Chapter 2

Love Debut!!


* "Take the lady's luggage back to her place.  She has alternate transportation."  A good looking man said as he looked the beautiful lady in front him in the eye.

"You calling my bluff?"  She asked.

"You Bet i am."  Then they both held hands and walked off. *  (From how to lose a guy in 10 days)

"WAHHH!!!"  Chin Ho said once the movie finished, "So beautiful!!"

"It's fine that you watch movies in here but you dont have to yell every few minutes."  Eun Mi said as she sat at her desk.

"Whaaatttt??  I thought you would like it!!!  It's sooo romantic!!!  Love triumphs in the end!"  Chin Ho said with the determined look in her eyes.

Eun Mi chuckled, "Hey.  Why'd that guy Jaejoong decide to coach you?"

"Hm?"  Chin Ho was caught off guard.  She thought hard for a second but thought of nothing, "I dont really know."

"But!  He did say that he just felt like it!"  Chin Ho yelled smiling.

"Why'd he feel like it"  Eun Mi asked.

"I dont really know."  Chin Ho said again.

"So.. What exactly coaching you include?"  Eun Mi asked.

"Umm... Oh!  He said that we'll go shopping together tomorrow!  Hes going to pick out clothes for me!!"  Chin Ho said, excited.

"Good for you."  Eun Mi simply said.

"I should at least dress up right?!!"  She yelled with a fist in the air.

"Uhhh... Maybe you shouldnt.."  Eun Mi said.


NEXT DAY:<----- Completely didnt listen to Eun Mi.

"Hi!"  Chin Ho said, smiling at Jaejoong as she met him in front of his apartment.

He widened his eyes once he laid eyes on her dress, "WHATS WITH YOUR CLOTHES?!!!"

Chin Ho flinched at his loud voice, "Huh??... But i read somewhere that guys really like girls who show their bare shoulders.  And also pink is a great choice for EVERY occasion." 

"ARE YOU GOING TO SOME EXOTIC PARTY OR SOMETHING?!!!  AND PINK AGAIN??!!!"  He yelled somewhere while Chin Ho flinched some more.

"I read that this was a good outfit though..."  Chin Ho said innocently.

"I...... am too embarrassed to walk around with a girl dressed like that.."  Jaejoong said.  

"WHAT?!  REALLY?!"  Chin Ho yelled shocked that he didnt like her dress.

"Dont tell me... thats the only type of clothing you have.."  He asked cautiously afraid of the answer.

"Oh this isnt mine, its my mom's.  All i have besides my student uniform are lots and lots of sweats, sweatshirts, polos, some tennis skirts and visors."  Chin Ho responded.

".... You cease to amaze me..."  Jaejoong quietly muttered.

"Should i got back home and change?"  Chin Ho asked.

"Into sweatpants?"

"Well.. I'll try some of my moms other clothes."  Chin Ho said while she was about to walk back but her pink sandal suddenly broke.

"NO!  IT BROKE!"  She yelled as she held it in her hand.

Jaejoong sighed as he went back into his apartment.

"Wait... Where are you going?"  She asked but he didnt answer.

*Wait... What if he doesnt want to be my coach anymore?!!*  She wondered as she had a horrified expression on.  Suddenly Jaejoong's head popped out.

"Arent you coming?"  

"Huh?.. Oh... R-Right!"  Chin Ho said and hurriedly followed him inside.

Jaejoong stopped suddenly and turned around to face her which made Chin Ho slightly defensive.  *Why is he staring at me like that??......*  She glared back with fire in her eyes.

"You....... Look really horrible right now.."  Jaejoong said which made her almost fall down out of shock.

"What do i do then?..."  She asked once she recovered.

"Hang on... I'll lend you some clothes."

"But you said Hana's clothes didnt fit me."

"I'll lend you some of mine."  Chin Ho nodded then looked off into space with a determined look on her face.

"I bet you're thinking, 'i must try harder'  Arent you?"  Jaejoong asked.

"HUH??  How'd you know???  Are you some kind of a magician too??"  Chin Ho asked amazed.

"No... you're just an open book..."  

*That makes sense.*  Chin Ho thought as she nodded to herself.

"You just said, 'That makes sense' Huh?"  He asked again.

"How'd you-"

"Anyway..."  Jaejoong started and continued, "You dont have to try hard.. I already know you're trying hard."    She widened her eyes at his remark.

