#65 A Moment in Time

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There’s something in the way you look at me; tenderly, gently, with something I cannot quite describe with words and phrases only.

Sometimes you watch me for a little too long, making me squirm uncomfortably—a weirdly pleasant feeling rises, one that makes my heart pounds faster against my chest and the butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

A moment in time.

When my eyes catch yours, it feels like the world is frozen—I drown in the deep black pools of your orbs, incapable of logic and with breath hitching in my throat.

Just a split second for me to finally understand what it is, what actually makes my cheeks burn and my lips curl into an inexplicable smile every single time I feel your presence nearby.

Just a moment in time.

Finally I am able to put a name on your longing gaze, the four letter word that holds a meaning beyond its simplicity, something too heavy for us to bear in this world—but still we stare into each other’s soul with mutual understanding.

And suddenly nothing else matters but this fragile connection, as if the earth stop spinning just for us two—we are floating inside this little bubble of us, up in the air against gravity, outside of all the scientific ration.

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Nerochoco #1
Chapter 19: I miss you so much author-nim :))) I love angst, but still hope for some fluffly, pink and cute things~
rinonori #2
Chapter 19: No matter how good it is, I don't like angst (sigh..... why cannot I have all the fluffy things in my fantasy world?? Life is already challenging... I need my happy pills of ricsung)
esluve #3
Chapter 18: Hyesung' body doesnt lie kkkkkk
esluve #4
Chapter 17: hyesung being So sweet his mind blown away by eric love hehehe
Chapter 18: Kyaaaaaaa.....cuteeee
Eric mungkin yah yg ngajarin Hyesung cara buat seaweed soup pas bwt bahan Hyesung pas broadcast vlive kkkk
feelgyo #6
Chapter 17: kyaaaaaaaaa~~~~ ige mwoyaaa???? *senyamsenyumsendiri(3S)*
I dunno Hyesung can be the cheesy one someday. Pffttttt...

and here I am, I thought you'd made Eric said his favorite color was green, but turn out it's blue. XD
awww, jenjennn please make an update for chapter 16 *kedip2genit* XDD
effemm #7
Chapter 16: Chapter 16: This is just a start, right? =)))) Chapter 15&16 are really good, u could make it into a fic by itself! great stories u have here, authornim. Keep up the good work! Cant wait for Chapter 16 cont :)
feelgyo #8
Chapter 16: Awww Jen, why you stop there? I'm still craving for more, this is a 'start', remember? XD #greedyreader
esluve #9
Chapter 15: Your story always so so so #$%%&&#$ i dont even know how to described ...the feeling is so deep....+_+
Mr.Mun & Mr.Shin = nice to meet you.....**_**
Thanks for this great story :))))) hv a nice day...fighting XD
feelgyo #10
Chapter 15: *gasp* akhirnya namanya ketauan jg! XD
Mr. Shin, Mr. Mun, you should continue your 'love' to another level :3
Jen jen, bittersweet bgt sih cerita kamu, but thanks for sharing yaaa~ :D