Secretly Happy

It's Ok, You Don't Have to Love Me Back

In the plane about thousands feet above the ground, Siwon was reading the document that his employees sent to him through email while he was at Maldives. He had downloaded them in his iPad, and was using the free time in the plane while flying back to Korea, to read them all before his return to the company.

Besides him, was the person whom he brought to Maldives. Yuri was sleeping soundly on the business class seat, lying flat comfortably with the spacious area given. Of course she would feel comfortable, it was a business class seat afterall.


Looking at the watch, about two hours before the landing. Siwon put down his iPad, and pinched his temple a little, trying to relax a little for reading too much. Just then, a face came to his mind.


His secretary.

With a crimson red cheeks at the garden where his teacher held his wedding.


Yes. That magical moment where they stood watching each other as the wind blew upon them. It lingered in Siwon's mind, for a long long time. And it was ongoing.

Siwon smiled to himself, though he had no idea why such face was always in his mind. But he cannot deny...

That Cho Kyuhyun was really beautiful that day.


......Beautiful. Siwon was a little stunned, that he just described Kyuhyun as beautiful. He is a man, not a woman!

But...he can't think of any other word to show how good-looking Kyuhyun was on that day.

Fluffly hair with soft curls, the pink on his cheeks reflected rather well on his milky complexion, and those brown orbs that looked straight back.

Come to think of it, that was the first time where Kyuhyun looked directly in his eyes, for more than five minutes. How long did they stood there just by looking at each other, he did not know. But that was really the longest look into the almond shaped eyes.




Yuri stirred a little in her sleep, that caused Siwon to look at her for a while.


But...I never thought of praising Yuri as beautiful... He thought.


In fact, he never called any of his girlfriends, as beautiful at all. Not even the school belle whom he dated for a while during high school.


...There must be something call my secretary, Beautiful...


Siwon shook his head, and brought his iPad up to continue his reading.


Once they landed, Siwon decided to head straight back to his company. Being a CEO to be away for a few days, was not a great idea afterall. He pushed the trolley of luggages, while Yuri was on phone walking next to him.

"Yes, I have reached. Could you send someone down to fetch me? Oppa needs to get back to work." Yuri spoke through the phone.

While Yuri was busy on line, Siwon dragged her luggage down and placed it on the floor. After the call, Yuri turned her attention to Siwon.

"My family has arranged someone to fetch me." Yuri smiled, removing her sunglasses to look straight in Siwon's eyes.

"Great." Siwon returned the smile.


"So...I will see you around." Yuri pulled Siwon for a hug.

"Yeah...sure." Siwon patted on her back.

Yuri released the hug, and smiled at Siwon before she pulled her luggage towards the entrance.


Siwon sighed, looking at Yuri's back as she walked further away from him.

Guess there goes another one...


"Yes omma... I am doing fine." Kyuhyun was on the phone while his fingers were typing fast on the computer, "Of course! Do you think Shim Changmin can get to me without him getting pranked first?"

His mother who is currently living in Taiwan with his father to run a foreign language academy, called him in the middle of his work just because she misses her son dearly.

"Oh mother... I am no longer a three years old kid! Of course I can..." Kyuhyun rolled his eyes at his mother's nags.

Then his eyes went bulging out when he saw Siwon walking in the office, dragging his luggage along, out of the sudden! Why did he appeared without prior notice?!

"Mother! I need to go..." Kyuhyun panicked, he can't be caught by his boss of talking on the phone during office hours!

"No mother! I don't have a girlfriend!" Siwon stopped when he heard the anxiety in Kyuhyun's voice, wanting to hear more on his phone conversation.

"Yes! I don't need a matchmake mother! Please! I really need to go! Sajangnim is looking at me now!" Kyuhyun's eyes couldn't stop fidgetting from Siwon and away.

"Yes yes yes I will call you!! Bye!" Kyuhyun hanged up with a sight of relief and stood up immediately bowing at his boss.


"Sajang...sajangnim! You are back!" A little way too excited, Kyuhyun would want to bang his head on the table for raising his voice a little too high pitched.

Siwon wanted to chuckle out loud, as he always find Kyuhyun having another personality when he talked to people on the phone. But no, he swallowed down the chuckle and smiled at his secretary.

"Yes. I am back."

"Straight from the airport...?" Kyuhyun pointed out at the lugguage next to Siwon.