"you're just clueless thats all.. So I'd rather not you try hard actually.  It brings bad results."  Jaejoong said.

"HUH?!!"  Chin Ho yelled out.  Then Jaejoong was about to turn away to find her some clothes but she stopped him.

"Jaejoong!"  He looked towards her direction.

"I... I'm depending on you!!"  Chin Ho said while clenching her fists.

"Kay."  He simply said then walked off.


"Here."  jaejoong laid out a pile of clothes in front of Chin Ho, "Choose whatever you like from here.  What size shoes do you wear?"

"Size 7."  

"I'll get some shoes i wore in middle school."  Then he left.

"So many clothes."  Chin Ho said as she rummaged through the pile.  Something caught her eye and she picked it up :  It was a floral ring set.

"Wow so pretty... Can i borrow this too?"  She asked.  Jaejoong came back and widened his eyes once he saw her holding the rings.  He went over to her, took the rings, and threw them in the trash can.

Chin Ho widened her eyes.

"They wont match with the clothes.  When you're done wearing whichever clothes you want, come out."  jaejoong simply said then left.

*There was no need to throw it away.*  Chin Ho said as she looked down at the trashcan.

Then she bent down and took it from the can, *I guess i'll just keep it...*


*Wow...*  Chin Ho said once she saw herself in the mirror wearing Jaejoong's clothes:

*Even thought these are guys' clothes... I think this looks better on me than any of those other clothes i always wore.*  She thought.  

Chin Ho popped up outside and smiled at Jaejoong, "Jaejoong..."

"Finished changing??"  He asked.

"Well.. The pants wont fit.. So can i just wear the dress under the shirt?"  She asked.

"WHAT?! NO!!"  Jaejoong yelled out of frustration.

He looked down at her legs, "WHATS WITH ALL THAT MUSCLE?!!!"

"The reward from all the long hard years of training."  She said proudly.

"Girls dont need muscles!!!"  He yelled.


"IS THAT NECESSARY TO ATTRACT GUYS?!"  Jaejoong yelled back.

"Wow!  She's arguing with Jaejoong!"  A cute guy said, appearing with another handsome man and Hana.

"Hey Chin Ho!"  Hana said smiling.

"Hi Nice to meet you!"  That same cute guy greeted.

"Were we supposed to meet today?"  Jaejoong asked.

"Nope."  The other guy replied.

"We came cause we heard you were coaching a girl on how to be attractive."  The cute guy said.

"I told them to come along cause i thought it would be fun."  Hana said.

"I'm Lee Sang Min."  The handsome man introduced himself.

"And i'm Kim Dong Sun."  The cute guy said.  "We're Jaejoong's friends!"

"Hi Nice to meet you!"  Chin Ho greeted smiling, "I'm Park Chin Ho."

"You're pretty awesome to have the guts to ask Jaejoong to coach you!"  They said in unison.

She had a sweatdrop on her head, *Guts?....*

"Jaejoong talked about you.  You're pretty cute."  The one named Sang Min commented.  Chin Ho started to blush red.

"Dont worry about what this guy says.  He usually says these things to everyone out of politeness."  Jaejoong told her.

"Thats not nice."  Sang Min told Jaejoong, still smiling.

"Well i think she's cute too!"  Dong Sun yelled smiling at her.

Chin Ho started to blush even more.

"And this guy's really out of it so dont pay attention to what he says."  Jaejoong said looking at Dong Sun from the corner of his eyes.

"Huh? Who're you talking about?? Me??"  Dong Sun asked, clueless.

"Wow... I think i just noticed today.. But good looking people have friends that are good looking too."  Chin Ho whispered to Jaejoong.

"I forgot..... You're out of it too..."  Jaejoong said as he had a sweatdrop on his head.

"Isnt Jaejoong a big harsh?"  Sang Min asked as Jaejoong looked away.

"Not really..."  Chin Ho said as she looked at Jaejoong carefully, then she snapped out of it, "Um.. Since your friends are here... I should probably get going.."

"NO!  DONT GO HOME!"  Jaejoong yelled at her suddenly which cause Chin Ho to become shocked.

"You and i promised to go shopping so you dont have to go home."  He told her.  Chin Ho started to blush slightly.

