
Chapter 1
Chapter 1

"Did you know ? Jaemin, from class 2-D plans on confessing to Yuna during the lunch break on the rooftop!" a girl whispered to her group of friends who listened keenly. Typical teen girls, you could name them as. 

"Oh my! That guy must be crazy, hasn't he heard about the rumors ?" another girl replied loudly, gathering the class's attention. Soon word spread like fire and the loud chatters of the students filled the room. 

"I wonder what will happen to him ?" said one of the guys in class while tilting his head as if he was in deep thought. "What a pity ! he was actually pretty cute..." a girl voiced out her outrageous concern as  her finger tips played with her thick brown curls. Another swam of girls seemed to agree as they pitied the boy who would soon be involved in something dangerous. 

At the back of the class  which was pretty much deserted,  a guy with shinning black hair with a tint of purple smirked as he continued to listen to the humorous gossip that seemed to interest those peasants. In his eyes, the girls who sworn over those pretty boys seemed more pitiful.  His eyes scanned each and every person in the class. He had a cold look on his face and looked distant. If it weren't for his cold personality, he would have been really popular. He soon lost interest in the so called gossip and stared emptily at the books placed over his desk, drowned in his own thoughts. A few seconds passed and he remained at his posture.

"Yuna is not even that pretty. She's probably had plastic surgery and stuff." A skinny girl with glasses remarked like she had known Yuna.
The male's body jerked and his lips twitched in annoyance at the mention of his beloved, Yuna.  He scoffed and glared at that girl, a frown evident on his face. 

How dare they talk about Yuna like that ? He clenched his jaws, trying not to shout at the female who was involved in the little chit chat the class was having. The burning anger died down when he was distracted by a message. The slight vibration of the phone could be felt over the soft fabric of his pocket. His hands moved towards the tiny slit of the pocket and  took it out. He stared at it for a while before he proceeded to read the message sent by an all too familiar person. He quickly typed a reply.



@Crow - Oh God, that Jaemin guy is getting on my nerves.. He thinks he's all that, i can't wait to hurt him. I'll make sure to break his bones.

@Dove - Too bad, i also wanted to break his bones. Can i do it this time ?

@Crow - No way. It's my turn.

@Dove - Fine. There is this annoying girl in my class who had talked bad about our Yuna just now. 

@Crow - Really ? How dare she talk bad about our Goddess ? Wait, i'll come there right now. 



He sighed and placed the phone in its rightful place again. 

Tick tock.. Tick tock... 

The clock's silent medley was not audible due the overpowering voices of the students. He stared at the clock with curious eyes and reminisced about the first time he had met Yuna...

It was a cold winter day. Little drops of frozen water fell from the cup of the sky, contrasting the surroundings with its pure white shade. It was the first time he had stepped inside the school building. Being a transfer student was going to be hectic, he thought. His cold eyes wandered around the new school building. It was all the same, girls screaming over the so called flower boys, some minding their own business, boys fooling around... It was all the same. 

As he walked to the main hall of the school, something caught his interest. His eyes fell on a tall, pretty girl with dark black eyes and straight brown hair. Her eyelashes were long and her lips were pink with a tint of red. She was the epitome of beauty. A Goddess...

She stared at the clock that was let to hang on the top of the wall with an amused look. Her eyes followed every tiny movement the clock made. Its handle moving perfectly in a precise manner. He wondered what was so interesting about the clock that she had stared at it for so long. 

He wondered... and wondered... and wondered... 

His eye lids threatened to fall and soon enough, he gave in. He soon drifted off to wonderland. Before he could enjoy the wonderful feeling of peace, someone smacked the dizzy boy from behind. A short girl with big eyes and pink lips sat besides him. She whirled her blonde hair with what seemed like a pen and smiled at him. 

"Seems like Prince charming is thinking of our Goddess again.. " She said with an annoying voice that made the male cringe. He gave her a cold stare and snickered in annoyance. Even if it was the truth, he didn't want to admit it. She returned the same cold stare and let her eyes wander around the classroom. Suddenly her eyes went to the crowd of students who were busy talking about  Yuna. She smirked as she gave him a knowing look. 

"So.. who's that who badmouthed Yuna ?" 

He narrowed his eyes towards the skinny girl and quietly whispered her name.  

"Well, looks like i will have to deal with another person today." She said as she took out a small yet shape knife under the desk. A smirk slowly making its way to her lips.


"Yuna, I have always liked you." the person before me said. Its been long since someone even had the guts to confess to me. Before i could reply, he continued on with his confession. 

"I don't care about those rumors ! They are just unfortunate coincidences...." He exclaimed with a loud voice. 

"I don't care if your cursed, that misfortune follows you around and every person who gets involved with you gets hurt. Those words are too much !" He half shouted. Somehow i was glad when i heard his confession. It made me a little bit happy. But i couldn't accept it, i can't afford to have another person get hurt because of me. At first, i had thought that theses were coincidences, but they weren't. Every person who had ever confessed to me, had gotten into an accident. Rumors started to spread. Soon those rumors became true.

I looked into his eyes that were filled with hope. My fists tightened and i cleared my throat. Silence engulfed us for a moment before i parted my mouth to reply to his confession. 

"I'm sorry but i don't want another person getting hurt because of me." I replied and turned to the exit of the rooftop. But he grabbed my wrist, turning me around and pulled me towards him. His eyes that were once filled with hope were now filled with hurt and rejection. I felt my heart become heavier. He sighed and looked straight into my eyes. 

"Yuna, i don't care if anything happens to me. I love you and i will wait for you to accept me. I will try not to get into any unfortunate accident so that somehow i can prove to you and everyone else, that you are not cursed." 

Not cursed ? What a joke.. 

A bittersweet feeling had made its way to my heart... 




I hope you read the chapter with caution since i had hinted a few things. 

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Chapter 3: It is confusing but I'm really looking forward to the next chapter :)
Could you please capitalize the letter 'I'. It looks really unprofessional (kinda stupid too...)
Chapter 2: NICE ONE!