
You Can't Sit With Us!

"So, Zitao, what brings you here to SM?" Xiumin questioned, as the trio led the naïve newcomer towards the open field behind the school. 

"My dad got a job teaching choir at the university he used to go to here in Seoul, so here I am." Zitao replied shrugging his shoulders as he skeptically looked around at his surroundings. 

"Oh, so you're new here in Seoul?" Baekhyun questioned as he scanned the area for a quiet place to sit themselves.

Zitao nodded in response, continuing to look around, something about following the trio didn't feel right, and he just had to ask, "Uhm, where's the journalism room?" 

The three boys exchanged glances before laughing. 

"Oh Peach, you're not going to journalism today." Chen chuckled, pulling the raven-haired teen to sit beside him. 

"Uhm, my name's Tao."

"Well, I'm gonna call you, Peach." 

"O-okay." Tao nodded, looking towards the gymnasium doors as the flew open. "What if we get caught?" 

"By Coach Siwon? You really think he'd tell? Oh how cute." Baekhyun chuckled wrapping an arm around the cautious boy.

"Besides, we're your friends. Why would we get you in trouble?" 

Well, that made sense, and he could use the friends anyway, so Zitao allowed a goofy smile to grace his lips as he looked at the three friends he'd newly acquired. Another point to cross off his public school check list.

"Oh my good Baekhyun, get a look at Zhang Yixing's gym clothes." Chen scoffed, pointing towards a thin boy as he absent-mindedly followed a passing butterfly, the sleeves of his tank top sliding down his shoulder exposing most of his chest.

"Has he no shame? He could at least try to wear clothes." Xiumin chuckled looking up and down at the boy's outfit. 

"And of course, all of the China Line ended up in the same gym class." Baekhyun frowned rolling his carefully lined eyes. 

"Who're the China Line?" Tao asked innocently, continuing to let his eyes follow the scandalously dressed brunette. 

"They're like.. Legendary. If the school paper was a gossip magazine they'd always be on the cover!" Chen explained, looking for the other two boys.

"There's three of them, and they're like perfect." Xiumin added, pointing towards the brunette they'd first spotted. "That's Zhang Yixing, he's kind of an airhead, but we think it's because he doesn't understand Korean well. Honestly he's the nicest of the three." 

"I was in his dance class last year, he completely spaced out and forgot his name." Chen chuckled, watching as Yixing clumsily tripped over thin air and stayed laying in the grass. 

"And that little one, with the doe eyes, that's Lu Han." Baekhyun chimed in, pointing towards a pale boy with dirty blonde hair, shaking his head in disapproval as he moved to help Yixing off the ground.

"Don't let his innocent looks fool you, he knows everything about everyone." 

"And he's totally rich because his dad invented bubble tea." 

"But that tall one, watch out for him, he's pure evil. He's like, the incarnation of everything bad in the world; Wu Yifan, but don't ever call him that he'll bury you alive, he prefers Kris. He may seem like your typical spoiled rich kid, but he's so much more than that." Baekhyun sneered, pointing to the blonde that stood looking at himself in the reflection of his cellphone screen.

"He speaks like four languages, he's from Canada, and he's totally flawless." Chen contributed to the conversation.

"He's the alpha male, the other two are just his little followers." Xiumin said standing up with his backpack.

"Beware the China Line." Baekhyun warned.

"Wait, but aren't you Chinese?" Chen questioned, as he scribbled in his notebook.

"Yeah, from Qingdao." Zitao confirmed, bending his head back to look at the sky.

Baekhyun, Chen, and Xiumin continued to talk amongst themselves, boring little things that didn't interest Zitao at all. Not that he minded it allowed him to daydream until the bell rang signaling the end off class. 

"Well that's our cue, let's get out of here." Baekhyun announced hopping to his feet, Xiumin and Tao following suit as they began to walk off.

"Hey Tao, wait." Chen called, as he gathered his things.


"Take this." The shorter male smiled, sliding a piece of paper into his hand before walking off.

"What is it?" The panda questioned, watching Chen catch up to the other two students.

"A survival guide, use it!" 


Zitao didn't quite understand why he'd need a survival guide, but nevertheless he'd slipped it into his pocket and went on his way, he'd have to remember to thank Chen later. All that mattered right now was his math class, because math was something he was good at, math was something he could do backwards in his sleep with both hands behind his back, nothing could trip him up in math. 

"Zitao, I didn't realize I'd have you in my calculus class!" Joonmyeon smiled as he saw the raven-haired boy slip through the door.

Zitao smiled politely as a silent greeting to his teacher and walked towards the only free desk near the back of the class. Taking a quick look around, he was able to confirm that no one in this class had seen his earlier blunder and comfortably began to take out his notebook and pencil case, ready to begin the lesson.

"Hey, can I borrow a pen?" 

The question came as a shock to the sixteen year old, a jolt of electricity ran through his veins when his eyes met with the gentle chocolate brown orbs that currently were locked on to his own deep mocha brown ones. His voice was soothingly deep; velvety. Something that he wouldn't mind hearing repeatedly for the rest of his life. And that's why he sat there, gazing into his eyes like a lovesick puppy for longer than he'd anticipated.

"Uhmm, is that a no?" 

"What? No, no sorry. Here you go." Tao blushed as he fumbled around through his pencil case, handing the other boy the first pen he grabbed.

"Alright, thanks.."

"Tao. My names, Tao."

"Well thanks, Tao." He grinned.

The grin was slightly creepy, but it wasn't off putting. If anything it was something Tao welcomed, smiling back sweetly as he replied.

"You're welcome.. I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."

"Chanyeol. Park Chanyeol."

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_queenyoona #1
Chapter 1: I love mean girls movie , keep going aurthornim
Victoriaaa_Pinkaaay #2
Chapter 4: On Wednesday, we wear leather OH MY GAWD
sehunxexoo #3
Chapter 6: Please update, this is interesting :'D
Chapter 6: LOL where is the "Get in loser! We're going shopping" thing XD I love that part and that Luhan (grecthen) screaming "You can't sit with us!!!" that's gonna be hilarious XDD
Chapter 6: i love this even more omfg. please PLEASE keep writing it!!!
MinSeung_Ra #6
interesting.. :)
Story is awesome^^
Please update soon.:)
Chapter 5: owo i love this. please keep it going
Chapter 4: This is soo nice omg omg continue pleasee!!
Chapter 2: Omg this' gonna be so cool! Fighting!