
You Can't Sit With Us!

"Wait.. So you want me to sit with them?" Zitao groaned, leaning his head against the bathroom mirror. 

"Yes. You're going to sit with them, and then we'll all hang out at Chen's house and--"

"My parents are getting the house redone, there's like people everywhere all day long." Chen commented, as he fixed his hair in the mirror next to Tao.

"Alright, then we'll go to Xiumin's house and you'll tell us all the terrible things that prick Kris says." Baekhyun grinned wickedly as he touched up his eyeliner.

"Actually, Kris seems like a really nice guy." Zitao shrugged, remembering that the blonde had told Sehun off for him.

"Wu Yifan is not a 'nice guy'! He's a wolf in sheep's skin! He ruined my life!" Baekhyun snapped throwing a balled up napkin in Tao's direction. 

"He's good at acting like Mr. Posh-and-Proper, but in reality he's kind of a jerk." Xiumin shrugged, leaning against the wall.

"Why do you hate him so badly?" 


"Kris, it's like you've made it your life's goal to hate him.." Tao explained, washing his hands.

"Yes, and your point is?"

"My point is; why? Why do you hate him so much?"

"When we were twelve Kris made up a rumor that Baekhyun was--"

"Xiumin! Can we not bring up the past?" Baekhyun hissed, glaring at the eldest of the group.

"Just, look I hate him. But it isn't about that, just think of this as like.. Like a social experiment." Baekhyun explained, running his fingers quickly though his hair. 

"All you've got to do is hang out with them, and just try to fit in." Chen smiled at his reflection, moving to stand with Xiumin. 

"What in the world would I even talk about with them?"

"I don't know, hair products and shoes?" Baekhyun suggested.

"TVXQ?" Xiumin shrugged.

"Is that like.. A band?" Tao asked a bit confused.

"He's hopeless!" Chen whined, covering his face with his hand.

"He's not, hopeless. He'll do fine!" Baekhyun assured, patting Zitao's back.

"Fine I'll do it.. But they want me to wear leather." He sighed, thinking about what he'd  wear.


Walking home, Zitao couldn't help but feel a bit relieved. He'd survived a full day at school and had only embarrassed himself twice. 

Sighing contently, he walked up the front steps of his home, the door swinging open at the sound of his footsteps.

"Zitao! You're home!" Zhou Mi clapped excitedly, his arms flying around his son to hold him tightly as he pestered the sixteen year old to tell him about his day.

"Mama!" Zitao whined childishly, pushing the man away from him as he threw his backpack on the floor. 

"I'm sorry TaoTao, I'm just so happy you're home!" His mother smiled, excitedly clapping his hands. Sometimes Zitao didn't know if his mother was raising him, or he was raising his mother. "I just want you to tell me all about your day!" He added, excitedly leading his son to the couch.

"It was just school, mama." Zitao groaned rolling his eyes. As he was seated on the black leather piece of furniture. 

"Still I want to hear about it. Did you make friends? Did you like your classes? Were the older kids mean to you?" Zhou Mi asked, all in one breath. 

Pondering the questions a moment, Zitao answered them in record time, "Yes, yes, and no." He replied, walking upstairs without a second thought.

"Zitao!" Zhou Mi pouted watching his son walk away from him. 

"I'll tell you more when papa gets home. I don't want to have to repeat myself." The teenager yelled down the stairs, before slamming his bedroom door. Honestly, he had bigger things to worry about. Like trying to find his leather pants in all the boxes he still had yet to unpack after moving. It was going to be a long night. 

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_queenyoona #1
Chapter 1: I love mean girls movie , keep going aurthornim
Victoriaaa_Pinkaaay #2
Chapter 4: On Wednesday, we wear leather OH MY GAWD
sehunxexoo #3
Chapter 6: Please update, this is interesting :'D
Chapter 6: LOL where is the "Get in loser! We're going shopping" thing XD I love that part and that Luhan (grecthen) screaming "You can't sit with us!!!" that's gonna be hilarious XDD
Chapter 6: i love this even more omfg. please PLEASE keep writing it!!!
MinSeung_Ra #6
interesting.. :)
Story is awesome^^
Please update soon.:)
Chapter 5: owo i love this. please keep it going
Chapter 4: This is soo nice omg omg continue pleasee!!
Chapter 2: Omg this' gonna be so cool! Fighting!