Can't get any better!

The wild ones.
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I tried sleeping, but I couldn’t all these thoughts were roaming in my head, it was driving me crazy, those simple words had me worrying for my life, why can’t I ever just keep quiet, and stay out of trouble? I’m such and idiot at times, no, not at times, all the time.

I groaned constantly, I was exhausted, but I couldn’t sleep. I tossed and turned in bed but it was no use, I let out a sigh and just stared at the ceiling. The soothing sound of the dripping water hitting the window made me relax a bit until I passed over the scenes from before in my head, it all seemed so surreal at the moment, but now I realize, it actually happened, I actually just went through that.

I knew I had to be more careful from now on if I wanted to be ok, I have to stop being curious.

I gave myself and assuring nod before I closed my eyes once more and turned around finally falling asleep.



“Where’s my order!?” I heard someone yell from the other side of the café. I was currently working at my other part time job, and believe me, it’s just as exhausting as the others.

“Miss, you just ordered, it’ll be ready in a second” I told the girl giving her a slight fake smile, I went back to the counter grabbing a few of the ready orders and placing them on the tables, I rarely received tips, but I would accept whatever I was given.

“This was not my order!” I heard someone else complain, I felt my insides burning, I took a deep breath and turned around to face the customer, I looked at the receipt on the table and grabbed it reading through it and seeing that the order was perfectly fine.

“This is what you ordered, sir” I said in between gritted teeth trying not to burst and pour the coffee all over him.

“Well I don’t like it” he said simply and pushed the cup off the table making it spill all over the floor and a bit on my shoes and pants, I was about done, but I knew the customer was always right, and that I couldn’t complain or talk back.

I went to my knees and with a towel I started cleaning up the mess, this was just half of what always happens, Tuesdays and Mondays were always harsh on me.

Finally, it was half past twelve, it was about time for me to leave, I was cleaning up a few more tables, the place wasn’t as packed as before, but there were still a few people around. After cleaning up the last table I turned around to see someone sitting at the furthest table looking at me, someone I had seen before. My eyes widened when I recognized him. He seemed to have noticed my reaction because that playful smirk of his appeared on his face. I turned around and closed my eyes throwing my head back, this had to be a nightmare, I must still be sleeping. Yeah, that must be it.

I pinched my arm slightly and took a deep breath before turning back around. There was no one there. I must be going crazy. I shook my head and went to my boss who called me.

My shift had finally ended, thank God. Working is so tiring, but I have no other choice, do I?

“Have a nice day Mrs. Lee” I waved back at my boss who gave me a sweet smile. Out of all the bosses I have, Mrs. Lee will forever be my favorite, she’s really sweet and caring, she reminds me a bit of my mother, she’s the type of person whom I trust, whom I tell my occurring’s  to, whom will help me out and give me advice when I need it the most.

“You too, Jiae” she smiled warmly and motioned me to go, I gave her a nod and another sweet smile before going out the door. Finally, I could rest! This is what I needed the most, no more work until…eight.

“Eight more hours, some ramen and movies doesn’t sound bad” I said to myself looking around for a convenience store but kept on walking once I saw there wasn’t one near. I placed and earphone in my left ear and played music while I walked.

As much as music would distract me from things, I felt weird, I didn’t feel…comfortable, I felt as if I was being…no.

I instantly turned around but saw no one, my eyebrows scrunched up together and I turned back around, I started walking faster this time.

“I must be going paranoid, I swear” I muttered looking around while I walked, I looked in the windows while I walked past them, and I could’ve sworn I saw one of their reflections in it, but once I turned again I saw nothing.

“Please, stop” I felt frustration grow in me, I think the ramen could wait, I just want to go home now. I arranged my backpack placing both straps on my shoulders before I started jogging the rest of the way, I could see their reflections, I could see them everywhere, giving me teasing waves, or looks. This can’t be happening.

I was now running as fast as my legs could take me, practically sprinting down the sidewalk, stumbling into a few people, but I couldn’t care less right now. I felt tired, I took a turn and stood in an alley, I panted with closed eyes, I placed my back on the brick wall while I passed my hands through my hair.

I gave myself another slight nod, before I opened my eyes, ready to start running again, but I stumbled into something, no, someone.

Well .

“You going somewhere?” he smirked, it was the same guy from yesterday, or one of them, he was one of the tall ones, the one who stopped me from leaving, the one with the gun and knife, I scanned him .

“Yes, home, why?” he scoffed, and I suddenly felt someone grab my wrists from behind, I turned to see the girl from yesterday, she smiled fakely.

“We meet again, stubborn” she said making me scoff this time, I struggled in her grasp and tried pushing her away, but my hands were now tied with some type of nylon, it hurt. I hissed in pain.

“Tell Kris we found her” he said taking out his phone from his pocket and throwing it to her who grabbed it quickly and called this guy whom I’m guessing is Kris.

I looked up at him with a glare, he only rolled his eyes at me and shook his head, as if it were pity, but like that pity for trying to intimidate him.

“I could call the cops right now, so let me go, I’m warning you” I growled deeply struggling with the nylon on my wrists while trying to throw kicks at him but I got pushed to the wall.

“She says she’ll call the cops” The girl said into the phone, making me sigh and roll my eyes throwing my head back trying to calm down. “Ok, we’ll be right there”

“What did he say?” The guy asked, making me turn around to look at the girl, waiting for an answer as well.

“He said we had to take her back” I shook my head taking steps backwards into the alley trying to look for a restaurant back door, or maybe a house backdoor, something to escape, but nothing was around, and I was feeling done already.

“Kid, we’re taking you back, you better behave or I’ll make sure you suffer more” the guy said motioning me to go with him, while the girl stood beside him, eyeing me in…disgust I guess you can call it.

“Not going anywhere” I shook my head “I’ll stay here” I gave them a fake smile.

The girl rolled her eyes and looked up at the guy, he sighed and came towards me, swiftly picking me up and throwing me over his shoulders making me yelp, both of surprise and pain over my ribcage hitting his shoulder harshly.

I wasn’t going to give in this easily, nope, not today. I started kicking him in the guts throwing an annoying tantrum to make him let go.

“Let me down, now, or else!” I threatened while they both made their way out the alley after he picked up my backpack.

They both scoffed in synch. It seems like scoffing is something they like to do repeatedly.

“Or else what?” he asked with that deep tone of voice he has, I gritted my teeth.

“I’ll scream, right here, right now” the girl sighed and tugged at the nylon on my wrists knowing it would hurt me. I hissed hitting the guy in the guts again, hearing him grunt once more.

“I’d like to see you try” she stood behind the guy glaring at me. I cocked an eyebrow with a smirk. These two really think I’m not able to defend myself? Or actually scream? Well, they asked for it.



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Chapter 2: OMG please update soon TT-TT
Kpopandjrocklover567 #2
Chapter 2: Oh Jiae *shakes head* you just got your self even more ed XD
Kpopandjrocklover567 #3
Chapter 1: Oh wow this seems really good
vinmya86 #4
Chapter 2: woah..Jiae,seems like they not leaving you alone for long :)
cant wait next chapter xD
Chapter 1: Niiiice~
I like the story, 'cause I love girls that put up a fight.
Please update soon... I'll follow this story until it's finished and even after that won't unsubscribe ^_^
Chapter 1: it <3!!!
Chapter 1: omf.
update soon < 3 : )
Windywind #8
omg. ;; Woobin <3 and GD and Kris and ughh ;; you're killing me x(
Update this story please, when you're free ;DD looking forward to it!