"Yup. Straight from the airport." Siwon nodded.

"Oh... Is there...something wrong with the company, that required you to come...back straight?!" Kyuhyun panicked again.

"Oh no no no... I am just...a workaholic. Wanting to be back at work as soon as possible." Siwon explained, and Kyuhyun nodded.


Then both stood at the position for a few minutes, not knowing what to say next. Kyuhyun stole some glances at Siwon, only to notice that his boss looked a little different. Wearing a simple white tee with a pair of skinny jeans, so much different from his usual suit and tie.

A little suntanned, a little healthier...and a littler ier.


Must be absorbing a lot of healthy vitamin E...and good company of his girlfriend. Kyuhyun sighed within himself.

When Siwon caught Kyuhyun looking at him, Kyuhyun pretended to be busy by messing his desk around, as if he was looking for something important.

And this action wanted to make Siwon burst out laughing again.


So adorable... Siwon thought.


"Sajangnim... You look tanned..." Kyuhyun stated out of the sudden, while his eyes were looking down.

"Oh... Yeah. I was out in the sea or near the sea most of the times, that I was a little tanned." Siwon looked at himself, he had forgotten he was wearing a plain t-shirt, showing his tanned arms entirely.

"Don't you think I look better this way?" Siwon teased a little, not knowing that his tease caused Kyuhyun to blush hard.


Kyuhyun was quick to grab a file and hide his cheeks behind the file, when he felt his blood was pumping straight to his face, only revealed his almond eyes from the edge of the file.

"Y...yeah... You look...great..." Kyuhyun stammered. More than great! You look awesome damn it!! y and sizzling hot!!


Siwon blinked his eyes at Kyuhyun's way-too-funny action, wanting very much to walk over to grab the file and fling it across the room so he can see Kyuhyun's face totally. But no... His rational stopped him from doing so.

Damn...what are you thinking Choi Siwon?! You must be too tired from the long hours of flight, to think of doing something so irrational as a boss...


"Thanks for the compliment, Kyuhyun." Siwon smiled once he pushed the irrational thoughts to the back of his head, and grabbed his luggage moving towards his office, "Can you come into my room, in a short while? I need you to report me on the days when I wasn't around."

"Yes sajangnim." Kyuhyun replied, with the file still on the bottom half of his face.

With the door closed, Kyuhyun removed and sighed.

"Damn you Cho. Why can't you just be a normal person in front of him?!" Kyuhyun cursed silently, knocking his fist onto his head, "Pabo you!"


But his face dropped, when he thought of this awesome looking man, having fun with his girlfriend, at Maldives on Valentines' Day.

He can that, can he?


Shortly Siwon was settled in his office, Kyuhyun stepped in holding files and notes he had been jotting down for his boss.

"Sajangnim, these are the files that required your signatures and approvals, and the sales record for the supermarket at Gangnam that Zhoumi brought in earlier which you had required him to do so through the email. And here is an invitation card from Mr Jang for his and his wife's 30th wedding anniversary, they are having a party next week." Kyuhyun reported, making no mistakes on the things that people depended him on.

Siwon nodded as he started to flip the files, "Any calls for me?"

"There were a few calls from Mr Cha of Prince Hotel. He had been calling since the day you left for Maldives." Kyuhyun looked through the calls that he had recorded down.

"Prince Hotel? Mr Cha?" Siwon looked up curiously. What does this Mr Cha want from Siwon?

"Yes. And he sounded rather calm though he kept calling despite me saying you weren't around." Kyuhyun nodded, and little flustered when Siwon looked into his eyes. Get a grip Cho!!!

"I will take note of that. And my schedules...?" Siwon went back flipping the files, while Kyuhyun listed down the schedules for the next one week.


Just when they were about to finish, someone knocked the door.

"Come in." Siwon replied.

"Hey, you are indeed back." Hyukjae revealed himself from the door, and greeted his friend with his signature gummy smile.

"Cut that smile. You are creepy." Siwon glanced at Hyukjae and back to the files on his desk.

"Yah yah.. Look at you glow! I know you had fun at the paradise heaven, with a pretty girl on Valentines' Day, doing..."

Kyuhyun had to do a fake cough before Hyukjae finished the sentence that he did not want to hear at all.

No... He did not want to know how much his crush loves his girlfriend or how many rounds they did at the paradise heaven...