"Yeah you dont have to go home."  Sang Min added.

"You're going downtown to shop arent you? I wanna go." Hana told Jaejoong.

"Me too!"  Dong Sun yelled.

"YOU GUYS OUT!"  He yelled out of frustration.

"Nah.. I wanna go.:"  Hana said.

"Yeah dont worry we wont be in your way."  Sang Min assured him.

"YEP!"  Dong Sun said smiling.

"Tch.. whatever... Lets go!  We're going to look for jeans that will fit you!"  He told Chin Ho as she followed him.



"How about these?"  Chin Ho's eyes sparkled as she held a floral pink top.

"No."  Jaejoong rejected it.

"What about this?"  She asked as she had a pink straw hat on.

"... No.."

"This?"  Chin Ho held up a pink skirt this time.

"WHY IS EVERYTHING PINK?!"  Jaejoong yelled out of frustration.  Chin Ho flinched and put the skirt back but then got another top that was pink.

"This looks cute."  She said smiling and sparkling as she held it up.

"Do you really think that'll look good on you?"  He asked.

"Yup!!"  She said.

"I think there's something wrong with you...  I wonder what it is..."  He said while thinking.

"Wait.. Let me think..."

"It looks cute!!"  Hana, Sang Min, and Dong Sun supported her.

"YOU GUYS SHUT UP!!"  Jaejoong yelled at them.

He sighed, "Lets just look and think it through carefully on what clothes you think would match you... And.. No more pink."

Chin Ho nodded.

"I'm Tired!!"  Hana yelled.  "Lets take a break!!  And get a drink or something!"


"i dont think its a bad idea.  Come on we all need a break from this anyway."  Sang Min suggested.



"So you used to play tennis??"  Dong Sun asked.  "And your team was strong?"

"You go to Jaejoong's school?  And you want to be attractive?"  Sang Min asked.

*Jaejoong's friends are.... both soo attractive...*  Chin Ho thought as she blushed.

"He'll definitely make a good coach!"  Dong Sun smiled.

"Jaejoong's good at analyzing things."  Sang Min said.

*But... Even so... I think Jaejoong's the most handsome and popular..*  She thought as she looked next to her at him.

"What?"  Jaejoong asked as he noticed her staring at him.

"Huh?.. Oh well i was just thinking how popular all of you must be."  Chin Ho replied.

"No way!"  Dong Sun said.

"None of us have girlfriends."  Sang Min said.

"WHAT?!  NEITHER OF YOU HAVE BEEN ASKED OUT??!!!"  Chin Ho yelled in disbelief.

"Welll...."  They couldnt answer.

"HM?  You have?"  She asked.  "Then you ARE popular!!"

"It doesnt mean the same thing."  Jaejoong simply said.

"But compared to Jaejoong.. "  Dong Sun started.

"Yeah."  Sang Min finished for him.

"So he attracts a lot of girls?"  Chin Ho asked.

"Yup all the time."  Dong Sun commented.

"He once got asked out by all the girls in his class during his junior high days."  Sang Min said.

"WHATTT??!!  THAT POPULAR??!!!"  Chin Ho yelled out of disbelief.

"He'd always have presents or letters in his shoebox.  and on valentine's day he had so many chocolates he had to carry them around in garbage bags."

"WOW!!!  I knew you were attractive but... I didnt think it would be THIS much." Chin Ho said as she looked at Jaejoong who was quietly sipping his drink.

"But.. Chin Ho.. There were a lot of guys that hated him for it."  Dong Sun said.  Chin Ho widened her eyes.

"He not only got love letters.. but hate letters too.  He got so many complaints from college students and even the parents of the girls taht liked him.  Also once all the girls in his class divided into two teams making him just the team that he liked best.  Oh and there was THE incident too..."  Dong Sun said then clasped his hand over his mouth once he said the last part.  Jaejoong's eyes widened.

Chin Ho looked at Jaejoong curiously.

Everyone looked at him like they were expecting him to blow up.

"That story... Pisses me off so i would like that you didnt tell it when im around."  jaejoong then stood up and left outside.

*The incident?.....*  She wondered what it was about.

"OH NO!!!... THE incident is tabooo!!!! i totally forgot!!!'  Dong sun said covering his face with his hands.

