-Kyu…” Sungmin tears up; he didn’t know how to explain how happy he is. He doesn’t know what to do anymore as he saw Kyuhyun looking at him, smiling sweetly as he watching him. Sungmin suddenly hugs his boyfriend, letting out tears from his eyes it’s not because Kyuhyun hurts him. It’s because Kyuhyun feels him how he is special to him, how he meant to him, how he precious to him.

“Happy first anniversary to us, Min.” Kyuhyun said softly as he rested his arms on Sungmin’s waist.

With that, Sungmin pulled away from his boyfriend, and closes the distance between them. He kissed Kyuhyun’s full lips, it is the only way to express how thankful he is to him. It is the only way how to show how happy he was. It is the only way how to pay back to his boyfriend and it is the only way how to show how much he loves his boyfriend.

Kyuhyun smiled at their kisses, if Sungmin was happy, he is also happy. Seeing Sungmin’s smiles on his lips was enough to cloud his heart. But with that, he saw Sungmin’s tears. He doesn’t want to see Sungmin’s crying but he knew those tears are not for the hurt, it’s for the happiness how Sungmin felt right now.

He thumbed those tears to wipe them away from Sungmin’s beautiful doe eyes. Sungmin’s eyes are enough to be beautiful. Tears were not matches on his eyes, Sungmin doesn’t deserve to let his tears out from his eyes. Kyuhyun just wanted to see Sungmin’s sparkling eyes.

When they pulled apart because of the lack of air, Sungmin hugs his boyfriend again, mumbled a soft ‘thank you and happy first anniversary to us too and I love very much, Kyu’ under his ear. When Kyuhyun heard Sungmin’s mumble, he hugged back his boyfriend, caresses Sungmin’s hair as he relax his right cheeks above Sungmin’s head and he inhaling Sungmin’s scent, fresh strawberry lemon. They’d stay in that position for a couple minutes.

And when they finally pulled apart, Kyuhyun guided Sungmin toward the seat, where they supposed to seat and have another sweet moment on their relationship. It’s been one year and their relationship is still strong. They really true love on each other, Kyuhyun who loves spoiling Sungmin and giving him a lot of surprises – just like now –, and Sungmin who doesn’t know how to pay back to Kyuhyun but only kisses him right here and there.

It doesn’t matter how they met, the only matters are Kyuhyun loves Sungmin and Sungmin loves Kyuhyun back and they are still together, their relationship is still strong. No one can separate them apart.

They were spending their time now, exchanging sweet words and smile as the music was still playing, Sungmin just realized that they are on the rooftop of the hotel. When they finished eating, they stood up and take a look at Seoul, rainbow lights were seeing at Seoul from the rooftop they were in.

Wine glasses on their hand as they’re standing side by side. Sungmin’s eyes were sparkling as he sees the beautiful view of the Seoul while Kyuhyun just staring as he smelling the wine’s scent.

“Are you happy?” Kyuhyun asked suddenly.

“Of course, Kyu.” Sungmin giggled and continued, “You don’t have any idea how happy I am.” With that, he placed his wine glass at the ground and faced Kyuhyun, he sneak his hands on Kyuhyun’s nape, take a soft tug on his hair and smiling sweetly at him, looking deeply and expresses his love through his gaze and Kyuhyun same does. “I’m so happy that you don’t know everytime you give me a surprise, my heart was floating on the cloud. That I don’t want to stop the time and I want to us to be remains in our sweet memories. That I want you to embrace in my arms and never let you go. That I don’t want to blink my eyes because if I did…if I did…I don’t know what to do if this all happening to us is just a dream. I don’t want that. I want you to be beside me forever. I want you to be close with me and…and it scared me to death that…this…this happening to us is just my hallucination. And you…you are just a part of my dream. I…I don’t want you to lose in my life. Because, I love you, Kyuhyun. I love you that I don’t know how to express this to you as I say. I know saying I love you is not enough to prove that I sincerely saying this to you. But believe me Kyuhyun, I do really love you and in this way, it is the only way that my words are sincere.” With that, he kissed Kyuhyun deeply, expressing those words that he is truly sincere.

The wine glass slid down on Kyuhyun’s right hand as he gradually closing his eyes, they didn’t care if the broken glass was now on their side. The only they cared is their moment. Kyuhyun tightened his grip on Sungmin’s waist and kissed Sungmin back with equally fight as they savored each other’s cavern.

They didn’t care if those musicians were seeing them kissing. They express their love with kiss. Savoring the sweet and special moment they were having had. They have their own world to not minding those people around them.

Two bodies become one.

They didn’t know how they ended up in their check-in room but that doesn’t matter, they only cared is to have on each other’s arms. Kyuhyun, who was now kissing Sungmin deeply on his lips and way down to Sungmin’s left neck to mark him while he leading their bodies through to their shared bed and Sungmin, who’s caressing Kyuhyun’s hair from behind on his head, was not minding to let Kyuhyun to take the lead between them and gasped when Kyuhyun his neck; kissing, nipping and biting as Kyuhyun marking him. Their clothes were now flying on the ground as they approaching the bed, they didn’t care where their clothes now. The only matters are they will show the loves on each other.

The light of the moon is their light now as they were working on each other’s bodies. Lustful moans were now the music inside the room. Slapping against bodies is their only care. Kissing each other’s mouth was the way to silent the music coming from each other’s mouth. Sharing softly I love you’s on each other’s ears and incoherently sweet words as they were fulfilling their needs while their bodies came as one.

When Sungmin wakes up, he was facing at Kyuhyun’s chest the moment he opened his eyes, and Kyuhyun who was protectively securing him against his body. Doesn’t have any plan to let him go. Sungmin looked up at Kyuhyun, admiring Kyuhyun’s face. His beautiful forehead, his chest-nut thick eyebrows, his eyes were now close but when those eyes open, those orbs behind of it makes you melt when he stares at you deeply, his pointed nose, those acnes on his cheeks because of his pimples but it doesn’t matter to Sungmin, Kyuhyun is still handsome for his eyes and for him and lastly, his fully lips.

The memories about last night especially when they made love make Sungmin blush and hid his face at Kyuhyun’s chest. He can still feel when Kyuhyun ghosting his lips on his body. The way he kissed him, the way he moaned out his name when he fulfill him inside. The way he hissed and breathed out when Sungmin worked up on his body. He suddenly felt the shy on himself when he shows his other side to Kyuhyun at that night. The way Kyuhyun fore-playing him, how he becomes impatient when Kyuhyun teasing him on his touch?

How come he becomes a wild when Kyuhyun did that to him? He was not innocent

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Chapter 2: So sad...but thank goodness it was a happy ending after all.
Thank you for the beautiful story...^^
Chapter 2: Wow this is heartbreaking and beautiful all at once. Thank you for deciding to finish this fic. I hooe that you will find more time to write because this is just beautiful so I have a feeling that you will be giving us more beautiful fics!
ayuniel137 #3
Chapter 1: very kind of Siwonnie~ :'((

I think Sungmin will die here, but.....
aahh~ love ya uri handsome horse~ :*

great fict! xD
elmokyu #4
Chapter 1: oh my god, Sungmin has a heart disease?... Then Kyuhyun would say he lied to him again.. how sad...
Chapter 1: after reading the foreword and the first chapter, I know Siwon will the good guy in the story
elmokyu #6
ohh... why there's a death... so sad..
Gyaaaa #7

Character death? Aren't that mean this story is real angst, instead of slight angst? XD