Chapter 8: Don't You Trust Me?


Chapter 8: Don't You Trust Me?



   You swallowed nervously, your eyes subconsciously glancing at Lay's direction. He had kept his head low during your whole walk home. What he did today, you still couldn't fathom. Your wonders brought you so deep into your thoughts, that when Chanyeol came from behind with his hands landing over your shoulders, you were even a little startled. "What is going on today? You haven't been talking much."

        You faked a nonchalant look, "Just a little worried about the chemistry test next week, that's all." You looked away as Chanyeol continued peering curiously at you, "But there's nothing to worry for, you're an expert at chemistry." His words sent you looking back at his way, not having any more words to answer to him with. Luckily, he let it go soon enough, when his attention shifted quickly as D.O came near.

        "Lay I..." you opened your mouth to speak, yet he cut you off coolly, "I'll see you all tomorrow." He waved awkwardly as he took his turn at his street, while Baekhyun, Tao, and Suho behind you sent him queer looks. "What's up with him today?" Tao mumbled, as though speaking to himself. You tried not to notice as Luhan glanced immediately at your direction after his question, switching the subject abruptly. "Why are you still here Suho? Didn't we pass your house already?"

        "I'm staying over Tao's place tonight," he replied quickly, "he thought he'd need some help on Chemistry." He gave Tao a knowing look, and Luhan nodded a little, "I can see that, after today's Chemistry class." His cold sarcasm made Tao whine immediately like a child, causing you, Baekhyun,  and Suho to burst out in laughter almost at once. "What do you know?" Tao continued, "You've met me for two days!"

        "Two days are enough to make it quite obvious that you're no good at chemistry," Luhan continued to play along, while Tao continued denying. It only made you smile brighter, upon seeing Luhan act playful for the first time amongst your friends. You turned to him, expecting to see at least a smile, yet even your own joyous expression faded when seeing his face. Scuttling beside him quietly as the other three remained in their own worlds, you looked to his apprehensive face, watching him glance around nervously. "What is it?" you kept your voice as low as possible.
        "I thought I heard something," he looked back at you alertly, taking your wrist inside his hand, as you felt his mark shine weakly. "There's something...someone out there."

        You breathed in deeply, putting all your attention into one inside your mind.  Your laughs had made you too concentrated in your emotional world, while you lost your senses. But now, you suddenly sensed a strange smell, an unfamiliar scent. Your fingers trembled as you too heard a sudden moving sound from the darkest streets nearby. Something was definitely out there...

        "What is it?" Baekhyun tapped your shoulder abruptly, almost making you jump out of surprise. You turned to him with a frown of frustration, noticing his mischievous smile, as he eyed Luhan's hand which still held to your wrist. Shooting him a glare, you were just about to release your hand, when your alert mind sensed a certain danger approaching. There was no time to react, so your body did the first thing your mind told you to, as you grabbed to Baekhyun, shoving him to the ground behind you, before you grasped to Luhan, throwing yourself over him. A weak boundary of blue light exploded before you, as the bullet bounced back from your protection wall. Your screamed out of surprise when Luhan grabbed you suddenly over the waist from behind, reaching a hand out deftly towards the first man in black approaching your way. Within seconds, the man gave off a scream as the gun forced itself out his hand and found its way inside Luhan's hold, whilst the blue mark over his wrist shined brightly. Now when did he suddenly realize how to control his telekinesis powers?

        Your head flipped backwards immediately as you heard a thud hit the ground from behind you, as Baekhyun screamed in a terrified manner. But unexpectedly, Tao was the one that hit the ground, for the man had attacked him from behind, hitting his head hard, making he collapsed down unconscious. As the strongest fighter there could be from your mortal fellows, Tao wouldn't have fallen, if only he were not ambushed. You screamed his name as another group of men charged towards you, Luhan, Suho, and Baekhyun from all directions. "What in the world is going on?!" Baekhyun was too busy screaming when he raised his hands helplessly, giving off another yelp even when you hurried before him, deftly kicking the hunter in the stomach, before Luhan from behind pulled the trigger on him. Suho's eyes remained wide with disbelief, but he did not scream or flinch, as he did not hesitate to fight to defend himself, while it took Baekhyun almost twice the time to realize what he should do. But as inexperienced boys, within seconds, they were already groaning on the ground near an unconscious Tao with their faces punched and kicked.

