#42 Start

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It was awkward, their first meeting under daylight.

They were supposed to meet only under the dim lights, keeping themselves carefully hidden in the shadows. They were not supposed to meet outside the nights they spent together in odd hotel rooms—heck, they were not supposed to meet after the first time. I have been careless, they both thought as their eyes met for a second before they both looked away. They were protected from each other by not knowing—there was security behind anonymity, but they lost that today.

"Hyesung-ah," his colleague's sharp elbow nudged his ribs painfully, "Your greetings!" how the guy managed to shout in whispers, he could never understand.

"A-ah. Yes..." he stuttered. "N-nice to meet you, Mr. M-mun..." he could feel his colleague's questioning stare piercing him. "My name is..." he hesitated, "...Shin Hyesung."

"Likewise, nice to meet you Mr. Shin. I'm Mun Junghyuk," he was unexpectedly calm, although his eyes did betray his amusement at seeing the other being so nervous.

He looked up from this fixed stare on the floor with slight annoyance—how could the stranger... No. Mr. Mun. How could Mr. Mun be so calm after meeting him when he stuttered like a fool? But when he was greeted by the other's dark eyes, he averted his away once again.

"The project manager? He turns out to be the more-than-one-night-stand partner you recently gush a lot about?" his friend raised his left eyebrow, asking with blatant curiosity.

"Yeah," Eric massaged his temples. Despite looking like the textbook example of zen on their meeting that afternoon, he was actually pretty shocked to see that man right in front of him—under the bright lights of his office building, as clear as the day.

"Huh. Surprising," Minwoo—his friend—mumbled while tapping his fingers on the polished wooden desk that separated the two of them.

"What is?" he asked, leaning back on his chair and closing his eyes.

"That the dude has a proper day job," Minwoo chuckled. "Based on your description of him in bed, I was half-convinced that he works, you know, at night. And therefore I was going to suggest that you check for STDs," the shorter man only grinned when he saw his friend opened his eyes to shoot him a glare. "On second thought, I think you still need to test for STDs—he might not be a e, but you are still a manwhore."

"Just because you started dating someone special a couple months ago, now you think that you are about to be canonized for your shining and exemplary spotless chastity eh? As if you're any better than me," he grumbled.

"Past is past. Now I'm a proud and loyal boyfriend," he replied cheerfully, eyes disappearing into his smile.

Eric snorted. Indeed, his trusty wingman decided to quit sleeping around after he found himself a lover—a simple and honest man with bright twinkling eyes, equipped with more than alive sense of adventure, a strict healthy-living regimen and DSLR camera hanging around his neck. He was a surprising choice for Minwoo, but he had to admit that the two kinda suited each other in a weird way. Or maybe it was their matching height that made him think that way—he mocked them internally.

"Our Minwoo dare to speak about loyalty now? I am amazed," he exaggeratedly put his hand above his heart, his big eyes widening even more in mock-surprise.

Minwoo's eyes narrowed again, in irritation this time, "Are you insinuating what I think you are...?"

"You do have a lot of -friends in your contact. Make your own conclusion," Eric smirked, remembering the long list of names and numbers in his friend's phone—some of which he had shared with him.

"For your information, I deleted them all," Minwoo said, getting up out of his chair. "And just because you are incapable of finding love, doesn't mean that I am too," he continued before slamming the door close.

"The CEO is the man you keep sleeping with, hyung?" his eyes were round in a comical way, and Hyesung would usually smile at that but he couldn't right now.

"Yeah... How should I act Jin-ah? This is so embarassing," he groaned, hiding his face in his hands. "I knew it was a bad idea... I should have kept it at one night as usual... What have I done... Why did I...? But I..." he groaned louder, hiding his face in his arms on the table.

"You couldn't help it," Junjin answered with a surprisingly even voice. "Hyung... Maybe... This is a sign...?"

Hyesung lifted his head up off the table and glanced at the younger man, "If you are thinking what I think you are thinking, the answer is I don't think so..."

"But..." Junjin bit his lower lip, "But... I have told you that I think that what you constantly have been doing is not good hyung," he explained patiently. "Maybe... I am not telling you how to live your life but maybe... You should try? Maybe if it isn't with this guy... With someone else maybe?"

"Jin-ah... That's a lot of maybes," Hyesung laughed softly, shaking his head. "I'm not like you, I'm not cut out for a so-called relationship... And I am content with how I live now," he added with a sad smile thrown in.

"Liar," Junjin mumbled lowly.

"Sorry, what did you s

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Nerochoco #1
Chapter 19: I miss you so much author-nim :))) I love angst, but still hope for some fluffly, pink and cute things~
rinonori #2
Chapter 19: No matter how good it is, I don't like angst (sigh..... why cannot I have all the fluffy things in my fantasy world?? Life is already challenging... I need my happy pills of ricsung)
esluve #3
Chapter 18: Hyesung' body doesnt lie kkkkkk
esluve #4
Chapter 17: hyesung being So sweet his mind blown away by eric love hehehe
Chapter 18: Kyaaaaaaa.....cuteeee
Eric mungkin yah yg ngajarin Hyesung cara buat seaweed soup pas bwt bahan Hyesung pas broadcast vlive kkkk
feelgyo #6
Chapter 17: kyaaaaaaaaa~~~~ ige mwoyaaa???? *senyamsenyumsendiri(3S)*
I dunno Hyesung can be the cheesy one someday. Pffttttt...

and here I am, I thought you'd made Eric said his favorite color was green, but turn out it's blue. XD
awww, jenjennn please make an update for chapter 16 *kedip2genit* XDD
effemm #7
Chapter 16: Chapter 16: This is just a start, right? =)))) Chapter 15&16 are really good, u could make it into a fic by itself! great stories u have here, authornim. Keep up the good work! Cant wait for Chapter 16 cont :)
feelgyo #8
Chapter 16: Awww Jen, why you stop there? I'm still craving for more, this is a 'start', remember? XD #greedyreader
esluve #9
Chapter 15: Your story always so so so #$%%&&#$ i dont even know how to described ...the feeling is so deep....+_+
Mr.Mun & Mr.Shin = nice to meet you.....**_**
Thanks for this great story :))))) hv a nice day...fighting XD
feelgyo #10
Chapter 15: *gasp* akhirnya namanya ketauan jg! XD
Mr. Shin, Mr. Mun, you should continue your 'love' to another level :3
Jen jen, bittersweet bgt sih cerita kamu, but thanks for sharing yaaa~ :D