"Erm Sajangnim, if...there isn't anything else... Can I leave...?" Kyuhyun had his eyes looking at the ground as he spoke, not wanting to see how blissful looking his boss is.

"Sure..." Siwon repiled, but then he remembered something, "Oh wait Kyuhyun."

Siwon dug something from his luggage, and held a box up for Kyuhyun, "A souvenir for you from Maldives. Happy belated Birthday." Siwon smiled with his deep dimples plastered on the sides.

"Belated...Birthday?" Kyuhyun was confused, so was Hyukjae.

"Isn't his birthday over for more than a week?" Hyukjae looked at Siwon with many questions floating around his head. And how does he know about Kyuhyun's birthday....? Oh....he must have eavesdropped on us that day! This sneeky man!

Siwon chuckled, "Do you really think, I will just give you a packet of ramyeon for your birthday?"


Kyuhyun couldn't believe what he had heard, and his heart was pumping real fast, like as if it can jump out from his mouth any time. And his cheeks, damn, they will go red again!

"Kyu....hyun?" Siwon waved the box in front of Kyuhyun, trying to get his attention.

"Erm... Th...thanks Sajangnim." He received the box, with their fingers brushing through each other, which caused another round of electric shock throughout his body.


Oh my..... I touched his...fingers!!! Calm down Cho Kyuhyun. CALM DOWN!!


And Siwon had a short spark under his skin as well, when their fingers brushed through. It was...a warm spark. He was a little startled with the touch, but he was fast to regain his conscious before the eyes in the office started to question.

" will like the souvenir." Siwon removed his hands and placed them right at the files once more.

Kyuhyun gave a sweet smile, and retreated out of the room before he fainted in the room for his heart was blooming with happiness.


Within that few minutes, Hyukjae could sense a weird atmosphere in the office. He narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out what went wrong, but he just couldn't find the correct words to voice out. So he went back teasing his friend.

"So... Were the nights with"



Kyuhyun was rushing down the corridor with his hands full of books. He was late for the next class, due to his idiot friend Changmin who was pestering him to write a mushy love letter for a girl.

"Damn you Shim. I am so going to kill you if I ever got punish!" Kyuhyun cursed, running along the corridor.


Passing through the basketball court, Kyuhyun could hear loud cheers, shouting for the people playing the basketball at the moment.


"Oh god Siwon JJIANG!!!"


Kyuhyun rolled his eyes at those cheers, hearing all the cheers were for the student head, Choi Siwon. Did he put spells on all those idiots?!


Just then, a basketball flew towards him and it hit the books on his hands. He screamed with all the books dropped on the ground and his buttock felling right on the ground, hard.

"WHICH IDIOT!!!!!" Kyuhyun shouted, turning his head at the basketball court.

A figure came running to him, with his sweats dripping from his head, his arms and his biceps were flexing tight as he ran.

Damn why must it be him running here?


"Hey, I am sorry. The basketball bounced out of control." Siwon stopped in front of Kyuhyun, reaching his hand out at Kyuhyun, "Oh... Its you freshman, with the nice singing voice."

Kyuhyun blinked at the hand, and raised his head up to Siwon, who was smiling brightly with his irritating dimples.

Yes, irritating. Kyuhyun hated those dimples.

"I don't need your help." Kyuhyun sulked, and pushed Siwon's hand away.


He pushed himself up but perhaps a little lost of balance, Kyuhyun wobbled and almost fell back on the ground again, with his face facing down.

But Siwon was quick to grab Kyuhyun to help him steady his feet. So Kyuhyun's face was slammed against Siwon's chest.

Hot. Steamy hot chest which was sweating from the basketball match. And Kyuhyun could Siwon's heartbeats pumping into his ears.

It was...comforting...


"Hey freshman, are you ok?" Siwon patted on Kyuhyun's shoulder.

Kyuhyun pushed Siwon away immediately, gaining his composure back.

"Ye...yeah! I am fine!" Kyuhyun pouted, as he kneeled down to retrieve his books.

"Hmmm ok." Siwon grabbed his basketball and ran back to the basketball court to continue with the match.


But never did he expect, that Kyuhyun was staring at his back while he ran. A girl who was holding a bottle of water, smiling sweetly when SIwon reached her to get the bottle for a drink. Then he pressed his lips on the girl's forehead before moving back into the basketball court.