        Pushing your hands forth as the two man came charging at you with knives, your eyes shined a bright red before that wave of blue light glistened around you once more, sending both of them tumbling backwards. Your eyes switched directions instantly, when you sensed the sudden movement of another hunter, approaching not you, but towards Luhan only. Not knowing what took over your instincts, your uttered a scream, as it quickly melted into a beastly growl, and within seconds, you were bursting towards his direction in a paste as fast as the wind. Your head was filled with nothing, no more than the thought that you needed to protect him, and keep him safe. Even Baekhyun's horrified scream upon seeing your change could not interrupt you.

        You threw your arms around Luhan who still knew little of the danger approaching behind him, your boundary of light glistening when the hunter came but a step away from him, before bouncing back, his head instantly hitting the tree behind him. You shut your eyelids suddenly, feeling your arms still around Luhan as he stared down at you, only to meet with your eyes that were no longer the burning red they just were. You gave off a shiver at the emptiness inside his gaze, gasping suddenly as he raised his hand once more, sending the dagger flying out of the hunter's hand.

        It took them shortly to gather together and drag away their hurt companions before fleeing away into the darkness, now understanding it would take more than half a dozen of them to defeat just the two of you. You let out a long breath, letting go of Luhan immediately to rush to the ground, where you pulled Tao inside your arms to rest his head over your lap. Your hand rested shortly at the place where his heart beat, and as you closed your eyes to feel him, it took you little time to sense that he would be all right.

        Luhan to the side knelt down to help with the struggling Suho and Baekhyun who were crawling towards Tao's way. While Baekhyun still remained a little dazed, Suho was the one that shook of his arm almost a little viciously, sending him a sharp glare. "What was that? I know what I saw and I am not crazy! What are you..." his words did not have time to finish, when a large pair of hands grasped onto Baekhyun from behind, covering his mouth before he could even scream. Giving all of you absolutely no time to react, he squeezed something inside his mouth for him to swallow, forcing it down his throat.

        You cried in panic, rushing towards Baekhyun when the hand hit him on the head firmly. He fell heavily over the ground, only to reveal the clear features of the man behind him, leaving you frozen at your spot, barely able to move. Your raised fist weakened, and suddenly, you were even too astonished to react, until he grabbed onto Suho this time, his fingers tightening over his neck.

        "No Kris!" your eyes widened in horror as you collapsed to your knees, "No don't hurt him! Pleased don't!" Your fingers trembled greatly as they reached out to him, yet strangely, you found no viciousness in those familiar eyes of his. "I'm not hurting him." His hand found its way over Suho's lips, and not even giving him a chance struggle, he forced something tiny inside his mouth just like he did to Baekhyun. Raising the side of his palm, Kris hit it to the back of Suho's neck, sending him into oblivion, as you leaned forth to catch him inside your arms, holding onto him protectively. "Why did you..."

        "I said I was not hurting him," Kris muttered calmly, his eyes barely blinking as they gazed upon you, "don't you trust me anymore, ________?"

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SyaHiirah #1
Chapter 9: Authornim please update......I really love this story
atiqah95 #2
Chapter 2: Good you have here. I llike to read more. I hope you can update soon
Believeitornot007 #3
Chapter 7: Loving this story!! Please update soon ^.^
kohakuhime #4
Chapter 4: Please update this story....
I want to read more, cause it's so interresting and I love it already :D
pleassssseeeeeee updaaaaaaaaaaaaate ^//^