"Well.. i guess i'll tell it.. When my brother was in the basketball team in middle school, he was going out with the prettiest girl in his grade.  She really liked floral jewelry and collected it."  Hana said and once she said the last part Chin Ho's eyes widened at the thought of the ring that she found in jaejoongs pile of clothes.

"Like this one?"  Chin Ho took out the rings.  Hana examined it, "Yup.  exactly like that.  Well.. That girl.. cried when Jaejoong told her, 'I dont care.'  Remember when i told you that girls would tell him that they feel hurt when he talks to them?  Well she was one of them.  And that girl went to the basketball team asking them for advice which split up the team spirit.  They isolated Jaejoong and lost their very first game."  Chin Ho's eyes widened further at how much pain it mustve caused Jaejoong..

"And because of things like that... He doesnt like girls or getting asked out."  Dong Sun explained.

"And that's THE incident that we're not allowed to speak of."  Sang Min followed up.

Chin  Ho suddenly remembered what Jaejoong said to her, * "Love... Isnt always a good thing." *

"Thats why when we heard that he was coaching a girl on how to become attractive we were surprised."  Dong Sun said.

"We wondered what kind of girl changed Jaejoong."  Sang Min said smiling at Chin Ho.

"Excuse me..."  Chin Ho stood up and suddenly left the cafe and went outside to find Jaejoong.  They looked at her curiously as she left.

*Jaejoong... He... mustve been so hurt after that incident... he... he may be harsh at times but.. he's not a bad person.. rite?*  She wondered as she found him and ran up to him.

Then she timidly sat next to him.  * Now that i chased him.. What am i supposed to say at a time like this??*  She took a small glance and noticed Jaejoong staring at her.  

"'Now that i chased him, what am i supposed to say at a time like this?' is what you're saying right?"  He said.

"WOW!! You really ARE amazing!!"  Chin Ho commented.

"you're transparent."  He said.

"WAHH!! TRANSPARENT??!!"  Chin Ho yelled while clutching her head.

"I... Hate girls... They start liking me.. Then start trying to get to know me better and then mess things up right at the very end.. Whats up with that?"  He said as he looked down at the ground in front of him.

"I'm sorry......"  Chin Ho said, getting worried as she stared at the ground too.  He looked at her, "Why should you be sorry?"

"Well... Caus.. I'm a girl...."  She said timidly.

"Hey... Do you want me to ask those two to coach you instead?" He asked all of a sudden.  Chin Ho's eyes widened.

"NO WAY!"  She suddenly yelled and looked at him with determination.  He widened his eyes and looked at her.


"Even when someone comes along with a knife?"  Jaejoong asked.

"I'LL PROTECT YOU!!"  Chin Ho said, determined.

"No.. I meant.. Someone might stab YOU..."  He said.. Completely forgeting for a second that she was clueless.

"ME?!  WHY WOULD I GET STABBED?!"  She asked shocked and scared.

"What???... i dont wanna get stabbed!!... But i still want you to coach me... AHHH!!  THE CHOICES ARE TOO HARD!"  Chin Ho yelled racking her brain.

Jaejoong chuckled.  Chin ho looked at his direction and saw him laughing.

"Of course you're not gonna get stabbed!"  He said, while laughing/smiling at her.

He looked at her, "What?"  Chin Ho was staring at him closely.

"Jaejoong... You told me that i should make my smile my killer look cause i look cute right?... I think... You're smile looks good too.  You should make that your killer look too."  Chin Ho said smiling at him.  Jaejoong slightly blushed then stopped smiling and looked away.

Chin Ho's face fell, *WAHH!!.. WHAT IF HE GOT MAD?!!! WILL HE STOP COACHING ME??!!!*

"WAHHH!!! i'm SOO SORRY!! I WONT EVER SAY THAT AGAIN!! PLEASE DONT STOP COACHING ME!!!"  She yelled while bowing on the ground.

Once she looked up to see his face she widened her eyes, he was.. blushing.

"Shut up..... I wont quit..."  He said still a little pink.

*I probably wont be able to experience that pain and happiness Jaejoong experienced... but.. if i fall in love.. will i be able to understand just a little?  A little is enough because... I want to be able to understand what Jaejoong felt.. and cheer him up.*  Chin Ho thought as she smiled at his still blushing face.

"STOP THAT!!"  He yelled.

"What?????"  She asked startled.



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