And he stood there for a while, just to watch Siwon played basketball. For that moment, he was totally dazzled by Siwon's charms in the court.

The smiles that he had when he scored a goal, the muscles when he flexed to dribble the basketball, and the sweet expression that he put on when he had eye contact with that girl who he planted a kiss on her forehead.

Kyuhyun blushed suddenly, when he wondered how would it be like for Siwon to kiss his forehead...




Kyuhyun shook his head, hoping to shake the disturbing thoughts out of his head. And he cursed again when he glanced at his watch.

He was late, real late!!!




Kyuhyun sat on his chair, with his hands trembled opening the box that Siwon gave.

And he broke into a wide smile seeing the souvenir.


It was a large spiral conch seashell, decorated with many glittering beads along the edge. With a small note inside the box, which Kyuhyun believed to be Siwon's handwritings.


"Happy Belated Birthday Kyuhyun. This made me thought of you, because it created the most beautiful sounds of the ocean, just like how you created the most beautiful singing voice during high school and at the wedding.I kept it in the box as soon as I got it, to keep the sounds within the seashell, though I am not sure if it works. Hope you can still hear the sounds, and you like it."


This can create sound?! Kyuhyun doubted for a minute, before he held it up, placing the hollow side near his ear.

And soon enough, he could hear the sound of waves whooshing into his ears. Ocean waves!!

Kyuhyun widened his eyes, and he removed the seashell away from his ear, and put it back again to hear the sounds again. And he repeated the action a few times, giggling to himself hearing the ocean waves in his ear.

Really beautiful... Kyuhyun smiled to himself, Like my beautiful singing voice huh?


He named the seashell, the second gift.


The moment Siwon was back to the company, managers of different departments came to the CEO's floor, to look for Siwon for various issues. And this went on for hours till it past dinner time.

Kyuhyun was busy as well, and when he finally glanced at his watch, he gasped at the time.

At the right moment, his stomach growled.

"You just had to growl when I noticed the time huh?"Kyuhyun sighed.


So he decided to pack his desk and bag, getting ready to knock off, and the dinner that he intended to get on the way home. But when he walked past the CEO's room, he remembered, Siwon was still in a meeting with Zhoumi, the sales manager.

He glanced at his watch again, and he realised that the two of them had been talking for hours. What important issue had kept them talking for so long?

Then, Kyuhyun stepped out of the office, with something else in his mind.


After an hour, Kyuhyun came back to the office, with packets of food on his hands. He knocked at the door, and he entered quietly when Siwon replied him.

But he was shocked to see Siwon alone in his room. Where did Zhoumi went to?!

"Sajangnim..." Kyuhyun greeted, as Siwon had his eyes looking at the files.

Siwon shot his head up when he heard Kyuhyun's voice.

"Kyuhyun? I thought you went back?" Siwon looked at his watch, "It was rather late. Why are you still around?"

"Erm... I was about to go home, but I saw you and Zhoumi were having the meeting, so I thought I can help by buying you two some dinner, so you can...continue with the meeting while having dinner..." Kyuhyun placed the food on Siwon's desk, "But where is...Zhoumi?"

"He left half an hour ago." Siwon could feel warmth building his body, for Kyuhyun to care about his well-being once again.

"Oh... Then...the food..."

"Have you eaten?" Siwon asked. Kyuhyun shook his head, "Then...would you like to have dinner with me? If its ok for you... I mean it is now overtime for you, but I would not want to waste food..."

"Sure!!" Kyuhyun blushed after hearing his eagerness in answering, and sat down immediately, removing the packets of food from the plastic cover.


Siwon smiled once again, seeing his secretary so eager when it comes to food, "You really like to eat huh?"

Kyuhyun hesitated for a second before he nodded stiffly.

"You don't have to be shy in front of me. Just relax and be yourself." Siwon chuckled.

Oh you mean myself when I am snarky and haughty? I don't think you will like it... Kyuhyun thought quietly.


Just then, Siwon's phone rang, startled both a little. Siwon reached for the phone, but sighed when he saw the caller ID.

"Yes mother." Siwon greeted the moment he pressed the green button.

Kyuhyun wanted to leave the room to give Siwon some privacy, but Siwon ushered him to sit down.

"I know... But its just that...we don't suit each other at all." Siwon sighed, "Yes she is a good girl. But mother, some things cannot be forced."

Good girl? Don't suit each other? Is he talking about Yuri?! Kyuhyun asked in his head.

