
You Didn't Tell Me
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Practice had resumed and each member had fallen back into their determined silence. The joking and laughter from before was once more replaced by sweat and pain. The biggest thing on their minds wasn’t Kris but the upcoming concert. While someone, like D.O, still felt annoyed that Kris was causing a distraction he refused to let himself worry about it. That was the general consensus of the group until the door opened once more.


Unlike before where many of the members hadn’t even noticed the man’s arrival. This time all the boys stopped to watch him as he entered. The same man as before entered once more only this time he looked even more concerned than before. Well, concerned was really quite an understatement for how the man looked. His face was wrinkled with worry and his hair looked disheveled as if he had run his hand through it one to many times.


He motioned to their manager but didn’t waste the time to greet him properly. Instead he came straight to Tao.

“I need to see your phone. Has Kris responded?” He asked. There was a sense of urgency and panic in the man’s tone that made Tao doubt this was really a prank. He was pretty sure the man wasn’t that good of an actor. Tao honestly didn’t know the answer to the man’s question. He hadn’t even looked at it once since the last time the man had been there. Tao obediently handed the man his phone once more but there had been no change. It only showed that Kris had read Tao’s messages from before but he still hadn’t replied to them.


The man gave a defeated and frustrated sigh as he returned the phone. He turned to the group.

“It’s official. A lawsuit against SM has been submitted under Kris’ name. We also believe he has no intention of returning to participate in the concert.” The man turned his attention to their manager. “We’ll need to contact their choreographer right away. They need to create a new routine for only the remaining eleven members and there isn’t much time.” He looked back to the group. “With Kris gone and not much time left before the concert you will need to make some changes. I’m very sorry about this and I’m sure you are all very tired but we will need you to push a little further.” The man looked back to their manager. His expression clearly read that he wished to speak to him privately.

“You guys rest a minute. I’ll be right outside.” Then two men made their way to the door.


As soon as the door closed behind them the room erupted in conversation. The light playful mood from before had completely vanished. All of the members of EXO liked Kris for different reasons and considered themselves friends. Some even would say they loved him. But they were sore, tired, sick, hungry, hot and many had already passed their breaking point two days ago. That’s why, despite what happened that day, Tao knew it wasn’t really a reflection of them hating the leader.


“Are you serious? Start over?!” Sehun steamed.

“I can’t. I really can’t.” Chanyeol said quietly as he

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Chapter 1: says the video is private (?)
krodri08 #2
Chapter 15: I have never wished for a fanfic to be more real than this one T.T
I believe for whatever reason Kris left he never meant to hurt exo. I really wish them all the best. Good luck to exo and kris <3 I'll always be a fan . EXO12
I wasn't even on the 2nd chapter before I started crying. I admit I didn't want to read this fanfic at first because its like opening a cut that was barely healing. I didn't want to deal with the pain again. You made me have hope again, thanks ♡
anomalauls #3
Chapter 15: Oh Fanfan. I hope that one day you and the boys reconnect.
anomalauls #4
Chapter 7: "Because you weren't sleeping. OMG. Tear.
anomalauls #5
Warning: If you are not ok with the idea of two people of the same gender being attracted to each other and physically comfortable around each other, you should not read this story. In fact, you should probably avoid K-Pop and humanity in general. IMO.

_kritter126 #6
Chapter 15: Awww, well now I'm crying!
Chapter 15: This story was beautiful :'o I really hope they'll reconcile one day like this too!
Thank you for sharing it with us ^^ It really tugged on my heartstrings T^T Lets hope for the best for both EXO and Kris <3
forever18 #8
Chapter 15: I really appreciate your story chingu~ really really thankyou for you
Kris is my bias, along with tao and when I found out about kristao couple, I really love both of them because they really cute and remind me with me and my best friend or with my little sister whenever I see their brotherly act on air XD
also I see them like I see sisterly relationship between jung sister
I love them, kristao, because they love each other, a very good older and little brother

And the rumor yeah it was really affected me, I cried a lot for 2 days in my room, lucky I live alone far away from my family because of my study, because if not, they will probably yelling at me and said if I act like an immatured and weird for 18 yo girl ahahhahahaahah

I love your story chingu, it feels like healing words for me although I know for sure your store is fictional one but yeah I am still clinging to my hope, my little hope ;')

But I only wish the best for them so . . . Yeah just like frozen, just let it go wkkwk

When I was reading this story chingu, I also listening to exo sad and ballad song like baby dont cry ahhahaha so it was a bit make a "perfect environment" ahahhaha

And I LOVE this story
ganbatte ne~
Yumi_desu #9
Chapter 15: Thanks for your story :)) I really enjoy to read it, i thinks this story helps a lot of exotic :((
Chapter 14: ahh~ it's a really really great!!! TT.TT