
Crack The Eggs

Changsub noisily tosses and turns on his bed as he relives all the bittersweet memories of their short two years. The reminiscence, itself, is tearing his heart into two, smashing it into shards of sharp pieces. It hurts him, the break-up. Never he thought that this particular point in his life would even transpire. Before his tears meet the pillow, he angrily wipes it off.

"You can live without her," Changsub whispers and these words slice him like multiple scalpels, giving him incisions he never had before. "She's someone who can't be trusted."

His brown orbs scan his room and his eyes eventually land on the green picture frame bearing their photograph from the last event. Changsub grins cheekily at the camera and Ilsoon does a cute v-sign through her fingers, both looking really happy and contented.

Changsub breathes out a sad sigh while he tries to hold in the tears that keep on betraying him. It trickles down his left cheek and then on his right. The tears flush off the broken promises and the stolen kisses as he messes his hair up because of frustration and infuriation.

"What went wrong, Ilsoon? I did everything for you! What does Hyunsik have that I don't?" Changsub yells his heart out, letting his emotions burst and collide with the four grey walls of his room.

His train of thoughts again reminds him of everything she said few weeks ago.

"Oppa, I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore," Ilsoon says to him with wide rueful eyes, her hand firmly holding Hyunsik's. "I know I am being unfair but I can't let this go on. I'm sorry."

Changsub is dragged back to reality when the door to his room suddenly opens. It belches forth a familiar figure, dripping wet from the hard-pouring rain outside.

"I'm sorry," Ilsoon croaks as a sob breaks her composure. "I thought it would be better for the both of us."

"You think I'll take you in easily?" 

"I understand if you're mad. Any man will be mad. I'm really sorry."

"Go home. Hyunsik's probably looking for you."

"I broke up with him," Ilsoon finally cracks open, her true emotions failing her. "Because I still love you."

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kunimitsova #1
chapter 2 made me LOL and chapter 3 infuses me with life XD
Chapter 7: ..."every member" my bum, you IlSub-shipper :P
Stop misinforming people, getting their hopes up...
Well-written, though. ^^
Nice story ^^