"Well, I did tried, to go all the way to Maldives. But just doesn't work." Siwon sighed once more, "I am sorry mother, your effort was a waste."

Did they...break up?!

"Oh no not again mother! Please, just let me find one by myself." Siwon pleaded, "Yes. I want to find the correct one, myself."

Kyuhyun couldn't believe what he had heard, but he did not dare to have his hopes get way too high.

"Yes I will let you know when I find one. I will take care of myself. Bye mother." Siwon heaved a deep sigh of relief when he hanged up the call.


"I am sorry, Kyuhyun. It was my mother. The moment she knew about my break up, she called. Bad news always spread the fastest, isn't it?" Siwon apologized.

THEY REALLY BROKE UP!! Kyuhyun screamed in his head.

"Oh...its ok. All mothers are the same..." Kyuhyun had to control his excitement within himself.

"Hahaha exactly." Siwon nodded, "I heard you talking to your mother earlier in the day as well. She...wanted to matchmake you? You...don't have a girlfriend...or boyfriend?"

"Huh?! Boyfriend?!" Kyuhyun panicked, where did he got this idea from?!

"I overheard you screaming the other a man...staying with you..." Siwon had no choice but to spill the secret of him overhearing the shouts, "But you were loud, I cannot pretend I didn't hear it!"

Kyuhyun chuckled, to know that Siwon would think so far just by a conversation on the phone.


Siwon was stunned by the look of the chuckling Kyuhyun. It was rather new to see his secretary chuckling in such an adorable way.

"Changmin is my best friend, since childhood. And we were staying together as roommates now." Kyuhyun explained, after he was done with his chuckles, "But he is an idiot, always making me so irritated..." 

Then Kyuhyun bulged his eyes, for he noticed that he wasn't stammering when he talked to Siwon at the moment. Even chuckled and smiled... Where did all the shyness and racing heartbeats go to?

And it was comfortable...a real comfortable atmosphere where he could finally sit right opposite of Siwon, to share a conversation so carefree...


"I think...we have to eat the dinner. Otherwise the food will turn cold." Siwon broke the awkward silence and reached for the food, at the same time where Kyuhyun reached out as well.

And their fingers brushed against each other once more. 

Both stared at each other, with sparks running in them again, and lowered their face down to the food almost instantly together, with small smiles formed on their faces, though both did not notice the smiles on each other's faces.


Kyuhyun could never be happier to have such moment with Siwon, and Siwon was equally happy to see more about his secretary.


Secretly happy in their own ways, and hoping more of this scenario will happen again...

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Chapter 14: Thank you so much!
Chapter 3: A mistake and not a mistake to start reading this at like 2am. The more I'm unable to sleep. My heart is AAAAAAAAAAA
kyuwon1013 #3
Chapter 25: Please make a sequel....for being Kyuhyun pregnant☺️
Chapter 25: More juseyoooo. A late celebration of wonkyu day maybe?
Mina1715 #5
Chapter 7: Awesome!!! Asdfhgkgkhkfjwje@#_$__-&_--___
Chapter 25: Yahooooooyyyyy finally after a long love for siwon and he return your feelings..
and how adorable their love life and hope kyunnie really preggy so the mom in law effort not a waste XD
awwwhhhh thank you so much for writing this story author nim ^^
joychul14 #7
Chapter 25: I really want a confirmation!! I WANT BABY KYU PREGNANT!! PLEASE!! HEAR MY PRAYERS!! JUST GIVE THIS TO ME!! I love the story so much!! Just...make baby kyu preggy!! Please!!!!!!!
ssiidictator #8
Chapter 25: Omg *screaming loudly* since the first time i read rhis part i know kyuhyun is pregnant ... I know he is carrying Siwon baby... And i just smile like an idiot when the test is positive ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Congratulations ... Congratulations ...
Please make another story when mama choi know Kyuhyun is pregnant .. I want to know her expression and of course what she will do to preggy Kyuhyun... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Thanks for the update and Happy WonKyuday too..
Luhma1817 #9
Chapter 25: You made the day of Wonkyu be happier with this update. Tks.
Wonkyu happy day for you and for all shippers.
pensonic #10
Chapter 25: Thanks for this update
Finally their hard work has paid off
Kyuhyun is pregnant right?
Mama Choi must be very very very happy for this story....see you soon for next update